Chapter Four

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Jerak and Robert clink glasses and laugh at an inside joke. Brady and Aspen are talking quietly with the occasional glance towards me. I narrow my eyes the next time they look over, but they are not fazed. Soon, Kol is scarfing down his dinner like an animal. Welcome to a malicious pack's dinner. Barbaric and tense. But it seems I'm the only tense one. An arm wraps around my shoulder and I feel my mate lean in. "I'm sorry your brother couldn't join us for dinner." I grimace and turn my head away, but I don't speak. I don't want to open up to him, I don't want to talk to him, I want to go up stairs, get Leon, and get the hell out of here. I quickly glance around the table, six against one. Well, one and a half considering Leon's injuries. They would never let me go. "Evaline, you are not being very polite." I pop my jaw out and swivel towards Marcus. "Do you think I care?" He narrows his eyes and leans back. Then, he somewhat relaxes and takes a sip of his whisky. "You haven't even touched your dinner." I am envious of his alcohol. I turn forward, in order to get through this dinner, I need to pull myself together. They would let me go early if I behaved, right? Ah hell, I don't even know whats right anymore. "Evaline feels quite uncomfortable." The arrogant statement comes from Jerak and I am not surprised. This one doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. Damn overconfident beta. I sigh. "I feel bored. Can I go?" My question is directed towards Marcus who just sips his whisky and looks forward, deep in thought. If he heard me, he didn't show it. I frowned and looked at the others, but they went on eating their food. I look out the window. The sun is setting, creating a pink and yellow horizon that reflects off the snow. Forests surrounded this gigantic, beautifully ugly mansion. I longed to feel the cold biting into my skin and my paws digging deep into the snow. I long to shift. "I'm curious Evaline," Aspen began, "as to why you are in this particular area." I whip my head towards him, surprised by his question. Shit. I hadn't thought they would ask me about this. I had hoped they would leave this topic alone and let me go. But of course, they wouldn't. They would pry and pry and screw and screw until they destroyed. And that's the truth. I come to this realization with a pounding heart and sweating palms. I averted eye contact. Can't let them know. Can't let them pry. I swallow and shrug. "Just passing through." "Why?" Marcus asks, still holding his drink and looking forward. I glance towards him again. He's so cool. The way he leans back in his chair so comfortably, but never comfortable enough to fully relax. His elbow is pressing into the arm of the chair and his glass is pressed against his lips, but he doesn't drink. Such a cool murderer, I think. He wants to know all of my secrets. Can't let him know. "We were...going to visit some family. They live a couple states over. We were taking our time." Good, no specifics. Good. Brady pours some more Bourbon and I watch him carefully. He wasn't a favorite of Marcus, I can already tell. Marcus' favorites were Aspen and Jerak. I wondered silently how Marcus' really treated his pack. Was he cruel? "Looks like those plans are a bit delayed, " Jerak winks at me. I pause for a moment. Do not start anything with him. If you behave better, they will expect good behavior. I stare at my lap. Damn, this was horrible. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about this new world around me. Suddenly, glass shatters. We all turn our heads towards Brady who was staring at the bottle of bourbon which was staining the wood below our feet. He slowly looked up to Marcus, body tense and eyes shielded, but Marcus wasn't looked at him. He was looking ahead. Jerak lets out a groan. "Brady, you dumb ass. Clean it up." Brady stares at Marcus for another second, then exits the room. I narrow my eyes at Jerak and can't help but say, "Not really a beta's call." He growls, "Well why don't you clean it up?" Under his breath, "Mutt." I quickly stand up, my chair scraping the hard wood below me as it is pushed away. I sneer and shake slightly, staring at this big headed beta who thinks he rules the world, and he stares right back. He is expecting me to fight him. I turn suddenly, then follow to where Brady had disappeared to. I push through a swinging oak door, and spot him immediately. Then I glance around, this was the kitchen. White tiled floors and walls practically blinded me. It had been such a contrast to the dark halls and rooms of this house. A large fridge, a steel counter and a rack of pots and pans lay before me. Brady is holding a roll of paper towels in his hand, staring at me like I have two heads. I can't blame him. My decision had been so split second I barely remember coming in here. I glance at the towels. "That won't get the stain out." He squints at me. "I don't really care." I shake my head and walk forwards, looking through drawers and cabinets until I found