Chapter four

652 Words
It was almost dinner time, when I awoke to find that I as lying on the weird smelling, lumpy, green sofa in the living area of the cottage, and for the first time since we arrived, I noticed how mismatched the furniture all was. My throat felt dry so I attempted to get up for a drink of water, then I would attempt another venture down to the basement again. As I was sitting up, a strange voice suddenly spoke asking if I was ok. I screamed!! Yes I know I am a wolf, however, I had failed to hear anyone else in the room, even with my wold senses. Although, this was the first time I had ever blacked out. Slowly I recognised it as the same one that had been down in the basement before blacking out. Turning my head, I saw a tall handsome man, who when standing I would say was close to 6 foot 6 inches. He had moved whilst I was staring at him and he was now currently crouching down next to me, so we were almost nose to nose. His hair was a dirty blonde colour, with brilliant bright blue eyes that looked so kind and honest and a square shaped jaw line. And for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I stuttered out my name, then closed my eyes in embarrassment. My brown hair had cobwebs in, my favourite hoodie was covered in dust and who knows what else. He chuckled and asked me to look at him. He informed me that this name was Adrian, but I could call him Ade. He spoke softly and gently, instantly calmed me. I explained to him that we were college students who were trying to complete our final college piece, and that we had meant no harm. He smiled again and added that he knew we were werewolves as he and his crew had watched us from the other side of the quarry. This meant that they had been downwind from us last night, hence why we didn’t notice them. This made me relax a bit more knowing that we were amongst our own kind. I politely informed them that we were from the Moon Heart Pack and also felt the need to explain that we were not omegas, but the next leadership team. I think what shocked me was that fact that I didn’t know that there was a pack this close to the college we were studying at. In fairness, I know lots of the packs local to ours and I thought all of them around the college by I must of missed Ade’s pack. After fetching me a glass of water and helping me to sit up. Ade asked why he had found me close to passing out in the basement and why the white door in the basement had been opened. After drinking the last of my water, I started to explained to Ade and his friends, who had now joined us in the cottage, the whole story regarding our project, checking the basement out to see if it would be suitable to do some filming in, followed by how the guys had found the second door and had ventured down there. When I looked at the time, I could not believe how much time had passed. It had been over 24 hours since the guys had descended into the basement. So where were the guys? Where was Sam? Where was my twin? I tried to reach out to him via our twin bond, however I couldn’t feel him. I had never experienced anything like this before! And for the first time in forever, I felt alone and scared for Sam and the others. Ade must have read the look on my face as he then stood and asked his friends to help him with the search.
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