Chapter 3. Am I invisible to you?

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It was after Martin went out of their presence that Elizabeth sat down. Conway and Sophie also followed. Then she said to her daughter, "Sophie, you were too harsh on him, you shouldn't have slapped him. You and I know that your sister isn't back from the office so I believe that was what he was about to tell you." "Mother, don't tell me that you are now taking sides with that fool, he deserved what he got, even more." "Of course he deserved it but not today." "Can we just forget about that slave?" "Okay," she agreed without argument. "So tell me, I'm sure you have good news for me?" Conway wanted to answer because he was the one Elizabeth referred to but Sophie snatched words from his mouth, "Actually mom, we are here because we met Noel Webb on our way back. He was asking us to help in begging Alice to forgive him. Can you imagine that after everything Alice had been through with him, she still went ahead in breaking up with him?" "Was that why you were looking for her?" "Yes mother," she replied as she noticed that Elizabeth was not amazed by the report she was giving, "You are not saying anything. I told that Alice broke up with Noel again." "Were you expecting me to say something? Actually, Alice already told me about her break up with Noel and I couldn't force her to continue with a relationship that she doesn't want." "I can't believe that you are saying this. Noel has done a lot for Alice and this family, she should not break up with him no matter what he does. Besides, he is asking for her forgiveness now." "Like I earlier said, I can't force her to do what she doesn't want. It's her life. When she comes back, you can talk to her by yourselves and see if she would not change her mind. Let's respect her decision." Then Megan, the youngest daughter of Elizabeth who had been watching the whole thing that had been going on since came down from the staircase. She greeted her mother and Conway as she headed for the exit. She was pretty and she was turning twenty in the next few weeks. She was a very quiet character especially when Sophie was around. Her quietness started a week after the death of their father. Before now, she was very fond of arguing with Sophie and Sophie seemed to be enjoying it whenever they argued so she still loved making Megan want to argue with her. As she was about to leave, Sophie said, "Hey, didn't you see me here? Or am I invisible to you?" Megan did as though she did not hear her, and continued towards the door. "Hey you! I'm talking to you," she stands up with anger as if was going to attack. Then Alice opened the door and came in before Megan would even open it. She heard Sophie raising her voice so she asked as she came in. "Good evening Mom. What's going on? Sophie, I heard you raise your voice." "Sis, you're welcome," Megan greeted Alice as she now stood beside her. "Can you imagine that this little brat greeted everyone here apart from me." "As you saw me, have you greeted me before answering my question?" Alice asked back. "Are you trying to support her?" "Don't try twisting the question," Megan said to Sophie as she stood still beside Alice because they both understood themselves more after the death of Dean Gill. "Nevermind. Thank goodness you are here." Elizabeth did not want to join in the talk of her children, she did not like doing that most times when it has to do with things like this. She knew what Sophie was going to say. "I think I should excuse you girls now." As their mother left them back upstairs and Alice did not dwell on what she had asked Sophie, Megan also saw the need to continue out of the house just as she had in mind. "It seems you want to tell me something." "Yes. I heard you broke up with Noel again? Why and why didn't you tell me? Mom said you already told her." "Sorry I forgot. But is there a problem?" "Umm, not really but we saw Noel on our way, and he asked us to beg you on his behalf. He really regrets what he did." "I don't hold anything against him, but for us to get back together is not going to work. I've moved on so he better do the same." "So who is the new guy that made you forget about all that Noel has done?" "There is nobody. I just don't want to be in a relationship again. I'm tired." "Sis, you can't be saying this. You know that you're the one Conway and I have been waiting for so that we could proceed with our wedding plans." "I did not forget that, whereas I already told mom that the both of you can proceed with the wedding plan. I have given up on love, it is not my thing. I have to focus on work and stop giving my heart to someone that would end up breaking it again and leave me to gather its piece." "But you know it's not proper for me to get married before you?" "I have given you the go ahead, and mother is aware, so please, I don't want to be reminded of Noel or anything about love. I shall be going to my room right now." She leaves them and climbs up the stairs. While she was walking out on them Conway wanted to rant but Sophie singled him to calm down and not say anything. She had a plan and she knew that once Conway heard of it, he would be overwhelmed and even welcome the privilege that Alice was giving to them. ***** Later that evening, after Conway had returned home and the family of Dean had their supper, Alice was now with Megan sitting in the field as they talked to one another. "Megan, to be honest, you should have greeted Sophie. I did not like the report despite the fact that I tried to defend you. She is still your elder sister." "I know sis, but after what she did today, I just couldn't greet her, even Conway did not deserve my respect this evening." Now Alicia was curious to know what Sophie had done that caused her not to show her some respect. "What did she do?" Then Megan began to narrate what happened to Alice starting from how Sophie slapped Martin, down her accusing him falsely and Conway supporting her, even to the point that their mother supported them when she knew the truth. After she heard this, Alice was angry, it was as if she should go and fight for Martin but she could not. It would look somehow, she understood her mother's point but Sophie, she was really mad at her but could not scold her own sister because of a servant. Thus she realized that all she could do was to go and apologize to Martin on the behalf of all of them. "I'm coming," she leaves her sister and goes to meet Martin who was sitting down on the floor in the field after watering the garden that evening.
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