Chapter Six

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After a while the trackers who had been checking out the basement, came back up and sadly shook they heads and explained that they had found nothing that had seemed out of place. Just as they had finished speaking there was a knock at the door, and Ade went outside to speak to his team. Again, the news wasn’t good. There was no sign of the guys, however they were certain that they had exited the tunnel due to recent footprints around the tunnel exit. They had set up a boundary and had mindlinked their Alpha to explain the situation. Daniel, said that he had sent a message to his pack’s top trackers, who would be with us as soon as they could. At this point, I decided it was time to contact my pack, so I did what any daddy’s girl would do and called him. By the time I had explained everything, I was a mess, and was snot crying in Ade’s arms. Dad said that he would let our Alpha know, then organise our trackers and they would all be with us by morning. It comforted me, knowing that dad would be here. After speaking to my dad, and I had calmed down enough, Ade had whipped up a meal for all of us, and although I didn't feel much like eating, I managed half of it. Shortly after I went upstairs to take a shower to freshen up. That afternoon I fell into a restless sleep with my head on Ade’s lap. Ade’s Point of View I looked down at the sleeping girl, and brushed her hair away from her red rimmed but beautiful sky blue eyes. In the past 24 hours, she really had had a rough time. I could understand her feeling, when she mentioned to me about not being able to feel her twin bond. Although, I had lost my parents years ago, I couldn’t imagine how she felt knowing that her brother and best friends had gone missing. Gary, who is a future delta of our pack, mindlinked me a little bit to say that they had found ripped clothing as if someone had changed into their wolf whilst running from something. He had put one of our trackers on the case. I felt somewhat relied that something had been found and that finally luck was on our side. All I wanted to do was find them and remove the anguish that Sally had been and still was going through. I got up gently and placed a cushion under Sally’s head, so that I didn’t disturbed her. She definitely could do with a good rest after what she had been through. I grabbed our glasses and headed to the little kitchen at the back of the cottage, which looked out towards the trees. Occasionally I would catch a glimpse of one of the wolves that had come with me, but there was no other movement. Even the leaves and branches on the trees appeared to be frozen in place or even in time. There was certainly something very strange was certainly going on here. My mind went back to the moment I saw her change into her wolf, for the first time, and Goddess, she was a magnificent sight to behold. Her black fur shone in the moonlight and the white specks that looked like stars stood out a mile. I can’t tell you why I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, but I was. Compared to my Charcoal grey wolf, with amber eyes, and silver tips to my ears and tail, her wolf was something out of a dream. It was even harder to take my eyes off the beautiful young lady that was laying on the sofa. Her soft brown hair laid in waves over her shoulder and chest. She wasn’t short but compared to me she was. My guess was that she was about 5 foot 5, but from what I could see beneath her clothes was that she had a toned body and legs, she obviously had trained daily to look like that. I was shocked when she had informed me that she was a future Beta female and that she was from the Moon Heart Pack. She didn’t give off an impression of someone who trained on a daily basis. Her body was toned, but also curvy in all the right places. Her pack included some of the best leadership wolves, trackers and warriors in the world. On Goddess, it had just occured to me that tomorrow, yes within the next 24 hours, I would be meeting her Father. What could I say about Beta Matthew, accept he was probably the best Beta on the planet as well as an expert and highly experienced tracker. I had heard stories from my Grandfather about him and his team. That pack was a force to be reckoned with. Also they had the Kings respect, which even within our world, is a very hard thing to achieve. Whilst Sally was still in the land of nod, I decided to pop down to the basement and see if I could see anything even though my team of trackers had already been down here, I felt that it would not do any harm. To be honest, I had not had much of a chance to have a hunt around down there as Sally was my main concern, but a fresher pair of eyes might find something that they had missed. The basement was large but damp and, due to the dust you could see the footprints going towards the door, stood out on the unswept floor, there was also a smell that I could not place, however I made a mental note to tell her father and my team, as one of them might recognise it. As I neared the door to the tunnel the boys had taken, I saw something glinting in the light from my torch. I was just about enter the tunnel when suddenly, there was a bang that came from the upper level. I quickly stood and ran up the wooden stairs. I knew that this may frighten away whoever was up there, but Sally’s safety was paramount. I would do what it took to keep her safe, until her father arrived.
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