Chapter Five

714 Words
Emma Clifton That familiar feeling of falling deep, deep , deep. I didn't have time to comprehend what was happening before I landed on a soft grass, making me whimper. " What the hell is happening again". I groaned loudly, dusting invisible dust from my dress. Looking around, I tried remembering how I got here but nothing came to my mind. I was standing in a very wide garden that flourish with different colour of plants. The grass were so ever green and trees and flowers blossom around, giving the environment a serene touch. The beautifully shaped cloud in the sky makes it look like the world evolves around this place. Butterflies flutter around cheerfully. I was still mesmerized by the beauty around me when I heard a little voice from not so far away. My eyes darted around, finding the source of the voice. A little girl around 3 or 4 years stood there with a funny look on her face. Her hair was white and her eyes mist. She looked familiar but I couldn't pin point where I had met her. She was gesturing to someone I couldn't see. " Walk faster. We're gonna miss it". her chubby hand keep hurrying the person over. "Aldea, You're being too energetic for a 3 years old". a masculine voice said, gasping for air. The owner of the voice came to view and I frozed. Standing not far from me was the most mesmerizing man I've ever seen in my life. The beautiful garden pale in comparism to him as he is elegant and his looks is just...mesmerizing. He had a gelled white hair and a mismatched eyes that reflect mine. But his is more bright and shinning, no one could miss the glint in them. His aura...was indefinable. Just like that of a god walking on earth. The little girl chuckled, holding his hand. She pulled him along with her towards the small pond in the garden That is when I noticed the lone, beautiful flower by the pond. " It'll bloom soon, I can't wait". she squealed in excitement, caressing the little flower bud. Just as if in cue, the little flower started opening in layers after layers, revealing the beautiful inside while getting bigger in size. The little girl covered her mouth in astonishment, watching the flower. " Wow, Dad. Did you see that?". "Yes sweetheart. And one day you're gonna bloom like this flower, showing us your beautiful inside, embroidered deep deep in your heart". He stroked her hair affectionately and my heart soften. Somewhere inside me started longing for the same...affection?? "Really?".she smiled excitedly. "Are you going to be there then?". "Yes baby, I'll be there with your mum". **** I woke up with a longing feeling in my heart. 'But he's not here' a little voice said in my heart making me more sad. I didn't understand why I was sharing unknown feelings in my mind but I felt for the little girl that kept appearing in my dream. Its weekend and yet I wasn't feeling the vibes. Lazily, I got off the bed, strode in to the bathroom. It had become an habit for me to first study my face first before bathing so as usual t turned to look at myself in the mirror but what I saw shocked me, almost making me fall. My hair which i had dyed black had turned back to its original colour( white) and my eyes were glowing...I mean literally glowing like someone lit a bulb in them. I was so freaked out that I started washing my face with water so I'll stop hallucinating or for it to wash off but it wasn't working. My hair was completely pure white and it was like I didn't dye it at all. In all the frenzy Lily barged in like she owns the place "Ems, borrow me your toothpaste. I can't find mine" She took the paste without waiting for my approval before dashing out. "Bring it back soon. I have to use it too" I yelled, getting nothing in reply. Looking back in the mirror, my eyes had stopped glowing but my hair remained its original colour. There was only one thing on my mind what the hell was that about?
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