Twenty Seven

1009 Words

Olive POV I woke up in a sadden haze. My mates still haven't let me out of here. I tried to mindlink them with no response. I am so afraid I won't make it out of this room and that I will die here. I checked the cameras, and they were no longer in bed. Maybe they were too far away for me to connect to. I found some easy mac on the food shelf and water. I need some comfort food. I mixed up the easy Mac and placed it in the microwave following the instructions. I ate my food and laid back on the bed. I tried to link the guys one more time. Still nothing. I curled back up into a ball, the overwhelming sadness over taking me once again. I cried myself to sleep once again... A few hours or days at this point that, I really don't know at this point. I looked over at the laptop through my blur

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