Chapter Six

792 Words
Emma Clifton Time was fastly spent and everything fast forwarded to when I and Lily were packing for Missoula for Mum and Dad's anniversary. Dad works at Missoula and mostly stays there so we are going over to celebrate. Mum had gone earlier a week from now to start their afternoon 'phase 20' The journey was a very long and tiring one. We decided to go by train since all the flights today were cancelled due to the stormy weather. I was on the train, my eyes concentrating on my phone when the train suddenly stopped, making me jerk forward and my phone flying right ahead to the corner of the train . I groaned in frustration, running to the direction where my phone is before the train starts moving again. But on getting there, my phone was gone. My eyes searched desperately for it but it didn't seems to be anywhere on the floor. I was almost going to give up and say bye bye to it when someone tapped me from the back. "Are you looking for this?". A monotone voice said from the back, making me shudder a bit. I turned back, only to meet with a green eyes guy with a surprisingly beautiful chiseled face. And for the first time ever, I found myself attracted to an opposite s*x. " this yours?". he seems almost lost of words. His voice have a strange tune and it makes my inside vibrate. "Y-yeah...mine". I said, absentmindedly taking the phone from him. Our hand made contact briefly and the electrifying effect it had on me made me jerk my hand backwards. But oddly I liked it. "Thank you" He smiled softly and I almost died there. Oh God...why I'm I so attracted to him. "I'm Mesh". he extend his hand. "Emma". I could barely hear my own voice but he seems to have heard it right. I hesitated but but then took his offered hand, putting my much smaller hand in his large one. The feeling...they felt so right together and like I was attached to him. The feeling freaked me out and I quickly redraw my hand. "Uhmn, I'm g-gonna head back" Gez..I'm such a stammering mess. "Oh...OK". I saw reluctance in his eyes but maybe I'm wrong. I head back to my seat and the moment I sat down, Lily was all over me. "Oh my God Emma!! Did you just speak to a guy??". "He saved my phone so".….. "Oh spare me the bullshits, you should have seen your face when you were talking to him". she gigled " I never thought I'll see like that ever". "Thought you were lesbian all along but apparently my sister has been waiting for the right men" she added, laughing hysterically. "Oh shut up" My face flushed ****** There was a sudden jerk, suddenly throwing the passengers out of their seat including me. "what the..." ...the train jerk forward again, throwing me to the corner of the train. My head hit the railings hard and for a moment, I got concussion. Happening to be at the start of the train where you can see the driver compartment through a see-through glass. I squint my eyes, looking into the glass only to realize that there is no driving compartment and the train was going wildly on its own. Oh my God, Oh my God!!!! "Lily". I screamed, trying to get back to our compartment only for the train to jerk again and to my complete horror, the train divided into two, leaving me and a few others on the first half. Freaking out, I tried reaching out for Lily but I couldn't. "Oh my God, Oh God, Lily!!!". I screamed before the train containing my sister and other people blew up. ****** I jerked up awake, trembling all over. I looked around, sighing in relief when I saw Lily on the opposite chair. was all a dream I closed my eyes, subconsciously trying to calm myself down. The train jerk forward, making my thumb hit the railings and immediately it drew out blood. Instinctively I rushed to the driver's compartment, hitting the glass that serves as interlude between us. "Hello?". "Please stop the train". I yelled, not minding the looks I got from people. "Stop the train". I yelled when the train jerked again. " Control yourself young lady. We a are trying to nap here". A bald man from the back, yelled getting supporting grunt from the others. "You don't get it. This train is going to blow up and everyone in it is going to die. Just tell the f*****g driver to stop the train". I shouted in a desperate voice. "The train is going to blow up!!!"
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