Chapter 7

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Tubby’s P.O.V I arrived home at around 7 pm and I was exhausted. Shopping with a gay guy is the most tiring and irritating thing in the world. I mean we went from boutique to boutique, tailor to tailor, shoe store to f*****g shoe store and we went to each one twice just because he felt he had missed something or he needed to compare something else or he forgot to ask something! Ugh, Beau was so lucky that he is one of my best friends, that d**k! My feet are sore, my head is aching, my back is stiff and I feel like I’m about to die. All that walking is not good for my health I tell you. I sighed, getting out of my car. I locked it and leaned against it for a minute or two. I guess I can’t really complain because we got some stuff for me while we were out. That and Beau dresses me like 85% of the time but in my defense, he insists that straight guys can’t dress themselves properly. I pushed myself off the side of my car sighing again and began walking towards the door of my house. Something caught my eye as I walked up to the front door. A car…but not one that belongs to anyone in my family. I shrugged. We must be having a guest over for dinner. Ugh, I don’t have the energy to entertain guests right now. I walked up the stairs and stepped on the porch. I saw a sleeping figure on the sofa we have on the porch. I slowly and cautiously walked up to the mysterious figure and poked it quickly and then retreated. What? You never know who it could be! The figure stirred and groaned but did not awaken. I reached out slowly again, tapped it and then retracted my hand quickly. Again the figure stirred. I retrieved my phone from my pocket and shone the dim light it emitted on the sleeping figure. Matt Pavarotti? Gosh, this guy really doesn’t quit huh? “MATTHEW PAVAROTTI!!!!” I yelled into his ear. He jerked awake and looked around frantically before his eyes landed on me and he calmed down. He stretched and yawned. I shot him a questioning look and crossed my arms over my chest. “Hey” he said tiredly and yawned again. “What are you doing here, Pavarotti?” I asked irritated “Well, since you don’t answer my texts and the only time you talk to me properly is when I’m at your house, I figured that I should come by and make an appointment with you to hang out tomorrow.” He said kind of sarcastically “I don’t know, Pavarotti” I mumbled unsurely “Please. I came all this way and I’ve been waiting for plus minus 2 hours just to ask you to hang out with me. I thought you said we could be friends.” he whined “I know I did but still… I don’t trust you, Pavarotti” I turned my back to him and looked into the darkness. “You and I have never been so much as distant friends …not even civil so why would I just trust you just because you claim to like me. I’m not stupid, Pavarotti, and I don’t trust easily” He grabbed my hand and turned me around to look at him “Give me a chance to prove that you can trust me. I want to be your friend and maybe some day more but I understand if it can never be more. Just give me the chance. You have to meet me half way…Please.” He said softly. I looked into his electrifying eyes and I couldn’t bring myself to say no. “Fine” I begrudgingly accepted sighing. “After school….at around 4.30?” His face lit up with relief and he smiled that signature Matt smile and nodded quickly. “So what do you want to do? We can do anything you like” he said excitedly. I rolled my eyes. “Surprise me” I answered dryly. I opened the door and took a step in. “Goodbye, Pavarotti” I said signaling that he should leave. “B-bye, Tubby” he murmured “Sleep well” With that he left for the night. I have a feeling that I’m going to be seeing a lot of that guy from now on. But I don’t have a good feeling about it. I shook my head and went to my bedroom. I need to stop being paranoid, it’s probably nothing. He just wants to be my friend. The question is: Why? I do very well in school but he could get any other smart guy to tutor him and he would have just asked straight up, so that’s not it. He can’t possibly like me like me because I have seen his taste and let me tell you I’m FAR from what he would normally date. I’m not popular at school so he can’t be using me for that. It could be the college party thing but something is telling me I’m wrong about that. But damn it, what the hell is it? What