Twenty Nine

1110 Words

David POV "Luna Olive?" A nurse calls out. I squeeze Olives' hand. We both stand and she looks at me. "David, I'd like to go in alone if that's OK?" "Of course, Baby Girl, whatever you need or want. I'll be right here waiting for you." "Thank you." She kisses me quickly before she walks over to meet the nurse. She takes a quick look back at me and walks ahead of the nurse. I pull my phone out and there's a notification from Justin. I open up the message and see a long string of messages. I scrolled to the top. J-Man 9:08am: Man I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I know she went threw a ton of trauma and all, but she's my mate I keep making up excuses to be near her or around her, but it's like she doesn't even realize we're mates. Uggg what do I do? Man, I don't know

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