Chapter Four

621 Words
Emma Clifton The school had long deserted but I remained in class, helping the tech teacher arrange the last term's project. For some reason Mr Edmund seems to deem it fit that I arrange it all while he sits there, toying with his phone. With a fake smile I approached him the the box filled with all sort of project. "I'm all done sir". I dropped the box in his desk, finally gaining his attention "Oh Emma, you're done?". he asked and I almost rolled my eyes..yeah I'm done. I just said that. Regardless I nodded"Can I leave now?". "Oh of course. You can leave". he said dismissively and I took the cue. I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the class. The expected was empty. Checking the time..I realized I only had 5 minutes to catch the train. With that, I sprinted towards the school entrance but I was halfway out of the school when I bumped into a wall. The impact sent me flying to the floor, hitting my butt hard on the stony floor. "Ouch". I whimpered. My pain soon turn to anger when I realized it was someone I bumped into "Can't you look where you...." the words died in mouth when my eyes met with those striking blue eyes. It was then I knew the day couldn't just get any better. I bumped into Lucian. "Found you Beryl". he deep voice rang in my head somehow paralysing me. I couldn't move or talk. His eyes glint dangerously and I felt hypnotized by his intensity of his eyes. It was like falling in a deep abyss where I can't grab anything to stand still. It was like... "Stand". It was a simple word. A single syllabic word but yet I found my whole being answering to it. Its felt like my body was not in my control and my hands and leg did not feel like mine."Follow me". And I did just that. Couldn't stop or control my own legs. Couldn't snap out of it...I followed him. We were out of the school already and I almost got into his car when a sudden horn came from nowhere, snapping me out of it. My head turned in the direction of the car and for the first time, I was relieved that Lily ditch school again to go on a date. I could see a guy on the passenger seat and by the look of it, they made out in the car. "Hey Ems, what are you doing?". Her voice...oh my sister lovely voice... never have I been so relieved on hearing her voice. With the corner of my eyes, I saw Lucian curse, the earlier glint in his eyes disappearing. His eyes looked daringly at Lily and the latter avoid him at all cost. Its been almost 2 weeks since the incident at chemistry class and Lily had been avoiding him like a plague. "oh hi Lucian". She barely says before tugging my hand and pulling me to her car. "The f**k were you doing with him?". she asked immediately we entered the car. I said a small hi to the blonde guy sitting in front before facing my sister " No idea, I wasn't with him. I was going to the train station". Her eyes narrowed at my reply "You were almost inside his car! Really Ems, were you gonna betray me by sleeping with my crush?". " Just drop me by the subway, I'll take care of the rest". I muttered with my eyes halfway closed. I'm supposed to be angry with her accusation but arguing with Lily when all I want to do now is eat, is a real turn off.
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