The King's Arrival

1946 Words
"Arya for the hundredth time I said a dress." Jessica was chasing her sister around the bedroom. "But why?!" Arya threw herself onto the bed. "The King is supposed to be arriving today. We all must look our best love." Jessica had laid out her pale blue dress. "The knots aren't the best, but its the least stained." She smoothed it out as Nymeria jumped onto the bed. "Not on the dress Nymeria." Jessica scooted the growing Direwolf over. Her own pup, Griselda, had nearly doubled in size in this last month, matching her twin brother Robb's. Jessica sat down next to her sister. "I'll make you a deal." Jessica sat her sister up. "I'm listening." Arya watched her intently. "Only a dress, when you're in the King and Queen's presence. The rest of the time you may dress as you please. Despite what Mother and Father say. Tell them I gave you permission." Arya looked at her and then threw her arms around her sister. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." "Get dressed." Jessica hugged Arya and set her down. "I'll check with you within the hour. I've got to make sure the boys are alright." "I think that Jory is giving the boys a haircut." Arya looked towards the door. "Perfect." Jessica rose. "Remember -" "An hour." Arya answered. "Send for me if you need help." Jessica headed out with Griselda on her heels. She headed down, into the lower levels where the boys got trimmed. And like Arya said all three boys were there, she did not mention however that they were shirtless. "Boys." Jessica smirked, making them jump. "By Old Gods and New, what in the seven hells are you doing?" Theon screeched. Jessica smirked. "Braids." "What?" Theon seemed confused. Jessica kept up the antics. "About seven years old. Screaming like a little girl." She laughed and quickly dodged out of the way as Theon went to playfully smack her. "I'd watch your tongue. Someday you just might be my wife. In fact, before the King arrives, we have time. You can become my salt wife." The punch came unexpectedly. Robb quickly pulled Jon from Theon who now had a bloodied lip and a brusied cheek to boot. "Really, we're causing trouble today?" Robb looked to Jon. Jory helped clean Theon up. He scowled at Jon. "It's the truth Snow. Why else would I be warded here?" "Because your Father held a rebellion and lost." Jessica stated coldly. She glared at Theon. "Father has already said we're not going to marry. So why antagonize him. Especially today?" Then she turned to Jon. "Is Jory done with you?" "Yes M'lady." Jory answered. "Then walk with me Jon." Jessica commanded and turned on her heels. Jon and both their Direwolves follow. She took his hand in hers she would have that moment until they were in a more public place. Once on the main level, she took his arm respectfully. "I didn't mean - but Theon shouldn't have said what he said." Jon glanced down at her. "It's Theon, I'm used to his antics. Jon you can't be throwing punches like that. If it was Mother down there..." Jessica shook her head, unable to finish that sentence. "Hey." They stopped right outside her door. "It wasn't Lady Stark. It was you. And I will always come to defend your honor." Jon took her face in his hands. Jessica felt the smoothness of his skin. The softness, the warmth. They both looked at each other. Jon leaned down, forgetting they were in public view. Ghost, Jon's Direwolf yelped and nipped at his legs. He paused, looked down at Ghost, and then at the empty but still public hall. "Inside?" Jon questioned. "Inside." Jessica agreed. As she was closest to the door, she fumbled to get it opened then practically drug Jon inside. No sooner did he crash the door, did his lips fall upon hers. Jessica would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about that kiss for sometime. She dreamed what it would be like, for his kiss, his touch, himself inside her. But rarely had they acted on such thoughts. And as the kiss became more urgent, he guided her towards the bed, the last little bit of clarity came to her. "Jon...Jon..." She stopped him, pulling away they both caught their breath. "Are we getting ready for the King or are we going to have s*x?" He looked up at the ceiling, debating. "Both. Both sounds good." Jessica laughed and shook her head. "Tonight Jon. You'll stay with me tonight. And you'll mine and mine alone tonight." "And when Father and Lady Stark come banging down the door?" Jon gently held both her shoulders. "And they see me in bed with you. And I've just taken your honor?" "It's all planned out." Jessica shushed him with a kiss. "I'll feign being ill or tired or whatever. All I have to do is give them the look and I'll be sent to bed. All you have to do is stay near the back and sneak away when I'm out. After Maester Luwin sees I'm all settled in bed. I'm yours for the night. Mother and Father will be so busy entertaining the King and Queen our absence will not go noticed." Jon opened his mouth and shook his head. "Somedays I really just want to be inside your head. And try to sort through your thoughts." "Well if all go according to plan, you'll be inside me tonight." Jessica kissed him. And they stood there in that kiss for several minutes, the outside world oblivious to them. "Go get ready." Jessica pulled away. "I'll see you tonight." Jon pressed his forehead to hers. "I love you." "As I love you." Jessica responded. One more kiss and then Jon was out