does, the one and only, Matthew Pavarotti want from me? I yawned and decided that I really don’t care right now. It’s not worth losing sleep over. I took off all my clothes except my boxers and climbed into bed. I could figure Matt out another time. I lie down and fell asleep almost instantly. * Tubby’s P.O.V I can’t believe I’m doing this. I stood in my mirror after showering, straightening my hair and getting dressed in casual clothes. I had decided on dark jeans, a white v-neck top, a white studded belt and white Tims. My hair was flat against my face swept to the left, covering my right eye slightly. I sighed and checked to see if I looked fine for the tenth time. My bedroom door burst open and Beau walked in like the supermodel that he should be. He looked me up and down then grinned widely. “Oh, Tubby baby, you look divine. I see I have taught you well… so where are you going looking like a super-fly b***h?” Beau teased. “Yo, Tubz my b***h, wha---” Candy walked in and smiled before biting her lip “Where are you going looking so fine, mofo?” she asked smiling. I rolled my eyes at both of them. “I ALWAYS look super-fly bitches” I said to my two best friends. “I’m not going anywhere special. I’m just going to the mall to hang out with my new ‘friend’ Matt” I continued in a bored tone. The tone was just a façade that I hoped they wouldn’t see through. There were butterflies in my tummy and I felt like I was about to puke from the nerves. I was nervous and I had to look perfect. I don’t know why, I don’t care what Pavarotti thinks of me. But I had a feeling that something important would happen today. Maybe I would meet the girl of my dreams today. “Hmmm, not important, ey? Then why are you nervous?” Beau asked innocently trailing his finger across the length of my shoulders. “I’m not nervous, Beau” “Yes. You. Are.” He answered “You have been looking at yourself in the mirror for the past 5 minutes, you keep checking the time and you keep touching your tummy, presumably, trying to calm the butterflies?” Damn he’s good. “Okay, so I’m nervous, sue me. This guy is unpredictable and I don’t trust him. Anything could happen. This could all be a trick. I don’t want to be humiliated in public.” I sighed “Or – and I’m just spit-balling here – he actually wants to be your friend and luvah” Candy giggled “Candy cane, I’m straight and I’ve made this clear to him, okay” I snorted and rolled my eyes “Are you sure?” “Yes” “Really?” “Yah” “Then say it” “What?” “That you’re straight” “I’m straight –” I said confidently “- -ish” I conceded. “I knew it, but don’t worry Tubz, you will be fine and Beau will kick his ass if he embarrasses you in any way” Candy assured me “What? I just heard my name and I was like whaaaaa” Beau looked up from the mirror and at Candy and I. “You’re gonna beat Matt up if he embarrasses Tubby right?” she repeated “Heeeelll no… but I do have a… friend that could help out with that” he said smiling. I laughed at Beau… He is ridiculous. * I rounded the corner of the third floor of the mall on my way to the barestaurant that I was supposed to meet Matt at. This is it. I’m going to find out what he really wants today. I took a deep breath and entered ‘Nice’. I looked around and I saw Matt talking to a huge muscular guy. He looked frightened but spoke in angry defiance. The guy grabbed Matt and kissed him. I stood there with my eyes wide and mouth agape. Matt tried hard to push him off but his efforts were all in vain. He pushed and pounded but the guy didn’t move he just kept roughly kissing Matt. I saw a tear slide down Matt’s cheek and I cursed under my breath. I walked up to them and cleared my throat. The man didn’t budge, he just kept kissing Matt but Matt looked at me with teary eyes. I pushed the guy off of Matt and glared at him. