Chapter 50. Controlled by her anger.

1213 Words

Getting to Megan's door, she began to bang the door without saying anything to alert Megan that she was the one and not the maid. Thinking that it was the maid that had come back again to piss her off, Megan shouted again. "What the hell is wrong with you! Why do you servants like being mistreated before following instruction?! I said get lost!" Elizabeth heard her clearly but wanted to see how angry she could be so she kept banging the door to draw her out without uttering a word. It became too annoying to Megan that the person at the door was not even answering her not leaving as said, she muttered, "Today will be the last day you will work in this mansion!" She stood from her bed, walking up to the door with anger to bounce on whoever was not obeying her instruction to leave. As she

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