Chapter 49. Bleeding heart.

1316 Words

"Why does she keep avoiding me?" Conway asked his wife after she left the house. "I still don't know." Sophie honestly answered as she too was in confusion while she stared at her husband. "Or did both of you have any misunderstanding with yourselves of which you are not telling me?" She did not know when she asked. The question just slipped out of her mouth. "Nooo…." He dragged the response, "Did she tell you that we had any?" "Not at all." "You don't need to lie to me. If there is anything she told you about you should not hesitate to let me know so I can apologize to her because I'm sure it is unknown to me." "I just said there is none which she told me about." "Then what were you discussing before I came back and she all of a sudden hurried away?" Not wanting anything to come in

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