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked in a deadly tone. “I’m kissing this little b***h” he answered with a smirk “Now f**k off.” “Well you must be the b***h if you have to push yourself of someone to get a kiss. So how about you f**k off, or better yet f**k on someone else. You act like a p***y… go find yourself a d**k to fuck.” I retorted with my arms crossed. He straightened up and got all up in my face. I could smell his sweaty armpits and the beer on his already stale breath. I scrunched up my face into a look of disgust. He narrowed his eyes at me then asked “Who the f**k do you think you are, fatso?” “I don’t have to think who I am, I know who I am. And it’s Tubby, not fatso you pea brained over sized sofa, but that’s Mr. Vagner to you.” I hissed. “Oh, you want to act like a man. Well lets do this” “Yeaaah, no thanks, I prefer the female gender and if I did prefer males, you” I looked him up and down and pursed my lips “wouldn’t be one of them so sorry but please go find another d**k to mess with” I smirked “I’m going to make you pay—” “Actually, if anything I should make you pay me for actually wasting my breath on the low life scum you are.” He threw a punch at me and I easily dodged it and delivered a hard blow to his gut. He groaned but straightened up and tried to kick me but I blocked that too and kicked him in the face. I started jerking and bobbing my head just to piss him off. “Ooooh what you saying now?” I teased still jerking. I threw my hands up and started moving them in weird patters. “Do you know how to jerk, jerk? Teach me how to jerk” I jerked along to the beat in my head and suddenly ‘teach me how to jerk’ started playing. As soon as he got up I punched him in the face while jerking. I kicked him in the ribs while he was on the floor. We fought and fought and he got some good blows in, if I’m completely honest, but luckily for HIM – none to the face. I wasn’t known as Pitt Bull Tubz for nothing. I was punching him on the face repeatedly when then mall police came and ruined the fun. I was hauled to my feet and held back while he was escorted out. Hmph, please what a loser thinking he can face me? Psssht oh puh-leaze. Did I mention I fight really well? Yeah, it’s necessary at college parties…trust me. I saw some girls watching me so I bobbed my head and winked. They blushed and giggled and I gave them my award-winning dimpled smile. They came up to me we started jerking together. There are no words needed in the language of dance. We danced till the song ended and by the end of the song I had 4 new numbers and 2 kisses on each cheek. I smiled and waved them off. Matt was sitting there with a pained and remorseful expression on his face. s**t! I forgot about him. I rubbed his back and moved my chair next to his at the table. “Are you okay?” I asked him softly “Y-y-ye-yeah” he stuttered. He cleared his throat and looked at me. “I-I’m s-so s-s-sorry y-you h-had t-to g-get i-involved i-in t-that. I shouldn’t have been such a p***y” he stuttered and looked away. “Pavarotti” I called his name but he didn’t look at me “Pavarotti, look at me” he shook his head. “Matt” I said softly “Look at me” He turned his head and looked at me. His eyes were glazed over with unshed tears. This guy must have really scared him. Dios, he looked so scared and vulnerable. I felt a tug at my heart. “You don’t have to apologize; he was a little piece of s**t that got what he deserved. Besides, that was the exercise that my doctor has been begging me to do so that it’s I’m done for the year, so Thank you. Plus - I had fun.” I smiled. He offered a small smile. “Thank you, Tubby…so much. Not many of my so called friends would do that. Thank you so much.” He smiled at me. Our eyes locked and for a solid 43 seconds I couldn’t rip my eyes away from his electrifying ones. They are so beautiful and hold so much emotion and sincerity that I felt my heart tug again. But after those 43 seconds, I forced myself to look away. I stood up and held my hand out. “Let’s go to the movies… this place has lost its appeal.” I smiled down at him; he returned the gesture and took my hand. I felt those little electrical shocks that felt so nice. I looked at our hands, pulled him up and gently pulled my hand out of his. We went to the movies and couldn’t decide what we should watch. We got into a little argument about whether to watch Freddy vs Jason or some romantic comedy. I wanted to watch ‘Freddy vs Jason’ but he wanted to watch the romantic comedy. ‘Freddy vs Jason’ is an awesome movie even though I have seen it a million and one times, besides, I’m sure he’s seen this romantic comedy and even if he hasn’t – they are all pretty much the same. But Pavarotti being Pavarotti whined and whined and then resorted to blackmail. That little devil. He placed his hand over his heart and started shouting “But baby! Why don’t you want to watch a romantic comedy with me? It’s our anniversary! Can’t you just do this one thing to make me