The Welcome Feast

1743 Words
Four hours into this welcome feast had been just about enough entertainment for Jessica. She was seated on the raised dias with the rest of her family and the Lannister/Baratheon bunch. Jessica was thankful to be seated next to Robb. He kept her calm, especially since she hadn't spotted Jon in the crowd. Jaime had been seated above her. She could feel his eyes watch her every move. How did she know this? She had turned around several times only to be met with those cat like green eyes and that smirk that never left his face. The Kingslayer was just arrogant enough to give her a wave of his fingers. "Just try to ignore him." Robb urged. "Drink. We'll dance when you're ready. And I'll dance with you the rest of the night if that will calm you." She knew Robb was worried, Jessica had been tense after meeting the Kingslayer that afternoon. Jessica had never been so glad that her Father had permitted one glass of wine. Unfortunately, Jessica finished that about two hours back. Robb and Jessica kept giving each other glances. Occasionally he'd give her hand a squeeze. Thankfully, Maester Luwin brought news to her Mother that their Uncle Benjen had arrived at Winterfell. She stood up and went to her Mother who was seated by the Queen. "Mother?" Jessica gained her attention quietly. "Yes Darling?" Catelyn smiled and took her hand. "I couldn't help but hear that Uncle Benjen arrived. Can I go down into the crowd and greet him?" Catelyn looked from her to the crowd and back to her. She gave a small sigh and squeezed her hand. "You have ten minutes. If you cannot find your Uncle by then, return back. I'll have Cassel stay close." Jessica beamed. "Thank you Mother." She kissed her cheek and raced into the crowd disappearing. "Do you trust that Little Wolf of yours to be down there on her own?" Cersei leaned over to Catelyn. Catelyn smiled and gave a nod. "Lyanna has sound judgment. She always has. She's taken on alot of the responsibilities of Winterfell upon herself." Tyrion blinked. Surely they were not talking about the same girl. The one who was not afraid to stand up to Jaime. The one Tyrion knew his brother kept thinking about. He had seen Jaime unsettled in the library, watched him turn at everyone walking by. The young Stark girl got under his brother's skin. And Tyrion knew he craved another interaction with her. "I am glad you trust your children like that." Cersei continued. "I know I would be right with worry if it were my own." Catelyn turned, her smile thin lipped. Robb turned and looked at his mother, who gave a nod to go find Jessica and stay close. "No need to send another one of your pups Lady Stark, I'll be more than happy to find Jessica." Ser Jaime rose to his feet, avoiding the looks from Cersei. Catelyn blinked in surprise. "You've met her already?" Tyrion quickly jumped in. "She was gracious enough to point me and my brother in the direction of the library this afternoon. I had asked about her name, and she told me her preference." Catelyn nodded. "Of course." And with that Jaime arose and slipped into the crowd. Jessica may have been Robb's twin, but Jessica did not inherite the hight. She was small even though she was now a maiden of fourteen name days. It did not help in the slightest that everyone seemed to look the same, even though she knew that was the furthest thing from. The truth. Jessica had made it to the back wall of the grand hall, and nothing, no sign of Benjen. She was afraid that her efforts would be completely wasted, when she felt two paws on her thigh. "Hello Ghost." Jessica smiled and scratched the Direwolf behind the ear. "Where's Jon?" Both her and Ghost held each other gaze before he jumped down and made a right. Jessica followed him. Jon was at the bench to the far left and blended into the crowd well. The pair of them locked eyes, and Jon beamed as Ghost lead her to him. He had his arms around her waist moment later. "Jon, people will talk." Even though this was what Jessica wanted, they were in too much of the public view. He pulled her on his lap, a second later. "Let them." He breathed into her neck. "You're drunk." Jessica saw the flush of pink on his cheeks. "Not that drunk." He murmured. "And you're still in that dress." He placed soft little kisses along her collarbone. "Did you finally get to sneak away? Are we done with this feast tonight?" There was a nip to her neck. "Are you finally mine?" "I wish I could say that I was." She ran her fingers through his hair. She was right. If people saw them, they didn't talk. Or pretended not to see since she was a Stark. "Kiss me." Jon whispered to her. "Jon." Jessica pulled away enough to look him in the eye. "Kiss. Me." He pleaded, looking from her eyes to her lips. Jessica sighed, and any will she possesed, dissolved. Her lips found his, and for a moment she let the stresses of this blasted feast slip