Chapter Five

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As the others were dividing into two Ade explained that he had found me in the middle of a huge panic attack and had only just caught me before the ground did. He went on to explain that his friends are a newly qualified team of trackers and one half would be checking the area around the cottage and the woods - as corridor was actually a safety tunnel that had an opening out in the woods. It was possible that they had emerged from the tunnel and found themselves lost in the unknown woods. The other half would go back down into the basement and see if they could see any signs that Mike, Jon, Chris and Sam were on their way back. Then would join up with the others and to be able to carry out a full sweep of the area. I felt that there was something he was not telling, so to keep my mind from thinking the worst, I asked him to tell me a bit about him and his pack. Ade explained that he was seventeen years old, his parents had recently passed and he now lived with his mum’s sister and her family. His aunt’s pack, the MoonStone Pack, is one of the oldest packs in the country and had links to witch mates dating back a hundred years. Their Alpha, was a kind man, with a granddaughter who was next in line to become Alpha. As he had lost his son and heir and his mate, he was left to raise her. She was currently eighteen and away at the training pack, as he had named her as his pack’s next Alpha. I gasped at this, as this is rarely done in packs. Normally females find their mate, he either becomes the leader or the two packs are merged if he happens to also be an Alpha. Ade explained that Alpha Daniel was a forward thinking wolf, who felt that everyone had their own important roles in the pack, even down to the Omegas. Daniel also had a love of technology and had the most up to date gadgets and gizmos there was. Ade continued to explain that although the omega normally worked in either the kitchens or as a cleaner, for which they get paid for, they all got the chance to train, get an education as good as the leaders of the pack, if they had the skills and knowledge to become something different like a warrior or trainer, this role was offered to them. They had recently promoted an omega to the packs council, so that they could voice their opinions and concerns. This Omega had been chosen in a pack wide vote. This again showed me how modern even one of the oldest packs had or could become. What still puzzled me, was the fact that Ade and his team had watched us the previous evening and not attacked us immediately. When I mentioned this Abe explained that this was the Alphas way of doing things. Because we did not smell of rogues and obviously were a close group that they had mind linked the Alpha who had asked them to keep an eye on us until we left the area. Plus because we were on neutral territory, Ade had not wanted to cause an all out war, because of a little misunderstanding, or without knowing all the facts first. Ade definitely had the ideals of a leader, and could easily put anyone at ease. Rogues were not unusual to appear around the cottage and woods from time to time, however, it was one or two but never five. Rogues are werewolves who have no pack, this could be from being banished for a crime they have committed, or because their pack had been destroyed or because they had lost their mate and had gone mad as they were no longer whole.
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