cleaning supplies. I spotted a spray on stain remover for hard surfaces and handed it to Brady. "This should work." He just stares at me and it's my turn to squint. "You really want Jerak to s***k you?" Brady growls and I growl back. Finally, he takes and cleaner and walks out of the kitchen. I watch him as he leaves. These rogues are going to be the death of me, I swear. Then, the door swings open, and Marcus walks in. He is tall and lean and beautiful. "You're an i***t," he says immediately. I forgot to mention asshole. I think about asking him why, but then I realize I don't care. So I turn and walk towards the window, staring out into the darkening sky and silver snow. Please let me go. "You should never cross my pack like that, they can rip you apart." I sigh and continue to face away from him. "Not like you would care. I'm the wild card that you will soon dispose of, remember?" He doesn't speak for a while. I can't even hear his breaths. In fact, it's so silent, I think he has left. But when I turn around, I am startled to see him right in front of me. He is so close I can feel his warm breath against my forehead. I stare at his chest, afraid to gaze anywhere else. My heart is pounding, and I know he can hear it. "I wouldn't say I don't care." "Well," I gather my courage to utter my next words, "that's fine. But let me make this clear. I understand we are mates and the only reason you are standing right in front of me is because you feel the pull. But I am not playing this game. You hurt my brother so that means you hurt me." Suddenly his face is right in front of mine, his dark eyes searing into my soul. God, I want to kiss him. God, I don't. I expect him to say something, but he doesn't. He just looks at me and waits. Waits and waits. And finally, I am done waiting. "Get away." The words are small, but they hold hostility and I am proud of myself for that. And he blinks at me, one blink that unfolds confusion and...hurt? Sadness? He is out the door before I can figure it out. I awake, startled. My back is very tense and sore. After dinner, and my encounter with Marcus, I rushed up stairs and locked myself away in Leon's room. Jesus, my head hurts. And my stomach is cramping up with lack of food. I had lost my apatite last night. I glanced over at Leon, he is practically healed. The alpha blood running through his veins seemed to help with that. But I could tell he needed food. Something to give him strength. I quietly made my way down the stairs, not wanted to alert any or Marcus' guard dogs. I wanted to avoid all traces of this pack for the remainder of our stay. As if he would ever let us go. My dark thoughts were at it again. I needed to stay positive. We were going to make it out of here, whether we were given permission or not. I slowly push open the kitchen door and take a quick whiff. The pack had been through here, but their scents were becoming stale. I think they might have left. I open one of the stainless steal refrigerators and take a look inside. I spotted some strawberries and a large bottle of water. I took both and closed the fridge door. I turned, using my heightened senses to pick out a box of half full cereal and a banana. When content with my findings, I made my way up to Leon's room. His eyes were closed tight and a sheen of sweat was glistening over his forehead. I knew he'd be exhausted when he woke up. He had slept for about fourteen hours. I see his nose twitch and his eyes open slowly. He can smell the food. With all the healing his body is doing, he is left weak and vulnerable. We can't have him in this state when we are planning on escaping. "Leon, hey," I say gently. "I brought food." He blinks again, squinting under the bright morning light shown through our window. Frost as etched itself to the corners and fog from the little heat of our room makes it hard to see out the window. My brother slowly sits up, wincing at the soreness of his muscles. He rubs his eyes. "Man. I'm over this shit." I sigh. "I am to." I hang him the box of cereal and he opens it quickly, funneling the wheaty O's into his mouth like there no tomorrow. I hand him the strawberries and water and save the banana for myself. I walk over to the window. Large paw prints make a bee line for the forest. Tracks. The pack really is gone. Relief over whelms me, but I am also confused. "They left." I muse out loud. "So they did," Leon counters, food muffling his words. "Aren't they worried about us leaving?" Leon shrugs. "They probably have an omega circling the perimeter. Making sure we don't hall ass out of here." I wipe some of the condensation off the window. A dark figure weaves its way through out the trees. Brady? The figure grows closer to the mansion, and I notice its larger than the others, but not as large as Marcus. Aspen. I sigh and think of our conversation yesterday. He called me Luna, moon goddess. He's a peculiar one. He seems to have it all figured out, the way he presents himself. Strange. "Aspen's turn, I guess." "What happened last night?" I furrow my brows but keep watching