Chapter 6

1448 Words
Tubby’s P.O.V “So… I sent you a text and you never replied?” Matt’s voice sounded as he stood by my locker while I got the books I would need for homework. It was the end of the day and all I wanted was to go home and drink coke. “Yeah, I was busy” I answered simply and shrugged my shoulders casually. An annoyed look crossed his face but was quickly replaced with the tight smile I had grown accustomed to seeing him with. I’m beginning to think that he really smiles like that. Well, either that or he has some sort of deformity. “Well, uh, okay. I was wondering if you wanted to do something now…just for a few hours? Maybe we could go to my house and chill for a while?” he asked casually changing the subject. I contemplated his offer and was about to tell him that I can’t when Beau suddenly showed up wrapping his arm around my waist. “Bbbaaabbbyyy” Beau whined pouting up at me. I smiled down at my silly gay friend in all his gay glory. “Hey, Beau” I greeted him with a smile “I wanna go noooooowwww” he whined. Today we were supposed to go to the mall to pick out his new outfit for some formal party his parents were making him go to. I jerked my head towards Matt. Beau cleared his throat and straightened slightly. “Oh, Matt Pavarotti didn’t see you there. I’m Beau.” He said holding out his hand. Another irritated look crossed Matt’s face as he took Beau’s hand and shook it. “Pleasure meeting you” he said shortly and it didn’t sound guanine at all. You see what I mean? Fake ass mofo. “Well, Matt, I guess you have your answer then. I’m sorry but today I’m hanging with Beau.” I closed my locker and looked down at Beau “Let’s go, Bay-bee” I said laughing. “Bye, Matt” Beau called as we walked away. “You should have invited him to come with” Beau said as we got to my car. “Eh, what for?” “Well, the guy does want to hang out with you as a friend, right? So you should just go along with it.” “Nah, if he wants to be my friend, he is going to have to work for it.” I frowned. I’m not going to be friends with a guy I’ve never liked just like that. He has never shown me respect or adoration; not even civility. “But I didn’t have to work for it” Beau stated frowning. I laughed at his confused face. “Awww Beau, that’s coz you are special and I love you.” He smiled at that. “Yeah well what can I say…? I’m just awesome like that” he gloated. I just laughed and started driving towards the mall. * Matt’s P.O.V. “DAMN IT!!!” I cursed and punched the locker next to Tubby’s. I cradled my fist in my arm as the pain shot through it. I seem to be really swearing a lot lately, but in my defense I can’t help it. That Tubby makes me so angry; you wouldn’t even begin to understand. Why the hell does he keep rejecting me?! Me! Of all people in this world, me! Damn it! I’m Hot, I’m popular, my family is well off and I was voted the best person to be with 3 times in a row. Okay so maybe the last one is only in my head. But still! Ask anyone and they will tell you that I am the best person to be with! Doesn’t he see that it’s an honor for me to even talk to someone like him? Does he really not see that? I am the top of this school and he isn’t even on the chart. He is just a wall flower for goodness sake! And he dares to reject me! All I’m asking for is a few hours but no! He has to spend it with his stupid ugly retard of a boyfriend Beau. Okay fine, so maybe Beau isn’t ugly but he is in no way better than me! Besides he sees that stupid Beau everyday and he can’t just let him go home for one bloody afternoon? Ugh! People these days. They really don’t see their fortune. I shook my head and started walking to my car. When I got there I saw Adam standing there with a pissed off expression. I guess our moods match now. I should just go for him instead, I thought bitterly. I eyed Adam and tilted my head. There is no doubt that Adam is one fine specimen and anyone would be lucky to have such a sexy being. But he is my best friend and that would be weird and wrong on so many levels. “What’s up with you?” I asked pursing my lips. He jumped slightly and looked at me warily for a second before shrugging. “Nothing.” He muttered pursing his lips as well. “What’s up with you?” he asked “Huh, the same thing that has been up-- or should I say down—with me ever since I agreed to get involved in this stupid game.” “Ah, so it’s about Tubby Vagner. Do you want to talk about it?” he nodded knowingly “No” I snapped at him. “Okay then…” he answered cautiously and we got into his car. We sat in silence for a while until I just had to say it. “I mean it’s like he doesn’t even know how lucky he is to be in my presence let alone that I want to be his friend! I mean look at him and look at me that damned i***t!” I huffed in annoyance. “Okay…How about you start from the top?” I relayed what happened that day from the un-replied text to the scene at the locker. “…and then his boyfriend went ‘Bye Matt’. Can you believe it?! Rejected a-f*****g-gain!!! What the hell is this guy’s problem, huh? Does he think that he is too good for me? Too French for this Italian? Huh? Italian beats French any day, ask anyone! I mean come on! I’m trying to be his friend even if it is a game to me, he doesn’t know that and yet he just keeps rejecting me!! What is it about me that turns him off exactly, huh? My sexiness or is it my popularity or is it both? I’m trying to be nice and here I am with my niceness being thrown in my face once again. AAAhhh” I yelled frustrated. I think I saw Adam flinch a little. He kept quiet for a while before saying “That Beau guy isn’t his boyfriend; he’s just gay and I hear that they are really close. And I did tell you that he doesn’t like jocks…especially you. I bet he just thinks he’s better than you with all his stupid comebacks and his over-the-top self confidence” “Well, yeah…” I answered slowly. I never really thought about that. “But why would he think that? I mean come on…look at me. It doesn’t get much better than this. Besides he doesn’t seem like the type to look down on others” I uttered pouting. Adam shook his head at me. “Well, I guess you are the exception, huh? I mean think about it. He barely acknowledges your existence and even when he does, he acts like you are a rodent or something.” He shrugged his shoulders. “You’re right. He does think he’s better than me that imbecile. Tsk. I’ll show him who is the top of this school. I will crush him.” I said bitterly.
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