Chapter Six

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I take my time in the shower on purpose. I knew Marcus was waiting for me in his room and he had insisted I use his shower in his ensuite, but I refused. I needed to get away from him, from everybody. My wolf was overwhelmed. Leon, Robert, and Marcus were becoming a nuisance. Robert and Leon's constant pestering was setting me on edge and I could tell Marcus was more than a little annoyed. I shivered at the thought of Marcus, who was waiting for me only two rooms over. Thankfully, Aspen had brought in my things and I had laid out some leggings and a sweatshirt to sleep in. I was trying to avoid anything sexy but my leggings were my only option for sleep clothes. Marcus better not get any ideas He said tonight wasn't about s*x. He just wants you near. I don't care what he wants. What about what I want? I realize I've been in the shower for twenty minutes now, and if I didn't finish up, Marcus would be banging on the door soon. I turn off the how water and step out of the shower to dry off. After brushing my hair and teeth and putting on my sleep clothes, I take a deep breath and steady my shaking hands. I unlock the door and gasp. Robert was standing on the other side of the bathroom with a scowl on his face. I realized I've never seen him with a relaxed expression. I find my voice. "What do you want?" He rolls his eyes, "I want to shower, dumbass." I retrieve my things from the counter and quickly exit the bathroom. He pushed past me and locks the door. I sigh in relief. I walk to Leon's room and find him reading a book, his duffle bag unzipped next to him in the bed. I drop my bag on the floor and get his attention, he narrows his eyes at me "So, your going to have a slumber party with alpha dearest?" I cross my arms. "I'm doing this so he doesn't get pissed, you know that." He shrugs and I turn to leave the room, but he stops me. "Wait, Evie. I have a request." I turn expectantly "Why don't we find out what this pack is really up to?" My throat tightens. "Why would we do that?" Leon shrugs. "Out if boredom, and maybe because we need to see who we are up against." I sigh. "We know who we are up against. Killers. Murderers. We don't need details." "Yes we do!" Leon stands up and lowers his voice. "They could kill us. We have no idea what they want. Evaline, please, just get a little information out of Marcus. It could help us a great deal in the future." I shake my head. "He's not stupid. He knows I want to leave, he will become suspicious when I take a sudden interest in his murders." "Then don't make it suspicious! Take it slow, you don't have to find everything out all at once. Act like you want to get to know him," he insists and I press a hand to my forehead. "Leon, these people are dangerous. And Marcus...may not want to get to know me. " "He does, of course he does. He's your mate." I shake my head sadly. "I'm not sure that means much to him." Or me. He sighs, almost defeatedly. "Please, just try. We will never know unless we try." I pause, glancing at my brother. He looks so desperate. I understand why he wants to leave, ever since we've been here the pack has been using him as a punching bag. I felt for him, I really did. But we are in a unique situation, one wrong move could cost us our lives. "Maybe," I say and exit the room. I slowly walk to Marcus' room and feel my chest tighten. I stop in the hall and lean over the balcony that over looks the foyer. I attempt to catch my breath and steady my heart. A hand presses against my back and I whirl around. Marcus is looking at me with an emotion I can not decipher. I swallow. "Hi." He smirks. "You took long enough." I'm about to say something witty but my mouth looses its ability to function when Marcus tucks a peace of wet hair behind my ear. His green eyes capture mine and he seems so gentle. "You look beautiful." I feel my eyes widen and his hand travels down my neck and over my arm. His hand finds mine, sparks and warmth fills me. What was he doing? "Ready for bed?" He asks and I nod dumbly. He leads me down the hall and into his bedroom. Its warm in here, comfortable. He's a killer. He's my mate. He's so beautiful. Such a beautiful man. The room is lit by a single lamp on his desk next to the window. The room is quite large, and lounge chairs sit in the other corner. I tuck my hair behind my ears with my free hand. Marcus leads me to the bed which is decorated in white sheets and pillows. He sits and I stand before him, not knowing what to do. "Little one," he says softly and I look up at him. "You aren't really going to sleep on the floor, are you?" I shrug and look around the room, avoiding his gaze. "I don't know, maybe." He sighs. "You are so difficult." "I know." I say without thinking. Marcus c***s his head to the side. "You know?" I nod, "Yeah. I know what I am." He stands slowly and his body rubs against mine with doing so. He grabs my chin and raises my gaze to his. "Do you know you're my mate?" I laugh but theres no humor to it. I'm too in edge. "Yeah, I'm aware." He leans forward. A little. "Are you aware what mates do?" My breath halts and I shake. A little. "I'm not having s*x with you. I told you that." He leans forward until our noses touch. "We can do other things." I shake my head, proud of my self assurance. "I don't trust you enough to do other things." He looks confused, but he shakes it off quickly. He sits on the bed and sighs impatiently. "Can't do much about that, now can I?" I shrug and walk around the room. I'll let him pout. He deserved it. "I don't give my self to people who don't have my trust. It's not unreasonable." "Yes it is," his growl cuts through the silence like a knife. "Oh yeah?" I cross my arms. His eyes narrow, "You are such a child." I turn towards him, my own eyes narrowing. "You don't know that. You don't know anything about me. Pout all you aren't but we aren't going to f**k anytime soon. You damn well know why so don't act like this