Chapter 3: The Hazer Boyfriend

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The Hazer Boyfriend   Four best friends gathered at the common hall of Sampaguita building. It's more of a huge living room with a giant TV screen on the wall and more than a couple of lounging sets. "Ever heard of the legends of the kings of New Thailand International Engineering department?" Baek heard his friend Keaton say. "Their predecessors will eat you alive, Baekie." Waine added. "They will work your ass off you wish you were back in Bangkok City. Or running to the Medical faculty." Pierre joined in. Baek stood up from the couch and conked each of his best friend's head with an empty popcorn bowl. "Aw!" "Aw!" "Aw!" "You guys can't change my decision. I will study architectural engineering. End of discussion. Not medicine. Not Science. And yes. I know who the kings were. I know them very well. And their predecessor-- ...will surely eat me alive. He already had been." He winked at the owners of the three widened pairs of eyes. "As for working my ass off, like Pierre said...hmmm..." Baek has a mischievous smile form in his lips. "...He did that, too." Baek responded to each statement. Boldly. "BAEKIE!!!" "What? Like you. And you... haven't had it yet." Baek pointed at Waine then Keaton. The bottoms in their own relationships. He gave Pierre thumbs up. Waine's face quickly reddened and hid it on Pierre's chest. While Keaton...his blushing cheeks didn't have a hiding place. His boyfriend is a working man and couldn't be with him. "Wanna hide your face on my chest, Kitty?" Baek offered in a cute way. With fluttering lashes and little pouty lips. "HELL NO!" "DAD!!!" The three best friends called the guy that just arrived in the lobby. Baek bit his lip. His back is facing the direction of the entrance of the building. He didn't need to look who the newcomer is. Tanned arms gently wrapped around Baek's chest from the back of the couch. "I thought you have another meeting, P'Ace." The three watched as their parents openly show their affection. Pierre and Waine frowned. And then looked away. Keaton made a gagging act. "Just leave kids. I have to punish your mother." Ace ordered the three friends to leave without giving them a single glance. Pierre, Waine, and Keaton left a little noisily. Pierre lives in Sampaguita building so he took the other two to his room. Leaving their parents on the lobby. " offer your chest to someone else now?" Ace traced the back of the couch as he walked alongside of it to get to Baek. It's a long couch so he jumped to the front to make it quicker. Baek pursed his lips as looked back to Ace guiltily. His boyfriend is now sitting next to him. Hands not touching any part of his body. Yet Baek can feel the tension Ace is sending to him. "Baby Baek...don't ever offer your chest to anybody. Or any part of you for that matter. Your best friends monopolized you for two years." "Not really monopolize—" "Shh..." Ace placed his index finger on Baek's lips. His eyes are boring holes on all of Baek's body. "I still call it that. I only had your time once, twice, and when I got lucky, three times a month. ...For two years." Baek blinked. "Give me most of your time while you're here, baby." Ace said in almost a domineering voice. Low but firm. Baek blinked one more time. And nodded. Slowly. A gummy grin formed in Ace's mouth. Baek smiled back. "Let's go, love. We have an opening ceremony to attend in the morning. I'll sleep in your room tonight." Baek let his lover take him to the elevator. Their eyes are locked on to each other. "Don't worry. I'll let you rest tonight." Ace kissed Baek's forehead before they got on the lift.       "Seniority! -Order! -Tradition! -Unity! -Spirit! These are the bases of our brotherhood. And sisterhood. This is ENGINEERING! