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Staring out the window, she could see it was a cold morning, nothing out of the ordinary. The weirwood tree just peeking out. Jessica sighed. She knew that Septa Mordane would come in to fetch her at any moment. She really didn't want to be down at breakfast. Didn't want to be thrown into conversations, work this early in the morning. There is an execution this morning, just after breakfast. Her father, Lord Eddard Stark, would be taking Rob, Jon and Theon. There was talk of taking Bran as well. She sighed. He's only ten. Still to small in her opinion. Her thoughts were scattered by a knock at the door. "Jess." No response. "Jess." Voice raised louder. Still no response. "Jessica." She heard footsteps approach her. "Lyanna Jessica Stark." There were hads on her shoulders. "Sorry." She took a shaky breath. She looked up, seeing Jon give her a concerned look. "The dreams again?" Jon asked quietly. "No." Jessica shook her head. "No." She gave him what she believed was a reassuring smile. "The execution. That was on my mind this morning." "You know father is just." His hand cupped her cheek. "He always is. It's Bran I worry about." "Bran?" He seemed genuinely confused. "I overheard Father and Maester Luwin conversing. He's only ten." "And will be a Lord or a Knight or a Maester. And will have to deal with these situations. Better he deal with them now than be a coward when he's older." "And we're you watching executions at ten?" Jessica raised a peculiar eyebrow. "No." Jon admitted. "But I was sneaking out of Winterfell." Jessica opened her mouth to rebuttal, but simply smiled and shook her head. "There's that smile I know and love." Jon drew her in close, and Jessica laid her head on his chest. The beat of his heart calming her, she let her eyes close.. "I'd break it up before Father and Mother catch you both." Robb announced as a way of knocking. "Good morning to you too." Jessica didn't open her eyes, nor did Jon let go. "Jessie." Robb sighed. "Breakfast. Please." "I'll be there...we'll be there." She finally opened her eye. Staring back at her was her her best friend, her brother, her twin. "It'll be our heads." Robb crossed his arms. "No, it'll be my head." Jessica corrected him. "You are a Lady of Winterfell." Robb sighed. "And not married yet." Jessica reminded him. "Any man would be luck to have you. Now breakfast please." Robb had a finality in his voice. "I'll be right behind." Jessica motioned foe Robb to go. He looked at them both before muttering. "Two minutes." He closed the door behind them. "And the moments over." Jessica sighed and looked up at Jon. "You and I will have others." Jon promised her quietly pressing his forehead to hers. Neither wanting to move, both wanting more time. "Lyanna!" Robb yelled back. He never used her fist name unless he was serious. With a sigh Jon kissed her forehead and stepped back, allowing Jessica to go catch up to her twin. "You know how they feel." Robb sighed, seeing his twin catch up. Jessica took his arm. 98% of the time, the pair of them were a united front. She had his back as much as he had hers. There was rarely anything they disagreed on. "He's family, whether Mother wants to accept it or not." She knew her mother did not hide her disdain for Jon Snow. "And seeing how you two were, even Father couldn't defend the pair of you." Robb stopped, looking down at Jessica. "Robb." Jessica tried to ease his mind. "I am serious Jess." Robb sighed and cupped her cheeks. "You know I have your back. And I support your decisions. But I won't watch you get disowned by our own parents. They'll make you marry as far south as Dorne and I'll never see you again." There was worry written all over his face. Jessica laughed and kissed his cheek. "The Dornish climate would do me in. They wouldn't send me to my death." The pair of them had readched the dining hall. Everyone was scattered in their usual spot. Jessica joined Robb, Theon and Jon. And while it was a quiet, it was a nice quiet. She let the boys do their talking of fight and play, Jon and Jessica occasionally sharing a glance. Finally Jessica felt a nudge at her side. "Hello Bran." Jessica kissed the top of his head. "Can I shoot after breakfast?" Bran looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Luwin is giving you lessons after breakfast." Jessica kept a neutral expression. "But I want to shoot." Bran whined. "Let's go shoot." He tugged at her arm. "I dont shoot. You know this." Jessica gave a small smile. It turned into a smirk hearing the older boys snicker. "But Robb, Jon and Theon would be more than happy to help you shoot this morning." The three older boys gave her the same dumbfounded expression. "The f**k you ordering us around for?" Theon sneered. "Theon." Jon chided. "Shut it Jon." Theon looked back to Jessica. "You don't get to order us like you own the place!" Theon went to stand, Jon grabbed his arm. But thankfully Robb stepped in. "Let him go." Robb dismissed Theon with a wave of his hand. Jon let him go, and Theon stormed off. Robb sighed and looked at Jessica. They stared at each other for a long moment. Jessica tilted her head slightly to the side, giving him a softer expression. "See if Luwin will switch the lessons around. If he says yes, I'll take Bran out to shoot." If Jessica was good at anything, it was getting what she wanted. Jessica had managed to switch a few things with Maester Luwin and get Bran's lessons moved to later in the day. Which was all fine with her, Bran wouldn't come pestering after she laid Rickon down for an afternoon nap. She'd have some alone time to read. Bran was down on the field, Robb giving him sound advice. She was watching from above. She was leaning on the rail and deep into thought. "You're never this pensive in the morning." Her mother, Catelyn Stark gently laid a hand on her back and kissed her cheek. "Robb and I were talking about marriage this morning." Jessica gave a weak smile. "Oh?" