Chapter Three

929 Words
Emma Clifton Deep, dark abyss. I kept falling, my eyes swirling at the speed. It felt real and yet not real. I couldn't scream neither could I stop. And finally.. It stopped. I found myself in a dark room which felt suffocating. Light illuminated from a small window revealing a pale woman and a little kid sitting on her laps. She was singing a weird but familiar rhythm to her little one while rocking her back and forth. The little girl...she had pale white hair just like mine and although her eyes were mist..I could easily identity the difference. "Mom, when will dad come to get us?". the little girl speak up, her voice sounding hoarse. The woman got taken aback a little and she looked unsure for a minute before masking it with a smile "soon Aldea...soon". she stroked the little girl's white hair lovingly. "Degan will find us. I'm very sure he will". she whispered softly. I was going to walk up to her when her face suddenly turned alarmed and she stood up, hiding her daughter behind her. That was when I heard footsteps getting closer. Taunting footstep that emits dark aura, taunting footsteps that made my heart beat faster and make me want to run away as fast as I can. A shadow like creature emerges from the door, his aura screaming 'pure evil'. He walked up to the pair in the room with painstaking slow but confident steps. The pale woman became more pale and was trembling... her whole being shaking with fear. The little girl clenched her fist tighter on her mom's cloth like she will be torn away from her any moment from now. The shadow like man chuckled darkly" the smell of your fear only exict me Alvery". " What do you want this time Mangus. What do you want?". she screamed in his face, protecting her daughter from him. " Your mate's head. And soon I'll have that. The bastard is doing all to find you. I'll lure him here and then kill him in your presence".he seemed pleased with his plan as he stroke his chin with an evil grin "But for now I want your daughter's heart. It'll make a good potion ". he added, making blood drain from the woman face. "It will be on my last breath". she grit her teeth, trying to shield her daughter from him "I don't want least not yet. I want your foetus ". he said pointing to her baby bump. She gasped, using her hands to cover her belly. "No, no, Mangus..Noooo". Before she could stop him, he raised his sword and...A scream tore our from my mouth when he cut her stomach open with a knife. The little girl scream mixed with mine.. I couldn't stop screaming when everything blanked out and I launch out of bed, still screaming. My breathing was heavy and hot. It took a while before I realized it was all just a dream. All a dream. **** "Just a dream". I muttered to myself over and over again but the clenching feeling in my heart failed to cease. I splash water continuously on my face in the restroom to stop images from appearing in my head but I couldn't just stop remembering it. "Hey are you OK?". a junior asked me, looking a bit worried . "Yeah, I'm fine". I smiled at her before walking out of the restroom. I felt weak since I woke up from that dream this morning. Don't have any appetite cus the image of that woman split stomach just come rushing into my head anytime I tried eating. Just wishing the day will end soon, I entered the class lab for chemistry. Not all students do chemistry so all classes were combined together for this subject which makes the class worst. As usual I took my seat in the corner of the class, plugging my earphone in. I haven't settled much in when I felt a chocking feeling and the class seemed gloom and dark. The whole class suddenly grew pin drop silent the moment Lucian entered the class, each of his steps dripping with confidence. From the corner of my eyes I could see girls adjusting one thing or the other, trying to get his attention. I don't get...don't they feel the dangerous aura coming from him? Lucian seemed unfazed and like someone used to attention, he swiftly walked to the chair in the middle of the class. Almost immediately, Lily and her group entered the class. Her gaze fell on me and then to Lucian. I suddenly remembered what she said yesterday. I shook my head, warning her not to try it but she only gave me a smirk before walking up to Lucian. The class grew quiet as everyone seems to be watching Lily moves. She walked up to Lucian desk, stopping in front of him. With her famous smile that could swoon any guy, she forwarded her hand towards him "Hi, I'm Lily". That got his attention as he looked up at her, tilting his head to the side. For some moment he was quiet, like he was trying to analyse if she's worthy or not of his reply. His eyes shift to her forwarded hand and for a moment he seemed to contemplate on whether to take it or not. Coming to decision, he stood up, shoving his hand deep into his pocket. "I never asked you". And with that he left the class, leaving a flushed Lily, embarrassed.
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