whole thing is one sided. I am not unreasonable." He looks taken aback. I myself am surprised , but glad I said it. I wanted to touch him so badly but I will not give in . Marcus meets my gaze once more. "I'll break you down little one. I promise you that." Last night went...strangely well. I haven't slept that well in two years. Nightmares of my father constantly plagued me, but last night was something different. After Marcus' bizarre promise he had suggested we get some rest. After tossing in turning for a few minutes we both found peace and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke, Marcus was gone and I was alone. I was thankful though. I didn't want to have to wake up and act normal with him. Because even though it felt like the most natural thing in the world, sleeping next to him, I didn't want to grow used to it. I needed to keep my distance and think with my head, not my heart. It was dangerous to think with my heart. I didn't get a chance to snoop like Leon wanted. Snooping had been the last thing on my mind. I had just wanted to go to sleep and stop thinking about Marcus. But I couldn't. His face was in every thought of mine and last night left me in a head spin. He was so kind in the beginning, like he wanted me. He did, physically. But not for love, I knew that. I'm not surprised. Marcus doesn't love, he has a cold heart. A heart not worthy enough to be thawed and cared for. It was my job and my destiny, at least that's what they say. But I don't like the thought of some invisible force controlling me, so no. I will not participate in this so called force of love. "Evaline," A beautiful voice calls. I stop walking and look over the balcony to see Marcus standing with his pack, coats on and faces determined. What were they up to? "I need to speak with you." I roll my eyes and walk towards the stairs. When I reach the bottom Marcus stands in front of me, face emotionless. s**t, this couldn't be good. "My pack and I are going out." My eye brows raise. "Where?" Were they planning on leaving me alone? I glanced at Aspen and he was already staring at me passively and when our eyes meet he gives a small smile. I don't return it. My attention is quickly turned back to Marcus when he says, "We have found a small pack that needs to be taken care of." My stomach drops and I try to swallow. I try to keep my face impassive but I can't help the shock that is wracked through my body. I quickly glance around the assembled rogues. I meet Kol's gaze for a split second, remembering his note. Was he the one who had Marcus organize this? Was this his chance to live up to what he had said? I look away quickly. Can't let them catch on. No doubt Marcus would kill Kol. "You're going to kill them?" Marcus blinks and takes a deep breath. "That's none of your concern, little one. But it is of your best interest to stay inside while I am away. Understood?" I stare at him in shock. "What makes you think I won't leave? What makes you think you have the power to keep me in this house?" His jaw tightens and I can see he is trying to remain calm. "If you leave I will follow your scent and kill your brother. Understood?" My blood runs cold and I can feel my throat tighten. Tears threaten to make an appearance and I do my best to keep them at bay. He would do it. He would really kill him. After last night I hadn't really expected anything different from Marcus. I had expected something to shift in our relationship. Something, anything. But I am wrong. So hopelessly wrong that it tears me apart. Marcus doesn't wait for me to respond. He gives me one last look before the pack heads out. He locks the door before the sound of their feet disappears into the morning. I take three deep breaths and swallow back my fear. Marcus underestimates me. "Leon! They're gone!" I hear him lumbering down the stairs and I turn to face him. He is surprised by the news. "They say they will kill you if we try to escape." He is not surprised by this though. In fact, he seems a little excited, he always loved a good chase. He smirks. "It's a good thing we are good at not being found." It is mid- afternoon and we are sprinting through the woods, my wolf on edge with the possibility that Marcus might already be back at the house only to find we have run away. But there is a sense of liberation that can't be ignored. We haven't been outside in days and to feel the cold air nipping at my fur signifies my freedom. Leon steers to the left in front of me and I follow it suit. This is how we were supposed to live. Running and being free. We were never meant to be locked up. After another good fifteen minutes, I stop in my snowy tracks suddenly. Something was off. The smell of blood was in the air and...something else. Something I couldn't put my finger on. Leon trots over to me. Smell that? Yes. Blood. Something else too. We should leave. No! What if someone is hurt? Not our responsibility. I shift and glare at him. He shifts to and makes and attempt to stop me, but I am already following the scent. I spot a clearing up ahead and I duck down into the trees as I approach. Then I halt, my heart pounding on over drive. Marcus. The scent was Marcus. And he was standing less the two hundred feet away with his hands tied behind his back. His pack is lined up next to him in the same position. His green eyes are unforgiving and he is shaking in rage. Marcus Rohan has been captured. The thought has me shaking in fear. I can't help but pray he doesn't do anything stupid. If he got hurt... Two men , dark and menacing, had rows of weapons and guns lined up before them. Brady, Kol, Jerak, and Robert were beside Aspen. Marcus was at the end. When the men spoke, a heavy Italian accent coated their words. But even through the accent, I understood the chilling promise. "You will each choose the weapons that kill you. Marcus Rohan, your pack is finally getting what they deserve. Tonight, gentlemen, you will die."
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