happy? You said that this was my day but now you don’t want to watch it! Whyyyyyyy!!!” he whined with fake tears in his eyes. I grit my teeth “Pavarotti, don’t you dare” I growled but he just wailed louder “Pavarotti, stop making a scene” “Don’t you love me anymore, huh baby?” he whined loudly. People were starting to stare at us. “Pavarotti” I warned in a low voice. “Baaayyyybbbeee…. Please” he fake sobbed. People started glaring at me and saying stuff like ‘what a d**k’ and ‘poor guy, got a lame boyfriend’ “Pavarotti, get up now” I muttered angrily as he dropped to the floor sobbing into his palms. He just kept wailing and flailing his arms around as I tried to get him to stand up. “Dude, stop being a d**k and take your boyfriend to the damn movie he wants to see” some random girl said. There were a chorus of ‘yeah’-s and ‘just do it you d**k’-s. I ground my teeth and clicked my tongue. “Fine” I said angrily. “Yay! Thank you baby!” he yelled clapping his hands then wiping his FAKE tears. He jumped on me and kissed my cheek. I blushed and gently pushed him off. I was beyond furious at him for using the public to manipulate me! I sulked through the first half of the movie until I realized that this was actually a good movie and funny as hell. They made the most stupid mistakes when it came to their relationships. I found it hilarious but pathetic and I would have rather watched ‘Freddy vs Jason’ but Matt was so engrossed in it that it seemed he had forgotten about the incident at Nice. I was grateful for that because I don’t like seeing him like that. It’s disturbing. I looked at him sitting there with a stupid grin plastered on his face. He has an amazing profile. His slender nose, strong jaw and slightly plump lips all added to his amazing looks. He was pure Italian through and through. His looks all proved that; from hair to toe nail. He was just amazingly good looking. I mean I’m not gay but I can acknowledge when a guy is good looking. The movie ended on the normal cliché note… and why not? It is a romantic comedy after all. I yawned and got up. I stretched and started following the crowd out of the theatre with Matt just behind me. “I forgot to tell you how good you look today” Matt stated “Oh?” I quirked an eyebrow at him. “Yeah, you look really really really reeeaaaalllyyy hot.” He smiled “Well thanks. You look good too, but then again you must be used to hearing that” I laughed lightly. He chuckled along “Well, it’s normally along the lines of sexy, hot, beautiful….but good is cool too” he joked. We spent the rest of the day walking around, eating ice cream and just talking about life and things like that. I drove him home because he had come to the mall with Adam -- I think his name is. It was around 10 when we arrived at his house. I turned the engine off and sat back. “I, uh, had a great time” I told him sincerely “I had a great time too. Thank you…for everything but also for giving me a chance” he smiled and for the first time it didn’t look like that constipated smile he always has. It actually looked genuine. I smiled back. “Well, goodnight, Tubby” he leaned over and kissed me on each cheek. I sat there stunned and not moving but I could feel myself blushing. “Sorry, force of habit” he laughed looking slightly embarrassed “It’s, uh, all good. French do it too… just not as often.” I offered a small smile “Goodnight” He opened the door and was about to slide out when he turned back, leaned over and gave me tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. It felt so right to hug him… like he belonged in my arms. We stayed like that for a while before letting go of each other. I cleared my throat when he looked at me. He left the car and went inside. I waited a while to make sure he got inside with no problems. I heard shouting from the house; something about staying out this late on a school night but then it went into Italian. I laughed and the drove over to my own house where my Mama and Papa were waiting to scold me for the exact same thing. As soon as I walked through the door my mama attacked me with kisses and then started the lecture/scolding about how dangerous and unsafe the world is and about how I can’t stay out late. Soon after my papa joined in and it went on for a full 45 minutes before I was allowed to go to bed. Yeah, parents…gotta love them.
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