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "And he might have mentioned that if I ever did something so horrible, you'd marry me off to some high born in Dorne." "Well I'd hardly think you do something so heinous that you'd be banished from home. So what brought this on?" Her Mother pulled her up straight. "Do you want to get married?" "No she doesn't want to get married." Her Father, Ned Stark chimed into the conversation. "And besides if she was in Dorne, I couldn't threaten her husband on a daily basis." Jessica spun to look at her Father. He smiled and leaned down kissing her forehead. "Good morning my love." Ned whispered softly to her. The three heads turn as an arrow flies, missing its mark. Jessica could see Bran's shoulders slump. And then the older boys snicker. "And which of you were a marksman at ten?" He asked and the boys eyes quickly found ground. "Go on Bran, have another go." Bran squared up to have another go, but quickly another arrow whizzed past. Everyone stopped and looked, and Jessica couldn't help but laugh when she saw Arya take a bow. About two seconds later, Bran went chasing after his sister. "My Lord?" The trio above turned to see Rodrik Cassel, holding a scroll. "He's been found." Cassel simply said as he handed the scroll over to her Father. Her father read the scroll and simply nodded. "Right. Gather the boys, and Bran." "Bran." Both her and her mother said at the same time. Her mother gently touched her cheek, and Jessica quieted. "He's only ten." Catelyn continued. "He won't be a boy forever." Ned sighed looking at them both. "And Winter is Coming." Their house motto. The finality that sealed it. Catelyn lips became thin. And Jessica spoke up. "I want to go with you." Both her Father and Mother were taken aback. "Jessica." Her mother began. "Its no place for a Lady such as yourself." "Please." Jessica took her Father's hand. Her Father looked to her Mother. Then her Father knelt down to be at her eye level. "When I return, you and I will meet in the Godswood. That is a promise." Her Father kissed her cheek and rose. He gave Catelyn a kiss and then departed. Jessica turned to her Mother. Catelyn opened her arms and Jessica fell into them. Her mother held her close. She pulled away and looked at her, really looked at her. "Listen to me closely. You will make a wonderful wife, a devoted mother. But playing a game in a man's world will end with your head on a spike. I can teach you to be a Lady and be powerful if that position. And lesson number one is knowing when to concede. Come we have meetings to attend to." And that was how the morning was spent. Receiving guest, making plans. She laid Rickon down shortly after lunch and was just heading back when Speta Mordane informed her that Ned was waiting for her in the Godswood. When Jessica arrived, she saw her Father already cleaning Ice, his sword made of Valyrian Steel. Jessica sat to his left, her head leaning on his thigh. They both said nothing. And it was comfortable. "You know." Her Father finally spoke. "When you were but a babe, you used to beg me not to go. Cling to me whenever I returned." Jessica gave a smile. "I was worried you'd die, that horrible men would do something vile." "I miss that. You were little, and not a care in the world." Ned looked toward the pond. "I blinked and you grew up." "Do I ever have to marry? Can I just stay home and run Winterfell?" Jessica looked up at her Father. He smiled and stroked her hair. "You would run Winterfell splendidly. I just fear you'd be lonely." Jessica didn't answer. She knew she wouldn't be lonely. She'd keep Jon at Winterfell with her. And he'd stay loyally by her side. They'd be together. "Ned." Catelyn had entered the Godswood. "Mother." Jessica leaned up. "Go inside. Robb has a gift for you. I need to talk to your father alone." Her tone while soft, was urgent. Jessica nodded and rose. She gave a bow to both her parents and headed off. She could somewhat make out apologies before she was far out of earshot. She made her way straight to Robb's room and knocked on the door. There was a brief pause, and what Jessica swore was barking, before Robb opened the door. There was a huge smile on his face. "Close your eyes." Robb stated. "What?" Jessica was now confused. "Trust me. Close. Your. Eyes." He insisted. Jessica did as told. Not seeing Robb then hold out his hand expectantly. She heard him sigh. "Give me your hand." She did. She was pulled inside his room and the door closed. She was lead to his bed and he sat her down on it. "Hold out your hands." Robb told her and did as told. A moment later something soft and fluffy was placed in her arms. She opened her eyes and was greeted with a wet nose and licks to the face. "Oh my Gods!" Jessica immediately cooed. "A puppy." She giggled. "A Direwolf." Robb corrected. "Seriously." Jessica looked at him. She saw another one jump on the bed. Identical to the one she was holding. "That's Grey Wind." Robb beamed proudly. "Your holding his twin. Just like us. Their was one for each of the children." Jessica looked at the pup in her arms. And saw like her that it was a girl. "Griselda." Jessica scratched the pup behind her ear. "Griselda and Grey Wind. The Twins of the North." "Just like us." Jessica smiled as Robb sat next to her. "Just like us." Jessica agreed. The family was called to supper that night, all seated together. Direwolves all at the children's feet. Jessica was sitting between Robb and Jon as per usual. Though she noticed her mother and father quiet. "Children. Jon Arryn passed." Catelyn quietly announced. "The Hand of the King?" Jessica asked. "Yes." Her Father answered. "He was like a father to me." "So what does that mean?" Robb asked, setting his cup down. "The King needs a new Hand." Jessica looked at Robb. "But they are all the way in the Capital." Robb shook his head. "That's why we wanted to talk to you." Ned simply stated. "Children, the King rides for Winterfell."
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