Twenty Eight

1186 Words

Olive pov "Olive, my sweet Baby Girl. Come on time to get up and out of this bed. You've barely moved, barely eaten, and you've slept for the last 4 days. Come on, let's get you a shower and wash this beautiful body of yours, we're going to get you to eat a nice big stack of blueberry pancakes and bacon, and then we're going to meet our pack therapists." He scooped me up and brought me into our big bathroom forcing me to stand on my legs instead of sitting me on the counter. "Baby Girl, I know your sad from loosing our pups Nate and I can feel your sadness right here." He said placing a hand over his heart. "Your skin has an all over glowing blue color from your sadness. I promise you once we get you feeling better, you, me and Nate, we will take a trip somewhere, and we'll work on making

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