Chapter 5. There is always a first time.

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The next morning, Megan went to check on her sister again because she still had what she had seen in mind, and she found it difficult to take it off her mind. But getting to the room to speak with Alice, she realized that Alice had left the house as early as five o'clock and she did not tell anyone where she was going. She tried calling her to find out where she had gone but it came to her notice that Alice had gone out without her phone and it was obvious she intentionally left it at home because she did not want anyone to disturb her. When she reached out to her mother Elizabeth to know whether Alice had told her where she was going or when she would be back, her mother's reply was that she wasn't aware of Alice leaving the house, nor did she know when Alice would be coming back. Her conclusion was that Alice would definitely come back home since the only place she must have gone was to her father's company as she always did. But Megan could not accept this presumption because she had called the company and they told her that her sister had not come to the company that day. Adding to this, Alice did not leave the house with her driver, which was rare. Her driver had told Megan that his mistress wanted to be alone, and even relieved him of his duties for that day. So he was preparing to go and visit his family. Due to the disappearance without a trace, Megan then knew that it would have something to do with what she had seen in the night before, but she did not tell it to anyone. After all, her mother was not too curious because she believed her daughter was at the company and would return when it was time for her to come back. Megan then had to look for Martin as she had gathered the courage to ask him about what conspired between him and Alice. She said to herself that there was always a first time to everything. So that day was going to be the first time she will be talking to Martin concerning something not related to his work in the mansion. Martin was busy cleaning Sophie's car as he was instructed to do that morning when Megan came close to him and asked. "Good morning, Martin." He quickly turned and looked at who was greeting, it was not much of a shock to see that it was Megan because that was not the first time she was greeting him with so much respect. He instantly returned the greeting, "Good morning, ma'am. What can I do for you after now?" He added the question because he knew Megan would not come to him unless there was something he was best in doing for her. "There is nothing you can do for me. I can see that you are already busy." "Yes, but you can still tell what you will have me do for you once I'm done. Besides, I'm rounding up." "I just want to have a word with you, I don't know if you could spare me some of your time?" "Sure. I'm all ears," he agreed to hear what it was all about. For the first time since he came there, she wanted to talk with him and since she was not bad to him, he was impatient to hear what she had to say. Just before Megan would begin what she wanted to say since he had had given her his attention, Sophie scolded him because he gave Megan his attention when he wasn't done with the duty assigned to him, "Are you crazy? Will you finish with my car so I can leave here? I'm running late." Martin did not know that she had come outside and had overheard him. But in all he did not know why she had to shout that way seeing that it was his sister he was talking with. He turned and apologized to her, "I am very sorry ma, I will be done in a few more minutes." He returned to finish the cleaning of the car. "Will you stop saying you're sorry and get to work?! I don't have time to lose. Always apologizing, yet you won't avoid doing things that will cause you to apologize." Sophie said and then began to walk down the alley. Megan did not say anything to Sophie for some minutes, she knew that Sophie did not scold Martin because she was running late, rather it was because she was still angry with her because of yesterday. So she chose to test her and know if her thoughts were right, "Good morning, sis." But Sophie subbed her greetings, proving that she was still angry about yesterday. "Good morning big sis," Megan took it upon herself to repeat the greeting. "Please keep your greetings to yourself. I don't need them." "But…." "I said I don't need them. Leave me alone." Sophie displayed her anger. "I know it is about yesterday. I am sorry. I was wrong not to greet you." "Has that fool initiated you into the class of people that also say they're sorry." "Nooo. Can you just say something without bringing Martin into it?" "Why would I not bring him into this? Is he not the reason why you've lost respect for me? I see the way you look at him and show him respect and honor. Whereas, he is the one to respect you because he is a servant." "Don't be so inhuman, for the fact that he is less fortunate shouldn't make you treat him anyhow. He is also a human being like you and I. Whereas, he is older than us, so he deserves our respect." "Don't you dare preach to me?!" Sophie stopped, looking into Megan's eyes as she warned her. "He is not the only servant in this house who is older than me. There are others that are even older than him." "Yet you don't seem to respect any of them again ever since…." Megan chose to stop her sentence there. She did not want to continue further. "Ever since what? Say what you want to say?" Sophie was eager to know what she had in mind because she was ready to make a fight out of it if it was what she was thinking.
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