Chapter 6. Let love find you.

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With the manner and tone in which Sophie used in asking that question, Megan was wise enough not to tell what she had wanted to say because her sister would even quarrel the most with her and the mercy which she had asked for would be granted to her. "Nevermind." "No. Tell me what you were about to say." "I've forgotten what it was." "It better be…." She continues her walk away from her sister. "So do you forgive me?" She still goes after her, "It's really coming from my heart." Still she did not reply to her, and Megan had to give up since she had a more important thing to do which was finding out what happened in the night when Alice went to talk to Martin. When Martin was done with the cleaning of the car and had told Sophie that he was done. He then searched for Megan to find out what she wanted to talk to him about. "Madam, it's me, Martin," he said as he knocked on her room door. "You wanted to speak with me." And since the purpose for that was not yet achieved, she said, "The door is open, come in." So he walked in slowly. "Martin, I wanted to ask you what happened last night when my sister came to talk to you in the garden." "Nothing serious, ma." "And I want to know what that unserious thing is because she was angry after it and has disappeared without a trace this morning all because of the unserious thing." But Martin could not speak again after that, he knew that Megan had sensed something and he did not want to lie to her. So keeping quiet was the best he could do. "It's okay Martin, you can talk to me about it." Then he decided to speak, "Ma'am Alice to just have a word with me just as you chose to have a word with me. I'm sure she would not want me to spill out what we spoke about to anyone." "Alright, Martin, I won't force you." She had to take that word as she presumed that it was not proper to force words out of his mouth. She realizes that her sister was the right person to ask about that. "I'm sorry I can not tell you what we spoke about. If it were something I could share, then I would not hesitate to tell you about it." "I understand. By the way, I noticed you are always up early, so I am wondering if you have a clue of where she is going?" "It should be the usual place. Although she left very early which was unusual, but through her dressing, I am sure it was the same place." "Okay. You can leave now." She thought about it and maybe he was right about her going to the office. And maybe she was the one who asked the employee at the company not to tell that she was around. A lot came into her mind, as she also wondered where Alice would always go with their father when he was still alive. Then she rushed out of the mansion and left for the company. ***** When she came to the company, she headed for their father's office which had not been occupied by anyone despite his being dead for two years. As she came close to the office, she felt the presence of her late father and that was the reason why she never came there since his death. She was the only one that usually had this feeling whenever she was came there and it was under her request that they decided not to touch any of the things in the office So she knocked on the door as she noticed it was unlocked and someone was inside. Not even waiting for a response from whoever was in there, she opened the door and walked in only to see Alice sitting on one of the chairs facing the one their father would always sit on. Alice had heard the knock and had also noticed someone come in but she did not move her to see who it was. Megan could feel the mood of Alice so she did not do anything until she had slowly come close and had taken the other chair next to her. She looked at her elder sister steadily while she looked at the chair their father used to sit on. After some minutes of the stare without a word from either of them, Megan decided to break the silence. "I thought I would find you, and I was not wrong." "What are you doing here? I thought you never liked coming here?" Alice had to now look at Megan. "Yes, but I care so much about you, that is why I am here. I have looked for you everywhere I thought you to be. I even tried your phone and noticed that you left it at home." "I just did not not want anyone to disturb me." "Is it still because of yesterday? You can talk to me about it." "No Megan, you won't understand. You haven't experienced what I have experienced. And you have no clue of what I am going through." "If you tell me, I am sure I will understand and be of help to you." Alice looked at her for some time and observed her determination, so she chose to share her problem. But first she started by asking a question. "Why is this happening to me? Why can't I find my own prince charming? Does it mean that true love as read in fairy tales does not exist?" "Of course it does. We have read so many books with happy endings where the lovers live happily ever after. We have also seen their movies today while we were little." "I know, but now that I am all grown up, I think those stories are not real. They are mere fiction aimed at keeping kids happy. True love only happens in story books." "No sis, it also happens in reality. Cinderella, sleeping beauty, beauty and the beast, show white and many others were more than just fairy tales. I believe you will find true love sooner or later." "You all keep telling me the same. This was what you all told me when I broke up with the first and second person, now it's Noel Webb, and you are still telling me the same thing. I am tired of finding love." "Then let love find you." "That was what I thought when Noel confessed love for me. But it ended up being a fake and now someone is doing the same thing. It hasn't even been upto a week. I think they are everywhere, waiting for their moment." "Then you should look closely and I am sure you will find your prince charming amongst them." Megan said as she misinterpreted Alice. And Alice got angry by that sentence, "This is the reason why I told you that you won't understand. Your life seems to be perfect now. You haven't even started taking relationships so seriously that is why you don't understand how it feels to experience break up and I pray you don't experience any. I just hope your relationship life works as perfect as that of your sister. I hope you find someone like Conway who will love you for real and not pretend because he wants something in return."
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