Chapter Five

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I twirl my poorly made pasta around my fork, it was dry and half-cooked. Too be honest, my appetite hadn't returned. Sure, I ate a little this morning, but I haven't been full in at least two days. Kol had finally made an appearance. The omega fit right in with Brady. No wonder Brady had been so grumpy these past couple of days. He had no one in his rank to relate to. They did not speak to me. I was grateful. But I did get some odd looks from Kol. Almost like...pity. I didn't need his pity, but I was glad at least one of these rogues had a heart. I wondered if I could reach out to him and he could...I don't know... help us. I shook my head and laughed sadly to myself. No way. "Whats wrong?" Leon asks, nudging me. I shrug and force a smile. "Nothing really, just not hungry. And I miss the out doors." This was not a lie. I was itching to transform and bask in the snow and sunlight. It was Leon's turn to shake his head. "Evaline, what have I been telling you? Butter him up!" I pushed my pasta away from me. I was suddenly feeling nauseous. I was thankful no rogues were around us. They were having a meeting in the library which I had yet to explore. But I imagine it to be a grand room. I can't wait until I get to dig through the literature, I confess. That is, if I get the chance. As far as buttering up Marcus...I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be on an intimate level with him. But intimacy would be all. My wolf is on edge from not going outside and seeing my mate around and not...acting on instinct. But I was strong enough to tame that beast. I wasn't going to give myself to Marcus. I pray he doesn't make me. With that I would be out of this s**t hole in no time, no matter the consequences. I wanted to stay true to myself while I still had my sanity. Robert walks in a few moments later. I guess the meeting was over, and when the beta spots me, he sneers. Happy to see you too, asshole. "So," he says in a fake happy-go-lucky tone. "How are we doing tonight? Anything I can get my little alphas?" Leon growls and I roll my eyes and look away. Robert scoffs. "What? No smart ass remark, you were always so good at those." I just shrug and don't bother glancing in his direction. For the remainder of my stay, I wasn't going to be taunted by this ignorant being. I needed to keep calm. But, apparently, Robert wasn't getting the hint. "What was that, Luna? I didn't quite catch what you said." Leon asserts himself. "It's because she didn't say anything. If you have anything better to do, then I suggest you move on." Robert smirks, a gleam in his eyes. "Well, it's a good thing I don't have anything better to do." I look away, out the window to the dark night. Sparkling snow flakes fall to the ground, disappearing in the white frost. I didn't care that it was less 20 degrees outside, I would rather the bitter cold than these claustrophobic walls any day. Aspen joins us in the dining room, his yellow eyes immediately landing on Robert. Suspicion laces them, but he says nothing. He walks in and takes a seat next to me, gives Kol a look. Kol recedes to the kitchen, seconds later, returning with a plate of pasta for Aspen and one for Robert. The ranking in this pack makes me sick. Omegas weren't servants, they were supporters. I stand and take my plate with me. As I push my chair back, Aspen puts a hand to my arm. I almost jolt away. I haven't had any skin to skin contact since I've gotten here. Well, other than my brother. It burns at my heart and I subconsciously pull my arm away, Aspen doesn't mind. "Kol will take your dishes for you." The omega is already making his way to me, but I back away, dish in hand. "I can handle putting a dish in the sink myself. It's not that hard." I give Robert a pointed look and stride into the kitchen. I scrape the remains of my pasta into the trash can and place the dish in the sink. I turn on the faucet and begin to wash away the stained sauce. The door to the kitchen opens, but I don't bother to look. Who ever it is can f**k off. A figure comes into my peripheral and I glance over. Kol is looking at me timidly, hands in his pockets. I raise an eyebrow but don't stop working. "Something I can help you with?" I ask. He opens his mouth. Shuts it. Shakes his head and walks away, but stops and turns around. He approaches me again, holds out a crumpled up piece of paper. He gestures for me to take it. When I do, Kol grips my hand for a moment. His eyes search mine, they are a brownish green, stuck in between. I furrow my brow, why is he looking at me like that? But then I see how desperate his expression is and I bite my lip. He wants me to keep this note a secret. I give a slight nod, he does the same. Leaves. I wait a few seconds after he's left to listen through the house. Leon and Robert are bickering in the dining room. Now or never. I open the piece of paper and my heart stops for a few moments. I'm on your side. I re-read the simple sentence about fifteen times. What the hell did this mean? He wanted to help us? Oh god, I feel sick. I walk over to the window and press a hand against the glass. It was cold and smooth. I looked down at the note, it needed to be destroyed. I looked over at the sink, there was a disposal. I quickly walked over to it, turning on the sink and the disposal, and dropped the crumpled promise into the drain. I turned off the sink and walked over to the window again. The trees lined to perimeter and stretched out for miles. I pressed my hand against the glass and took a deep breath. I longed to leave, to be released. I felt a strange pull, and then someone else walked into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. "I literally get no privacy here." I turn and see Marcus standing there, gazing at me, gazing out the window. I stand up straight and cross my arms. What does he want? He licks his lips, I want to lick them to. "It's late." I glance at the clock on the microwave. "It's nine." "It's time for bed." "So go to bed." He blinks at me. "I want you with me." Oh. "Fuck." I cover my mouth, I hadn't meant to say that out loud. I blushed when he gave me a confused look and turned back to the window. I was going to die in here. Oh f**k. I turn back to Marcus. "I don't like it here." He squints at me. "I opened up my home to you, you should be a little grateful." I laugh hard at that. What a little s**t. "You forced me into your home as prisoner and are dragging out your answer as to weather I am staying or not." "You never asked me how long you are staying for." I throw my arms to my sides. "Well I think that question sort of goes un-asked, don't you think?" "No." He stares. I run my hands through my hair. "Fine, how long am I staying for?" "For however long I want you to stay for." Something in me snaps, "Look, I'm not having s*x with you!" He pauses, smirks, and then walks closer to me. I take a small step back. "What makes you think s*x is what I want?" I swallow and bite back a blush. "You just sort of seem like that type, you know?" "No," closer," I don't know. Mind elaborating?" "Yes, I mind a lot." He shakes his head and chuckles. "I want s*x, yeah. Actually, I want s*x a f*****g lot." Cue embarrassingly loud swallow. "But, my wolf wants you near. He doesn't like you being around other un-mated males." "I don't think I want to sleep in your room." His eyes gleam mischievously. "Oh, I think you know exactly what you want." "You're going to sleep on the floor." My voice quakes as he takes a step closer. So close I can feel his warmth. Yes. No. "No I'm not, beautiful." Call me that again. "Don't call me that. I will be sleeping on the floor then." "No beautiful, you'll be sleeping next to me." I blush hard when his chest touches mine. "I want to feel your body close to mine when we sleep."
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