the door. No sooner did Jon leave, there came a knock at the door. When she opened the door, it was her Father. "I have a gift for you." He announced as Jessica stepped aside and let him in. "Did I just see Jon leave?" He questioned her as he laid a box on her bed. "He just wanted to make sure I got back here alright. Theon and I were in a bit of a disagreement." Jessica dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "I saw his lip." Ned nodded. "Anyway, go and open the box." Jessica looked at her Father then went over to the bed and opened the box. Inside was a midnight blue and silver embroidered dress. Jessica pulled it out. It was a thick velvet and shimmered in the candlelight. "It was your Aunt Lyanna's. It was her favorite." Jessica went and held it up to the mirror. "You are the spitting image of your Aunt." Ned spoke quietly. "And while she was fierce, and full of spunk, she knew her way around the courts as well. As I'm trying to teach you to do the same." "Thank you Father." Jessica set the dress down and went over to her Father, embracing him tightly. He embraced her just as tightly. "I worry about tonight. I've never met the royal family. I want to make a good impression. For our house. For our family. For myself." "You breath the nobleness of the Stark family. Everything that Speta Mordane has taught you. Everything Maester Luwin has taught you. Every lesson your Mother and myself instilled in you has brought you to this day. I know you'll make us proud." "You're excited to see him." Jessica noted, smiling up at her Father. "Yes. He's my best friend. I am very excited to see him." Ned patted her arm. "I will let you get ready. I'm sure your Mother has you helping her out with who know what." He gave a smile and a nod and let her be. Jessica tossed the current dress she was wearing aside and strode to put the new dress on. The fabric felt like cascading water, both warm and cool to the touch. It was easy enought to move around but elegant enought to dazzle a court. Jessica kept twirling in the mirror. "I was wondering when he was going to give you that dress." Catelyn smiled at her in the doorway. "It's beautiful." Jessica couldn't help but beam. "At times I forget you're still young." Catelyn came over to her. She sat her down and started to brush through her hair. She braided in pearls that sparkled like starlight. "You're dressing me as if I'm going to get engaged." Jessica sighed. "You never know what might happen. And you must be prepared for whatever may happen." Catelyn added the finishing touches. "You're beautiful." Jessica couldn't quite speak. She smiled and nodded politely. "They are arriving. We are gathering out front." Her mother turned and Jessica followed obediently. It was a cold morning Jessica was never so thankful to have her cloak. Catelyn went to gather the household leaving Jessica to gather the children. All she had left was to gather Arya and Bran. She was just crossing the courtyard when. "BRANDON STARK!" Jessica yelled as she saw Bran make his was down the towers. "Jessie I saw them. There was a hundred, maybe more." He had a wide grin. "What have I told you about climbing?" Jessica knelt down to his level. Bran looked down at his feet. "Promise me. No more climbing." Jessica was firm. "I promise." He didn't look up. "You always look at your feet when you lie." Jessica sighed but smiled. "Go on. Everyone's out front." Bran beamed and ran off, his Direwolf, Summer close behind. She reached the front and looked around. She found her spot in front of Jon. Their fingers brushed and he leaned foward. "You're wearing that dress all day and expecting me to wait til after the Welcom Feast?" His breath tickled her ear. "Oh poor thing. You have to endure staring at me all day." Jessica smiled. "Its going to be ripped by tonight." Jon breathed and leaned back as Arya came running through. "Where'd you get that?" Jessica pulled the helmet off and placed her in line next to Bran. Moments later the sound of hooves could be clearly heard. The first of the party came riding in. She noticed one of Knights remove his helmet. Jessica tried not to swoon on the spot. He was tall, chiseled face, blonde hair that cascaded. "That's Jaime Lannister." Arya stated. "Hush." Sansa started. "He's the Kingslayer." Arya continued. "Wipe the drool from your face." Jon leaned foward to Jessica. "Before I challenge him to a duel." Jessica blinked. "Jealousy doesn't become you." She managed a smile. Robb batted her hand, nodding at Jessica to do something, and she quickly composed the girls. Just as the king dismounted his horse. As soon as her Father bent the knee, everyone else followed suit. And only rose after Ned. She watched her Father smile and embrace the King and they laughed. Two friends reuniting. Robert tussled Rickon's hair. Then made his way down the line. Shaking Robbs hand, noting to Sansa's beauty. Playing with Arya and Bran. And then he reached her. "And who do we have?" Robert Baratheon's gaze fully shifted to her. "Lyanna." He breathed. "My eldest daughter." Ned was at the King's side. "She resembles -" Robert stammered. "Yes. She does." Ned nodded. "The crypt Ned. I want to pay my respects." "My love we've been traveling for a month. Surly the dead can wait." Queen Cersei spoke up. "Ned now!" Robert ordered and marched his way to the crypt, Ned on his heels.
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