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" "YES SIR!!!" The head hazer's voice roared inside the faculty's covered gymnasium. And the first years responded loudly every time he asked if they understood. All the first years from seven majors of engineering: civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical, industrial, computer, and the special major, architectural engineering-- had been attentively listening ever since the third year hazers stepped on the stage. This is the first day of their university days. This is their opening ceremony at the faculty of Engineering. Those who were whispering in the beginning were shut down by the second in command, Michael Difani. Those who were late to arrive were yelled at by Pete and Kao, the thirds in command. There are five other hazers including one seemingly charming female third year student- Pring Anuwat. They all stood behind their leader. Ace Jirayung. The devil of Engineering Department. "And this! This is the symbol of the Faculty of Engineering!" Mike stepped forward and presented his gear bracelet. Ace asked him to do the part of gear introduction because his had already been given to Baek. "...A GEAR. In a cogwheel system. If one of these fails, a device won't work. This symbolizes one as an engineering student. Without this-- You are not one of us! And THIS. Is our heart. An engineer's heart! You will work for it until you get one! You are not my junior until you get one! You are not an engineering student until you get one! GOT IT?!" "Yes..." "LOUDER!!!" "YES, SIR!!!" "You will come here at exactly four thirty in the afternoon. Every day for the next two weeks!" Ace spoke again. "UNDERSTOOD?!" "YES, SIR!" "And if you have a question, raise a hand. Stand up only. And only when you are acknowledged! UNDERSTOOD?!" "YES, SIR!" "State your student ID number and your query. UNDERSTOOD?!" "YES, SIR!" One female student raised a hand. "Yes." Ace acknowledged her attempt. "Student ID 00191. If the gear is an engineer's heart, then we have to take good care of it. How come you are not wearing one, P'Ace?" Ace held the urge to smile. Even his fellow hazers had to hold their whistles and teases for their leader. They have to live up to their name. The Devil and his Spawns. Ace stoically stared at the student then his eyes roamed to the rest of the first years sitting on the floor. His gaze landed on one particularly beautiful architectural engineering freshman. "Yes. It symbolizes our heart. For that reason, we should take care of it. And yes I don't have one. Wanna know why?" "YES, SIR!" "I gave it to someone for safekeeping. To an angel." The beautiful and handsome freshman pursed his lips and tried to hide his reddened face with the back of his hand. The same hand that's connected to the wrist that holds an engineer's heart. His lover's heart. "Any more questions?" Mike asked the first years. A male student raised a hand. "Yes." "Student ID 00102. I know someone who has the same gear but he's not a senior yet. Does it mean he was given the heart of an engineering senior?" It was Sutthee, Baek's high school friend. He knows the answer to his question but sitting next to the embarrassed Baek was tickling his tongue to say something. When Sutthee looked at the direction of the head hazer and his former high school senior, he cowered back to sitting position, not minding that he got no response. Ace was throwing daggers at Baek's friend. And Mike had to hold himself back from laughing so hard. Pete and Kao did not succeed in hiding their amusement. They high fived each other. That made the first years start murmuring. A little less than 500 freshmen were inside the gym. Their noise irritated the ears of their seniors. "ENOUGH!!!" All eyes were back to the head hazer. Ace. Mouths were quieted down. Some bodies even sacredly jerked. "Anymore questions?!"- Mike One by one, more first years asked about the hazing activities. Some of them asked about the gear again but dismissed right away when the questions were deemed unnecessary. "If you think you can just ask any question you want, you are wrong!" Sutthee trembled at the sound of the head hazer's voice. "If you think you can talk or whisper in this room whenever you want. You are wrong!" "And if you even slightly think your life will be easy here. You. Are. So. Wrong!" "Pring!" Ace called another hazer. The only female hazer stepped forward. She flashed the maroon booklet. Maroon is the color of the Engineering Faculty. "This is your engineering student hand book. The first half contains the rules you need to abide. Within seven days, bring this to us with 1000 signatures on the second half of it." The freshmen students gasped. "GOT IT?" "YES..." "With every rule broken, you will get your punishment. Not as an individual. But as a whole. One for all! All for one!"- Kas GOT IT?!" - Pete. "YES, SIR!" "This is your first task. Don't disappoint us! WE. ARE. ENGINEERS! Show us what you got!"-Ace. "YES, SIR!"  
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