Chapter 4. I love you ma'am Alice.

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"Good evening Ma'am," Martin stood up as he saw Alice approach him. He thought she had to send him on an errand by that time of the day. "No, sit. I am not here to send you on any errand." She said knowing that was what he was thinking when he jumped up. Now he was thinking what on earth would bring her to him by that time if it was not to give him an instruction. The next thing he saw was that she also sat down on the ground with him. He was very surprised because that was the first he saw sitting on the ground. "Please ma'am, you should not be doing this. I don't want your mother to see you sitting on the ground with me." "It's okay, I don't think there is anything wrong with it." She said to him as he turned his neck around. "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid of anything. I heard what my sister did to you earlier this evening, so I came to apologize on her behalf." "It's nothing. If only she knows what she is doing. She is just a kid and has a long way to go." "I know you were not trying to question her orders. You only wanted to tell her that I haven't returned home. She would have heard what you had to say first before acting. I hope you can forgive her for my sake." Then Martin was silent for a minute as he thought of what to say, "Yes ma'am, I forgive her." "Are you sure? You don't have to say that only to please me." "I know, so truly forgive her." "Thanks for accepting my apologies." She wanted to stand up before he said, making her maintain her posture. "Ma'am, can I ask you a question?" "Yes, go ahead, what is it?" "I want to know why you are so kind to me?" "Because you are a human being, and no one has to be treated badly because of who they are." Her response then made Martin feel that was his moment, so he said with a very low tune, "I love you, ma." Alice pretended as if she did not hear what he said, "Sorry, can you come again?" He knew that she heard him the first time but was asking because she wanted to hear someone say those words boldly to her, so he repeated, "I love you ma'am Alice." "Wait, let me assume I don't understand the type of love you are talking about, so can you explain?" "I mean to say that I have feelings for you." "Are you okay?!" She stands up immediately. "I am sorry ma. I didn't mean to get you angry," he also got up and was begging but still making it known to her that he was not joking about what he said. "So because you see me come to you asking that you should forgive my sister for her actions, you then think that I have feelings?" "No ma'am, that is not it." "Will you short up while I am talking to you?! What do you take me for? How could you even imagine that I will fall for someone like you? I know this is because I have been trying to be good to you, so I think I will have to stop being good to you and start treating you the way the other members of this house treat you? Since you want to take my kindness for granted. Just take a look at the both of us, do we look like we are of the same class? Wait, you are saying this because you heard about me and my boyfriend so you are trying to take advantage of it. Well let me tell you, whatever dream you are having, you better stop it because it is not possible. If I ever hear you say such again, then I will have no option than to have you thrown out so you will go back to the dirt where you came from." "I am sorry ma," he continued to beg as she stopped talking. "You better be and never repeat it again because if you do, I will show you the other side of me." Alice angrily walked out on him. Martin was surprised, he never thought that his confession would make her that angry. But he was only telling her his feelings towards her right from the first day he saw her. Now he was thinking that he had made a very big mistake by telling her that. He now needs to find time to apologize to her and tell her that he did not mean what he said, but deep down, he meant it and longed to have a successful relationship with her. ***** Now Megan, who was still sitting some distance away at the spot where she had told Alice about what happened earlier, had been watching both of them from there. She noticed the mood of her sister change, and she was scolding the same person who she did not like seeing them scold. Megan was only seeing her reaction but she did not hear anything that was said. So as she saw Alice angrily walk towards the mansion, she contemplated on approaching Martin to find out what he said to Alice that has made her grow so angry at him to the extent of scolding him. At first she thought it was maybe he refused to accept her apology but then she knew that such was not going to make Alice very angry because it was improper for Alice to force him to forgive someone. So she gets up, taking a few steps towards him but later stops because she was not used to talking to him aside from giving him instructions on what to do in the house. So she turned and followed Alice down to her room. Alice had just entered the room when she knocked on the door and with the anger she was already having, she answered angrily, "What is it?! Don't you servants know that it's late?! I don't need anything else?!" She said this because a servant would always go around by that time to ask them if there was anything they needed again for that day. "Alice, it's me, Megan. Can I come in?" "No Megan, I am not in the mood." She knew why Megan had followed her to the room so she did not want to talk about it. "Okay, tomorrow then. Goodnight." Megan said and then walked away.
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