Aspen. He comes closer to the house, then disapears around the corner, into the woods. "I told you." "Is that all?" I roll my eyes. "Yes that is all. I told you everything." "Sorry, I'm just trying to be cautious." I turn around and glare at him. "You don't need to be. At least not about me. I want out of here just as bad as you do, okay? No mate of mine is going to mess us up." Leon looks shocked for a moment. "Okay, sister. I get it." I shake my head, knowing my out burst wasn't about Leon at all. "We need to get out of here." "Yeah, I know." I snort. "Okay, big shot. What's your plan?" Leon doesn't blink. "Sleep with him." "What?" I gasp. "Butter him up, give him what he wants, earn his trust. And when he isn't looking, we get out of here. Simple." "I am not sleeping with him." I seethe. Leon chuckles. "Come on, sis. Take one for the team." I cross my arms. His plan made sense, sure. But not enough sense to convince me to have s*x with Marcus. Though earning his trust, I could do. "Okay, aside from all your sexual...requests I get where your coming from. But it could be months before we get out." Leon shrugs. "We have no one to get back to." My heart hurts at the thought, but he is right. We are in no rush to return to a home that isn't there. We have no relatives- that we can trust- and no friends to take us in. We are lone wolves. If we were murdered out here, no one would miss us. "It's f*****g depressing, but it's true." I nod. I roll my neck again, my muscles creak under the tension. I need a bath, I need new clothes to. I sigh, thinking back to Leon's truck. Our whole life was in that car. It's probably been towed by now. My picture of mother. I shake my head. We can't stay here. These people will f**k us up. "Leon, if they don't kill us or let us go, they will expect us with them." "Then we will say no." I look back at him, strawberry juice on the corner of his mouth. I miss when things were simple. The door opens down stairs, laughter fills the grand house. I open my eyes slowly, I had fallen asleep on Leon's bed. He was supposed to be keeping watch of the pack. He was supposed to warn me when they got back. I sit up and look towards the frosty window. No Leon. My heart stutters. Where was he? He wasn't supposed to leave me. I rush to the door and into the hall. I over look the balcony and catch his scent. "Evaline, we have a surprise for you!" Robert's condescending tone sends shivers running down my back. More laughter. I slowly make my way to the stairs and catch sight of Leon. Jerak has him by his collar. Oh, Leon. You really f****d up now. I find my voice and try to make it reasonable. "Lets not do anything rash here." "Rash? Us?" Robert raises an eyebrow. "Leon's the fool hearty pup here." Leon's eyes burn gold and a growl rumbles from his chest. I look towards Marcus. I'm not sure why, maybe for assurance or an explanation. I just wanted something. He shrugs off his black coat, that fit him well I might add, and hangs it up. His calm demeanour is always the anchor to his rowdy pack. "Your brother was found in the clearing where we all...first met." "Why?" My voice is hoarse. "He was trying to retrieve your belongings. Lucky for us, Aspen picked up on his scent and we caught up with him." I walk down the steps, arms crossed. "Where is Aspen now?" "Finishing what your brother started. He convinced me that your stay might be more comfortable with some familiar personal items." I smirk but there is really nothing funny about it. "He was always my favorite." A flash of a strong emotion passes over Marcus' eyes, but it does not stay long. But I can't help but notice the possessiveness in his voice when he says, "You will be sleeping with me from now on." Cat calls arise from the boys and I glare at them. I'm sick of this s**t. "Shut up." I growl, especially to Robert. Silence is piercing my ears as the boys take in what I just said. A menacing sneer takes form over Robert's face. He steps towards me, Leon still in tow and looks me up and down. "What the f**k did you just say to me and my boys?" I don't think before I say it. "I didn't stutter." But when its out, I can feel heat on my face and my toes curling. The urge to back down is strong, but not strong enough. "It sounded like an order." "It was." It was Leon who spoke. "From your Luna." Robert looks at Leon. The stare was so hard and frightening I could feel its power. The beta licks his lips and tightens his grip on Leon, "I will kill you if I have to. And believe me pup, I really f*****g want to." And with that, he shoves Leon to the floor, next to me. I lean down to my brother and notice no new bruises, no blood, and no swelling. They took it easy on him. I imagine that it was a hard restraint on their part. Leon shakes his head at me. "I'm fine, sis." I feel tears prick my eyes. This was how we would be treated. Like prisoners. For how ever long they wanted. It was a game to them, toying with us like we were the prey. But I guess we were the prey in Marcus' pack of rogues.
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