Chapter Seven

1363 Words
Sally’s POV “BANG!” I awoke with a jump, what on earth was that and were had Ade gone? Was that him that made that noise? Just as I was sitting up and gathering myself, when Ade appeared at the top of the stairs that led to that dark and dreary basement. The one place in this cottage that gave me the heebie-geebies. He was just about to speak when there was another bang, louder this time, which sounded like something had been thrown against the cottage door. Curiously, we walked to the door, and opened it a quietly as we could. The first thing that caught my eye was my brother Sam, sitting on two strangers and holding a third by his tail. “SAM!!!” I screamed at him, leave them alone, they aren't the enemy, they’re friends. They've been trying to find you and the others for me. Dad is also on his way here. At the sound of my voice, Sam stood up and ran to me scooping me up in his strong embrace. As he held me he kept saying that he couldn’t find a way out and he had been separated from the others. I held him for a while before introducing him to Ade and the wolves he had tried to take on, and then we made our way back into the cottage, where we managed to get him to eat and drink something and I put him to bed. Ade said that hopefully Sam would feel better in the morning and may be able to give us a better idea of what happened to him and possibly the others. After a while I decided to go to bed, but felt that I needed to be close to Sam. Since we were little, if ever one of us was upset or ill, we would become each other's shadow. I climbed in with him and he instantly calmed and we both slept soundly all night. I awoke to the sun streaming through the window, Sam snoring quietly, and the sound of talking floating up through the floor. I crept out of bed and to the top of the stairs. My dad sat there with not only the pack's top five tracker but also the Alpha, Luna and my mum. They were currently talking with Ade and his team who were taking a well earned break and briefing the leaders in the room, with where they had looked and what they had found. I went back to the room and Sam was still asleep. Before I woke him up, I got a good look at him. Sam looked like whatever he had been through had caused him to age, his hair seemed longer than before and his toned body looked like he had not trained for ages. He woke up and I was able to tell him that mum and dad had both arrived. Sam followed me down the stairs to the sitting area of the cottage, and mum and dad enveloped us both in their arms. Mum kept checking Sam for any injuries, though she held her tongue as I realised she had also noted the same changes I had and I could also tell that she was mind linking with someone. Dad being the amazing Beta that he is, went immediately into Beta mode, asking Sam and I what we remembered. I explained again, what I had told him on the phone, so that mum, the Alpha and Luna as well as the trackers could hear it straight for me. I explained in detail about the basement and door to the tunnel and that no matter how much I called out to the boys, none of them appeared to listen or even hear me. Then it was Sam’s turn. Sam’s Point of View With Mike and Chris taking the lead - they had the torch and Camera - and Jon and I following behind, we entered the dark corridor. It was very musty, with cobwebs everywhere and it was like we were walking on a gritty, dirty floor, as we went further we realised that it was a tunnel. The tunnel was quite straight with barely any incline. I looked back and could still see the light coming through the door that we had left open. After a while we could see daylight ahead of us. When we exited the tunnel, Mike and Jon turned left, while Chris and I carried on along the edge of the quarry. Chris and I then came to a fork in the trees and decided that Chris would follow along the quarry and I would go left and see if either of us could find a way out of the trees. Chris asked me to take the camera, as he felt the trees would probably get better shots than along the quarry, plus he had picked up his phone so if needed he would take some footage on that. After we parted, I walked for about an hour, seeing nothing much more than a few felled trees, some bushes, but no animals - which I thought was a little strange. I can truly say I didn’t believe that the woods had been this thick when we looked at them whilst out on our run yesterday evening. I carried on a little further and found the fork that Chris and I had parted. I decided that I would return to the tunnel and await the guys there. It took me quite some time to find the entrance and I sat down to wait. Once the sun started to set, I made a conscious decision to return to the cottage via the tunnel and wait with Sally. Suddenly, I realised that I hadn’t even thought about Sally allday. It was strange, now that I think about it, we had always been able to feel each other’s feelings through our twin bonds. I hadn't felt Sally all the time that I had been in the woods. Starting back along the tunnel, it felt different than when I had been with the guys. It felt like I had been walking for hours along the tunnel, however, in my haste I must have dropped the camera somewhere, when I reached the doorway I started running through the basement and up the creaking stairs to find Sally, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panicking that something was wrong, I opened the front door and walked outside to find that the sun was still only just going down. Had I been in that tunnel for a whole day and not realised it? No I couldn't have been. Could I? I ventured out further onto the open garden calling for Sally and the guys. My guess was that the others had found a way out of the woods and with her help, they were searching for me. Morphing into my wolf, I planned to round around the boundary and see if I could find anyone. Hours passed and the moonlight made the woods look eerie. Sitting in a small sheltered spot, I curled up still in my wolfs form. I tried to sleep but it would not come. As soon as the sun appeared on the horizon, I started to make my way back in my human form, as I got closer to the cottage three wolves jumped out on me. I had never seen these wolves before, I crouched in a defensive position and waited for them to pounce. As a future Beta, my training gave me the upper hand, I grabbed the ginger wolf but the tail and swung him into the tan coloured wolf. Dropping the ginger wolf on top of the tan one, I sat on them and grabbed the next wolf - that was grey in colour - and swung him around and threw him into the side of the cottage. I had just grabbed his tail again, when I heard the cottage door open and a female voice shouting at me to stop and let them go. Oh goddess thank you, it was Sally. I had found someone at last!
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