away. When Jessica managed to gain some clarity, she pulled away. "Jon." "Hmm...I wasn't exactly done..." He searched her face. "Jon, Uncle Benjen is here." Jessica got up. "I wanted to go find him." That seemed to sober Jon up rather quickly and he was up and joined her. "Come on. He can't be to far." He took her hand and they headed off. They made a left heading down the other side of the hall. And it didn't take that long to find him talking some some of the common folk. He turned and smiled at them. Jessica let go of Jon and bounded into Benjen's arms. "Ah Little Wolf. Look how you've grown." Benjen spun her around. "Oh I've missed you so much Uncle." "I know. I seem to be over The Wall more than I'm in Castle Black nowadays." He sat her down and kissed her forehead. "I want to go over The Wall." Jessica took Benjen's arm. "See it's beauty." Benjen chuckled. "All you'll be met with is snow and ice." Jessica shrugged. "The cold doesn't bother me." Benjen shook his head and clapped Jon on his shoulder. The two of them in private conversation. Jessica saw Rodrik Cassel out of the corner of her eyes. They gave a nod and saw he headed up to her mother. She heard Jon ask about The Black but wasn't paying too close attention. Though in hindsight she probably should've been. No, she was more focused on the fact that Jaime Lannister was sauntering his way over to the trio. "Kingslayer." Benjen didn't hide the disdain from his voice. "Stark." Jaime gave a similar tone. "What do you want?" Benjen narrowed his eyes. "All you Starks. No hospitality. Thankfully your Neice is the exception." Jaime flashed a smile down at Jessica. She suppressed an eye roll. "What. Do. You. Want. Kingslayer?" Benjen closed his eyes, teeth clenched. "Jessica," Jaime smiled down at her, "your Mother wants you sitting back up with her." Jessica's lips thinned. She's probably been longer than the ten minutes her mother had asked. And knew, deep in heart that she shouldn't cause a scene, but damn he was pushing his limits. "I just sent Cassel up to let mother know I was perfectly fine." Jessica quickly rebuttaled. "She's with her family, Kingslayer." Benjen countered at the same time. Only Jaime's eyes showed the anger towards Benjen. Eyes that Jessica had trouble looking away from. "She hasn't taken The Black. She hadn't said those vows. Her family, is waiting for her." Jessica knew good and well if she didn't step in a fight would start. "Uncle Benjen, I should get going, I'm sure Father will want see you. It's been so long since your last visit." Jessica gave him a smile, apologetic eyes. Benjen nodded. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. Jessica went to head up, when Jaime stepped in front of her. "Yes?" Jessica was forcing her tone to be neutral and didn't bother addressing him properly. "There's that fire." Jaime murmured just loud enough for her to hear. The he raised his voice for the others to hear. "Please, allow me." Jessica watched as Jaime offered his arm. And she knew that any girl would be swooning to be escorted by him. "Jessica." Jon called back to her. She looked back and gave him an apologetic smile. But that didn't stop Jon from reaching out and taking her hand. "Jess." He pleaded. If she had snuck out sooner, they'd already be alone. He'd have already bedded her maybe more than once. And Jessica would be happy. She's wouldn't be torn away from the love of her life. "I'm sorry." Jessica mouthed before turning back and taking the Kingslayer's arm. She tried not to make eye contact with Jaime. She was done dealing with that self satisfied smirk. And if Jessica thought that things couldn't get worse, Queen Cersei asked Jessica to sit next to her. So now that put her sitting between Cersei and Jaime. "You are a pretty little thing." Cersei commented moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Thank you, Your Grace." Jessica smiled politely. "When we return to King's Landing, I shall have to make you one of my Ladies, you'll be my Little Wolf." "Your Grace is too kind." Jessica kept up the formalities. She pushed the bile down her throat. She didn't want to leave home. "Ha ha! I'm glad you two are getting along." Robert Baratheon looked at trio. "Everyone! I have a few announcements!" The hall fell quiet. "First off. Ned here will be my new Hand." Cheers erupted. "Second." Kind Robert bellowed. "Stark and Baratheon House will become one. My son Joffery will marry Ned's daughter Sansa." Cheers became louder. She saw Sansa beam, and her mother look pale. "Finally." The room quieted for a third time. "I feel like this alliance should only grow and prosperity ensue. So therefore, my final announcement. The marriage between Lyanna Stark and Jaime Lannister." Cersei, Jaime, and Jessica all had the same dumbfounded expressions. This really couldn't be happening.
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