A Lannister Meeting

1496 Words
Jessica hadn't seen much of the royal family. Maester Luwin and Rodrik Cassel had seen to them getting settled in. Jessica was in her room with Griselda when Robb made his entrance. Jessica giggled as he picked her up and spun her around. "We've survived the morning." Jessica giggled as she was set down. "Thankfully we have. Father says the feast will begin at sundown." Robb sat on her bed, Grey Wind at his feet. "And will probably last the night." Jessica kept a smile. However it betrayed her. "So you and Jon did it?" Robbs smiled faded. "What do you mean Robb?" Jessica tilted her head to the side. "You know what I mean." He pressed on more. "Nothing's happened between myself and Jon." Jessica shook her head. "Then you planned tonight?" Robb sighed and laid back. "You know it would be easier to cover up if you and I were sleeping together. We came into this world together, in a way we do belong together." Jessica gave a sweet smile and went to lay next to her twin. "It would be easier. But you know our love isn't like that." She took his hand and he pressed his forehead to hers. "I will stand by you in battle, I will be your other half. No matter what House I am married to. For you are my twin and I have no other love like how I love you." "But -" Robb sighed. "Jon has my heart. He has always had my heart. And wherever I go, I am bringing him with me. And wherever he goes, he'll do the same. He wouldn't dare leave me behind." She felt Robb's whole body sigh. "I just don't want you in a place where I can't protect you. I don't want you playing these dangerous games." "I will be fine Dear Brother. Stop worrying or you'll be going grey before you take a wife." Jessica smiled then laughed as Robb hit her with a pillow. Jessica in turn hit him back and thus began a game of war. One they hadn't played in awhile. And once out of breath did Robb pull his twin to his chest. He beamed and clung to her and she cuddled in him. "Can I try it?" Robb asked after a moment of silence. "Try what?" Jessica looked up at him. "Can I kiss you?" He looked down at her. Jessica tilted her head. "Like how we normally kiss?" They always kissed closed lipped. It was never a big deal, and Robb knew he never need ask. "No. Like how you and Jon kiss. I want to know what it's like. What it feels like." Jessica sat up and looked at him considering his offer. Then shrugged. "Sure. Why not. You're my twin, not some stranger." She sat up and faced him. Robb gently placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in, his lips touching hers. She never denied him access when he asked. And after several moments he pulled away. "Hmmm." Robb leaned back. "Hmmm?" Jessica raised an eyebrow. "Not that that wasn't nice..." Robb tried to find the right words. "Oh good you felt nothing either." Jessica laid a hand on her chest. Both of them busted out laughing. "I guess we're just meant to be normal twins." Jessica laughed. "I am oddly relieved and disappointed." Robb was beaming. "I feel the same." Jessica stared up at the ceiling. They laid their awhile before Rickon began to cry and Jessica arose. Robb followed her out to see what the commotion was. Rickon was sitting on the floor his head covered. His Direwolf, Shaggy Dog was growling in front of him. Facing the Direwolf pup were two Lannister men. Tyrion, holding his hands up in what looked to surrender, his brother, the Kingslayer, sword pointed at Shaggy Dog. "Gentlemen." Jessica addressed them both quietly. "Run along Little Wolf, this does not concern you." Jaime gave her a passing glance. "Unless you can call the beast off." Tyrion had the decency of looking her in the eye. "Only if your brother puts away his sword. I don't appreciate it being drawn inside the Castle." Jessica met his gaze. There may be one Lannister she'd get along with. "Right. Jaime put it away." Tyrion didn't turn to look at his brother. But Jamie did not. "No." There was a board drawl in his voice and anger arose in Jessica quick. "The boy is a mere three-years-old, Kingslayer," That did make Jaime look her in the eye. "And the Direwolf, no more than a pup." Jessica took a step closer. "Should I send for my Father and the King?" "Pups grow, children grow. They need to learn their place. As do you..." He searched her eyes. "Lady Stark will do. This is my home after all." Jessica took another step foward. "Jessica." Robb now took a step towards her arm stretched out. Jessica internally sighed as a smirk came across Jaime's face. She wasn't planning on giving the Kingslayer information he hadn't earned. "What a lovely name." Jaime looked her up and down. "A lovely name for a Little Wolf such as yourself." "I mean no offense to you Lady Stark nor does my brother. But I swore you were named after your Aunt." Tyrion spoke up. Jessica looked down to the little Lord Lannister and gave a smile. "I am. Jessica is my middle name, most of the people here in Winterfell refer to me as such." "Can you please call off the Direwolf? I was merely looking for the library." Tyrion continued to difuse the situation. "Certainly My Lord." Jessica responded. "Thank-" Tyrion began a reply. "As soon as your brother puts away his sword." Jessica held firm. Tyrion closed his eyes. "This would be the hill you die on." He muttered. He turned to fully face Jaime. "This is enough. We're not here to make enemies, we're here to bring her Father back to King's Landing." If Jaime heard his brother, he elected to ignore it. Jessica took another step closer, the point of Jaimes sword touching the center of her chest. "A little more to my left I believe if you want to pierce the heart." "Impressive." The satisfied smirk had returned. And with that The Kingslayer sheathed his sword and dropped into an mocking bow. When he came up he held out his hand. "Allow me to formally introduce ourselves. I am Ser Jaime Lannister, and this is my brother, Lord Tyrion." Jessica looked from Jaime's extended hand to his smirk. And it was Jessica's duty to play host. She gave Ser Jaime her hand. His hand was warm, skin smoother than she expected for a Knight, a Kingsuard. He pulled her right to him, Jessica didn't have the strength to resist. "Then allow me to do the same. I am Lady Lyanna Jessica Stark, and my brothers Lord Robert Stark and Lord Rickon Stark." Jessica found it very hard to look away from Jaime's piercing green eyes. They flexed with gold, so different from the grey eyes of the North. She swore she saw some of that cockiness fall from his face. He went to raise her hand to his lips when Tyrion interrupted. "Wonderful glad to be formal, Direwolf please." Tyrion urged. Jessica gave a slight turn of her head, body still incredibly close to Jaime. Robb had picked up Rickon. Who by now had finished crying. "Shaggy Dog. Down." Two words that all it took. That Direwolf went from full on ready to lung for Tyion, to laying down completely harmless. Tyrion blinked in disbelief. "Remind me to never make an enemy of you, Lady Stark." Jessica smiled. "Glad to be of service. Now you said you were looking for the library?" "Yes My Lady." Tyrion gave a bow of his head. "Then allow me to lead the way." Jessica smiled, pulling away from Jaime. Jessica gave a quick nod to Rob, before leading the Lannister men away. Jamie stepped around Tyrion to walk next to Jessica. "Yes?" Jessica finally acknowledged him. She saw him smirk. "Do I amuse you?" "Very much Little Wolf." Jaime flashed his smile. Jessica gave a shake of her head. "You know," Jaime continued. "I'm surprised your Father hasn't found you a suitable match." Jessica rolled her eyes. "What is with everyone wanting to marry me off? Clearly I can take care of myself." "Obviously." Jamie noted. "Still..." They had reached the doors of the Library. "Lord Tyrion I do hope Winterfell's library is to your liking." "You are too kind Lady Stark." Tyrion gave a bow and headed inside. "I do so hope our paths will cross again." Jaime smiled down at her. He grabbed her hand bringing it up and placing a gentle kiss. All the while, keeping perfect eye contact. He let his lips linger a heartbeat longer than acceptable before turning and heading into the library.
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