Chapter 2. How dare you speak.....

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It was evening the next three days, six in the evening to be precise, when Sophie Dean came home with her boyfriend Conway Norman. They were returning from a date when they came across Noel Webb, and the news they were hearing was not pleasant to them. As they were walking into the mansion, Conway Norman said to his fiancée, "Babe, you need to talk to your sister. Tell her to stop doing this." "Calm down sweetheart, I will talk to her, that is why we are here." Sophie assured him. She was also not happy about the news. "You better do it. I don't want to tell her this, myself." Conway was really paranoid. He was the same age as Alice so he lacked the respect which others gave to her. He was only respecting Alice because his girlfriend and his mother-in-law to be respected her. Aside from that, he did not see any reason to show her respect. "Sweetheart, I said you should calm down. I will talk to her. Just don't say anything." "This is the third time she is doing this in two years. How long will she keep acting like a child? She needs someone to talk some sense into her." "I know, just let me handle this. I am also as angry as you are." They walked into the first sitting room of the mansion where visitors were being received for all sorts of discussion. "Honey, please stay here while I go and talk to her." "I'd be waiting." "Please feel at home.' "Of course I know. You don't need to remind me." Sophie climbs up the stairs to meet her sister in her room. After a few minutes, she came back down. "What is it? Are you done just now," Conway got back on his feet with surprise. "Oh no, she is not in her room." "Where has she gone?" "Just relax," she said to him and then began to scream aloud, "Martin… Martin… Martin…" Martin rushed to the room as he heard his name being called, he sensed trouble because there was never a time Sophie would call his name that she did not have something to blame him for. "Yes ma'am." "You fool…! Where have you been and why did you answer me the first time I called?" "I'm sorry," "Will you keep those silly apologizes to yourself? I don't need them." "Yes ma'am." "Where is my sister?" "Which one of them, ma?" "Look at this i***t, which of my sister's would I be asking you of? The one that brought you into this house of course." "I don't know where she has gone, ma." "Wait you don't know where she is yet you are stressing me. Will you go and find her for me?!" "But ma'am…." "Are you trying to question me?" "What is going on here?" Elizabeth, who had heard Sophie yelling from her room, came down to know what was going on, asked while she walked down the staircase. Conway rushed and held Elizabeth by the hand as she reached the floor, then he kissed her on the hand as a sign of greeting and respect, "Good evening ma." "Thank you Conway," she said as looked at Martin who bowed his head in homage to her. "Good evening mom," "Yes, Sophie, can you tell me what is going on here? Why all that noise which I heard from upstairs?" "It is not this good for nothing servant of Alice." "What did you do this time again? I thought Alice said she would talk to you about your manners and place in this house? Why are you pushing us to the wall?" "Ma…" he wanted to explain himself but Sophie gave him a dirty slap on his left cheek. "How dare you speak when my mother is still talking?! You are only permitted to speak when given the permission." The slap was so painful without a doubt and his blue eyes turned red as he looked at Sophie with raging anger. Those eyes were able to scare Sophie to death as mere looking at it, Sophie would know that it was a warning that she should not try such a thing ever again in her life. Of course Sophie knew that she could not have slapped him if not for the fact that her mother was present with them and he was respecting her presence. But with her mother present, she still tried to exercise her power over him. "Sophie, that's enough. Tell me what happened." "I asked him to go and call Alice for me. Instead of hurrying up, he stood here questioning my authority to send him on an errand." "Is that true, Martin?" Elizabeth had to ask because out of all the things he knew him to be capable of, that was not on the list. "Mother, are you insisting that I am lying to you? Conway was here, he can attest to this truth." Elizabeth just turned to Conway to hear what he had to say about Sophie's claim. Of her three daughters, Sophie was the most ruthless. She was quite aware that she never liked Martin right from the very day he entered that house and was always finding faults in him. But she could not side with Martin right in front of her daughter, and despite the advice which she had given to Sophie concerning him, she was not taking any of them. So there was nothing more she could do to ease the anger and hatred Sophie had towards him. Conway's eyes were fixed on Sophie as he said, "Yes, Sophie is right, he did try to question her orders." And for the first time Elizabeth had to totally believe what Sophie said about Martin. She now seems to believe that Sophie was not making up any of the complaints she had brought to her about him. Yet she still had to ask him to fulfill all righteousness, "So it is true, you did try to question her?" Martin, now could not deny this because even Conway had beared false witness to it, so he did not want to make them liars for he knew the aftereffects. He simply nodded his head, taking responsibility for what was being said about him. He thought maybe he had truly tried questioning Sophie, but only him knew what he wanted to say before he was being shut out. Nevertheless, trying to question Sophie was nothing to him, he could do anything he wanted as long as Elizabeth was not around. Now Elizabeth did not have any doubts again because he had also admitted it by himself, "For this act, I know what to do. Now will you get lost?" "Yes ma'am," he turned and walked away with no sign of remorse because he had done nothing wrong.
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