Chapter 7. I can't wait for that long.

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Megan was not all that happy with the words her sister just said concerning her not taking relationship seriously. So she decided to break the news which she planned to break on the day of birthday. "No sis, I understand every single thing you feel right now. Of course, I envy Sophie and Conway but for the fact that I haven't introduced anyone to you as my boyfriend doesn't mean that I don't have one. I know how it feels to break up with someone that you love, I once broke up with a friend. I realized that he was cheating on me even though our relationship wasn't up to three months, but I still felt the impact. Well, that aside, I have a friend who I am currently hanging out with, but we haven't made it official. I was planning to make it official on my birthday but you seem to have forced words out of my mouth. His name is Luke Barker and he is twenty one years old. We are both studying medicine in college and he is okay with his life and I am happy with him." Alice was baffled by hearing these confessions from Megan, she never had an idea and Megen never told anyone about it nor did she portray any sign that she was in a relationship. All the same Alice had to ask. "How long have you two been together? And how sure are you that he is not after your inheritance like Noel and the rest of the guys I have dated?" "Come on, big sis.... I just told you that he is okay with his life. But since you insist on knowing, he has already started working towards his dream of becoming a doctor. He works as a part-time nurse in the health center and we have been together for a year and six months." "What?!" Alice could not believe her ears. "You mean you have been in a relationship for over a year now, yet no one knows about it. You haven't brought him to the house for a proper introduction?" "Yes. Like I said he is a very busy person, he keeps going from class to work and vice versa." "Wow. I would really love to meet him." "Not so fast. I said I did not want to make it known till I turn twenty so you will have to be patient until then. It's only a few weeks to go." "I can't wait for that long." "You'll have to try and please I don't want mom or Sophie to know about this yet. I never wanted any of you to know. It is supposed to be a surprise." "And it truly is a surprise. Very good news for that matter." Then Megan, seeing the joy in the heart of Alice, knew that she might not be able to keep such a secret so she had to force her into making a promise. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about it?" Alice hesitated as she looked at her sister for some seconds before saying the words. "Okay, I promise. I will keep it to myself and allow you to break the news to Mom whenever you want to. But I'd still like to meet him before your birthday." Megan now saw that she had been able to change the mood of her sister from a sad and angry one to a happy one. So she had to return back to the reason that had brought her there, "You still did not tell me who it is that confessed love to you. I would like to know and meet the person, maybe I could be able to discern whether his intentions are genuine or if it's still the same as that of the other men." "No, Megan, we should forget about him. He is not to be considered." Alice refused to tell her that it was Martin. She would be embarrassed if her sister knew that Martin was the one who wanted to have a relationship with her. But being so determined to know who it is, she had to strike a deal with Alice, "Okay, how about you tell me who this person is and I will arrange a meeting so you can meet Luke Barker?" Now Alice had been trapped by that deal, she was eager to meet this cute gentleman who was determined to make his own wealth and not long after that of other people so she did not know when she said, "Okay, we have a deal." It was after these words that she reasoned what she had just said. She could not take back her words nor could she lie about who it was to her sister. "So who is he?" Megan asked with excitement and eagerness to know the person in question. But before Alice would answer her, she had to make her make a promise too. "Please, I don't want you to tell anyone about this, not even ask as if you know about it." "Of course, I won't. It's a promise." Alice trusted Megan that since she had made the promise, she would keep to her word, so she revealed. "It's Martin Patel. He had the boldness to tell me that he had feelings for me and would want us to know ourselves more intimately." For a second Megan did not want to believe what she heard, hearing who he was, it was obvious to her that his intentions would be the same as her exes, who want to share in her wealth. But as much as she did not want to believe it, she had to believe it after remembering how her sister got angry and left him yesterday. And also how he chose not to tell her about it when she asked him earlier. "So what was your reply to him and what do you intend to do to him?" "Of course you know my reply. Or do you expect me to fall for his confession?" "Just wanted to be sure it was not what I was thinking. So what do you intend to do to him?" "Nothing. Or is there anything you want me to do." "Ummm, not really...." she stammered. And Alice could tell that there was something she had in mind, so she made this amazing gazing, telling Megan that she knew she was lying so she shouldn't lie to her. "In my opinion, I would say that you should send him away, or maybe make him see that a relationship will never work between you two?" "If I get you right, you mean I should start treating him badly?" "Ummm, maybe yes. I guess he said that because of the way you treat him with love. Maybe, you have shown him so much love that he seems to forget his place in the house." She paused for a while to see if Alice was following what she was saying, and then concluded with a question. "Or do you have feelings for him too?"
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