Chapter 4: Freshman Baek

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Freshman Baek   Baek's POV The opening ceremony of the faculty of engineering was like joining a cult. Or a welcoming party for wolves. I don't know. It just felt that way. And the head hazer was like the savior, with horns though. Or the head alpha of the pack. Damn! He was so hot. I was hiding my blushing face because he seemed to be staring at me the whole time. Every time I would look at the stage where he was standing, his eyes would meet mine. I could feel holes being bored in me. Ah! Probably just two. If you know what I mean. Wink* When I was handed my handbook, I wanted to run to him and get his signature first but I would look so desperate. So right now, my book is still lacking a single signature. I survived my morning classes after the ceremony without running into his arms when his team of hazers came to our last lesson. Something about choosing the next faculty moon. Speaking of classes, I'm so going to choke Sutthee later when this day is over. He's taking industrial engineering so we aren't in the same block. Because of his little question earlier inside the gym at the opening ceremony, my classmates had been swarming me with; "Baek! You have a lover from this department?" "Who is she?" "She's definitely hot, right?" "Damn! You got a senior as a girlfriend?" "Engineering pride, right Baek?" For Pete's sake, my lover is a man. Yes, he's hot. Definitely. So handsome..and hot...and-- Boink! "What the—Pier!!!" Right before the butt of an orange juice bottle gently conked my head, I think I heard little screams of joy. Pierre had actually grown really tall. At six feet one, he can have a 'which is the tallest bamboo contest' with P'Ace. "You were day dreaming, you didn't even notice the drooling students around you." After conking my head I got a nag from my best friend. "When did you get here? Where's Way?" I'm sitting in the cafeteria alone. I drank the drink Pierre gave me. Apparently, P'Ace's minions are watching from the table next to me. No one is allowed to sit with me. They recognized Pierre though. Of course. We all went to the same high school. I'm talking about P'Pete and P'Kas. "They're choosing their moon right now. I just dropped by to see how you're doing." He looks seriously worried. " oldest son is worried for me..." I ruffled his hair though even we are seated, he's still taller than me. So unfair... "Aish! Keep doing that and your husband will make me kiss the floor. You don't want your oldest son to make out with the ground, do you?" Pierre said and looked around looking for the familiar and scary figure that is my P'Ace. I smacked his back. "Sure. If we were in high school, I would have let him make you kiss the floor. Now scram! I'm seriously fine here." I crossed my arms on my chest. I'm obviously irritated. This is the first day of my college freshman year and I've already been overwhelmed by things I didn't want. Students drooling over me. Classmates getting all over me, turning into paparazzi. A best friend who stopped by to conk my head. Two pairs of eyes watching my every move. And a boyfriend who is missing in action. Ugh! I'm hungry. I wanted to eat lunch with him. Where is he? All of a sudden I felt warmth on top of my hair. I recognized his scent right away. Cinnamony. "Hi, baby..." A soft voice whispered in my ear as a figure sat next to me. I looked and my eyes feasted on his tanned and handsome features. He looks good in his red hazer jacket. Ripped jeans, too. 'Yummy.' "H-Hello, P'..." I smiled as I sat anxiously. Is it because we're in college now that I act like a maiden? This is stupid. "Hey, Pierre. Doesn't medical have a better looking cafeteria? Why are you here? Where's Keaton and Waine?" P'Ace asked after laying our lunch in front of us. His hand touched my back and he whispered in my ear. "Let's eat, baby." I nodded shyly and did as he said. Pierre is now sitting between P'Pete and P'Kas across us. "Way is in the middle of choosing their moon and star. Keaton was picked up by P'James. …I'm a loner." With the serious tone on Pierre, the two hazers next to him burst out laughing. "Wow! And the first thing you do is find Baek?" P'Pete poked Pierre's shoulder. "You have a death wish, Nong?" P'Kas poked his other shoulder. Pierre rolled his eyes. "I was more concerned of him being eaten alive here. The hazers aren't exactly saints in this department." I heard P'Ace and his two best friends chuckle. "You hear this guy, Nong Baek. He really does want to commit suicide here." P'Kas commented. I just smiled as I ate my lunch. My ears are already filled by murmurs in the cafeteria. It's like I am in the middle of a thousand bees in wolf bodies. 'Good luck, Baek.' I sighed thinking of the four years to come. But in the middle of these chitchats and buzzing, the hand that's in my back gives me comfort. Or maybe more. Agh...not good. I placed a hand on my boyfriend's lap. "P'Ace...could you sign my handbook?" Since Pierre had already left and my two seniors in front of us are busy teasing each other, I had to distract myself from my guy's naughty hands. He flashed me a gummy smile and took my handbook from me. I studied his reaction as he stared at the first page of the second half. He blinked a few times. "You didn't ask anyone yet to sign it?" I bit my lip trying to told my grin. I hummed a yes. He glanced back to me and pinched my cheek. "You're becoming more handsome yet so cute! Okay, I'm gonna sign it. Make sure you show the page I signed whenever you ask a senior to give you a signature, okay?" "Huh?" He didn't respond. Instead he wrote something on my handbook. And when he handed it back, he kissed my forehead. "I love you, baby. This will keep you safe." He's still touching the book that my hand is holding. I was too stunned to say I love you back. P'Ace kissed my hair and motioned his friends to leave with him. And in a second, I was alone. And I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Shoot! I'm the center of attention again. Wait... Heh? No one's approaching me. Ah! Of course. Hidden spies. He wouldn't just leave without little minions watching me. So possessive... The handbook! What did he write exactly? I opened it in the middle. In the first page of the second half... ~~~°~~~ "He's my angel. ...Mock and you die. ...Talk back and you die. ...Ask him out and you die. ...Touch him and you die. ...His name's Baek Jirayung. ...You've been warned." -The Devil ~~~°~~~ ______________________________
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