Chapter 5: The Devil’s Realm

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The Devil’s Realm   Baek's POV I survived the first day. Phew! And Sutthee got his punishment for putting me on the spotlight. Let's see how he's bearing with the pretend love team I gave him. Sutthee x Park. Sutthee fell head over heels on one of my classmates when they met again on the hazing grounds. Now, Su will learn not to mess with me again. It could be worse. I could have paired him with someone he doesn't have a crush on. Wait. Did I say punishment? But—Owh... It isn't anymore, is it? Where's my head???!!! Ugh! Here comes the second day. P'Ace had already signed my handbook, and so I began my quest to finding 999 more signatures. And of course I found his three stupid friends. ...After they snatched my handbook from another student I was about to do a task for to get his name. "Look at this. Angel Baek, the prince of Khamkaeo High is here to find 999 signatures." P'Mike wrote his name and flashed the maroon booklet to all the students in the cafeteria. 'Ugh! Bury me!!!' "Owh? Don't be shy Baekie. Hey! Everyone! The devil's angel is here to ask for 996 signatures. Don't make him wait!" P'Pete said after him and P'Kas had signed my booklet. "Read the first signed page before you put down your name. You just might be saved." P'Kas warned his fellow third years. They're wearing red hazing jackets. One by one, the seniors approached our table, P'Ace's table. But he's not here. How busy can he be? I remember him saying... 'Give me most of your time...' So, where the hell is he??? I greeted my seniors as I introduced myself and I got to know their names. It looks fun knowing all these faces except for the three pairs of glaring eyes next to me. Guarding me like a freaking princess. Seriously. They're taking the fun out of my college life. Freaking spawns! A second year approached our table. Damn it. I should be the one reaching out to them. This is stupid. "Hello, Nong. I heard you went to Khamkaeo. I went to its sister school in Chiang Mai." "Hi, Phi. I'm Baek." I smiled at him as he handed me by book back. Omg! His smile turned wider and he looks exactly like-- "Okay, Jongsuk look alike. Move on." P'Mike had turned into another P'Ace. "Nice meeting you, Baek. My name is-- "Yeah. yeah. Just go." P'Kas pushed the second year in the back before he could tell me his name. I heaved a sigh in defeat as I slumped my body on my seat. Is this how it's gonna be? Maybe I should form another army. Or maybe just kick these idiots' nuts so they'd leave me alone. After the supposed to be 'hard signature finding quest', I went back to class. And of course my classmates were all over me. "Hey, Baek! How many signatures did you get?" Like I wanna see right now. "Um. I don't know." I handed Park my book and saw how widened his eyes are. "103? Just during lunch? Woah! You'll gather all 1000 before this week ends, Baek." Park took his seat next to me after my other classmates had a look at my booklet. "OMG!!! You're the devil's angel?" One of my female classmates exclaimed. "Let me see tha- Are you serious???!!!"-classmate 2. "You're married already???"-classmate 3. "WHAT???!!!"-the rest of the class. "Our head hazer is Jirayung. Baek is a Jirayung. Right?"-classmate 1. I nodded. My mind is preoccupied. "WOAH!!!"-the rest of the class. Park is just sitting, chuckling and shaking his head. We became close since yesterday and he knows P'Ace is my step-brother that's why we have the same name. "Ouch!" Park yelped when someone smacked him. "What the hell?!" "You could have warned us that Baek is our head hazer's angel. You knew, didn't you?"-classmate 1. "Yeah, so?" Another one smacked him. Seriously. They're all so close now. With all the smacking and s**t going on. "We could have been thrown straight to hell if we were seen mistreating Baek, moron!" "But it's all good since to guys are just openly crushing on Baek, right?"-Park. Smack! "That's even worse! He's gonna think we're taking his angel away!" "And the hazing yesterday was already hell! My body is sore!" "They said it was just the entrance to hell." "We'll be dead by the time we reached midway then." "Relax, guys. No one is going to hell. I'll talk to him." I said as our professor came in for our lecture. "Thanks, Baek." They whispered to me as they all went back to their own seats.  The class went on and I tried to concentrate. I had studied and memorized all my subject syllabi that were handed yesterday. Now, all I needed is to get all those books on the reference list, read them, show up in classes. Viola! I'll be able to pass my exams and get the hell out of this hell. Four years. Four more years. "...since we're just doing an overview of your calculus, we'll be having a long test by the end of this week. First semester is still easy. ...Let's see if you guys are really cut off to be architectural engineers. ...Any questions?" Our professor said at the end of the lecture. "Yes, Mr. Suphong." Park had raised his hand. "Um...Sir, what's the coverage of the test?" "Chapters 1 to 10 of course." The rest of the class groaned in annoyance. And before our professor left, he made way for the group of second years. The moon and star committee. Great! "Good afternoon, first years!" One of the second years greeted us. "Hello!" We greeted back. "As you know, we are looking for our next moon. The star had already been chosen from the computer engineering." "Our committee chair had told us to come to this class since our next moon would be here, he said." While I was frowning, Park nudged me. "It's you." He said in my ear. "Aish! Shut up." I hissed at him as gets up and scoot over closer. "He will be here soon to point out the next moon—Oh, here is!"   Jaws dropped when Jongsuk look alike came through the door. He flashed his smile soon as he stepped into our lecture room. "Kyah!!! It's Jongsuk oppa!!!" Ugh! It's his doppelgänger, girls. Stop you panties from falling. I wish I could say that. "Hello, first years!" His smiled and voice made my classmates even more excited. "Oppa!!!" Dear lord! "Like my committee members said, I'm here to take our next moon. He will be coming with me later at the gathering after your hazing activities." "OMG! Oppa! Were you the last moon?" "Yes, he was. He also won the last year's competition. We've won this two years in a row. So whoever is our next faculty moon, we have high hopes from you." One of the female second years said. Park poked my side again. "Stop it!" I slapped his finger away. Damn it. He's annoying. "What's your name, Oppa?" One of my female classmates asked. "Ow, sorry. My name is Nam-il Go. Nice to meet you all." I heard him say. I wasn't looking in front of us anymore. "Kyah! He's so handsome!" "Nong, Baek..." I was busy burying myself in my mind's made up coffin when Jongsuk hyung's doppelgänger stood in front of me. He handed me a bottle of juice. And as I looked up, I was met by his charming smile. Good lord. "I'll pick you up after the hazing activities-- ...Baek." I nodded amidst the joyful and jealous screams of my classmates. 'Now what?' _____________________________  
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