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"Olive?" Looking at the girl who walked in, she looked like Ella, but she was a lot older. Her eyes didn't hold the same light they did when we were kids. I watched her walk across the room and sit on the edge of my bed. She now has long blonde hair that braided down one side of her face. Her once baby blue eyes looked tired and drawn out like she hadn't slept for a long time. She's thin but not unshapely and her hands wrap around my right and holds on like I'm her last lifeline. "Olive, I can't believe it's really you. You're alive. I thought they killed you when they killed our families. I had heard rumor that some rogue had buried the bodies of our families, but that was the last I heard about anything from our pack." With my pen and paper I wrote, 'I don't want to talk about what happened to me. I want to hear about you and your life. Did you find a mate? Are you working? What does your wolf look like?' "I have not found my mate yet. When we were finally freed from Alpha Anthony, we found out about you. I wanted to stay until you woke up and could be here for you. I didn't want you to think I abandoned you. My wolf is beautiful. She's a chestnut brown with blue eyes and a big fluffy tail. Her name is Diamond. Nate went with me the night I shifted, so I wouldn't be alone. He is a nice looking wolf, all too big, and he's black and dark brown with blue eyes. His wolf's name is Maddox. 'Your wolves have names?' "Yea, doesn't yours have a name?" two blinks "Oh, Hunny, I didn't know. Maybe it's from you being alone for so long, or maybe she didn't get to introduce herself to you because of all the trauma." I shrugged. 'Tell me about the new Alpha. Why does he care about me so much?' with her hands covering her mouth, she had a look of shock on her face. 'What? What is it?' "I can't tell you, it's not up to me. You have to talk to him about it. I've been ordered by the Alpha not to say anything until you know." 'What do you mean? Is he going to kill me? I didn't do anything. I begged Alpha Anthony to let me go. I don't want to die. Why would he make me better if he was going to turn around and kill me? I didn't do anything, I swear. Please convince him to let me go home.' While I was writing this my heart rate started spiking. I could feel a pain in my head that was throbbing above my eyes, my breathing quickened, and it was coming in short quick pants. Alpha David came running in. "What happened?" "I don't know she was writing something to me when she started to panic." "Olive, look at me." I squeezed my eyes shut when he turned my face towards his. The tingles were light and playful when he touched them. I don't understand this feeling, and I'm scared. The notebook got pulled out of my hand. "Olive, I know you didn't do anything. I promise you I will not kill you. I have been by your side for months between Nate, Ella and I. We have been by your side around the clock waiting for you to wake up. I promise you if I wanted you dead I wouldn't have wasted the time and resources to make you better. I need you to open your eyes please." I just shook my head no. I don't want to look into his eyes. I'm afraid of what I'll see. His hands are now cupping both sides of my face and the tingles are warm and playing all around my face, but I still refuse to open my eyes. "Olive",. He whispers. I feel the warmth of his breath on my nose. It smells like peppermint, and he smells so good like mama's hot chocolate, and the moss that grew on the side of the trees behind my house. His lips pressed into my forehead and the tingles loosened the pain that was throbbing above my eyes. "Olive, will you please open your eyes? I want to see your beautiful eyes. I've been here a lot over the last 6 months wondering what color your eyes are while you slept. Please open them?" I slowly opened my eyes, and I looked right into his face. I felt safe and happy looking into his beautiful dark brown eyes. This man is gorgeous. "There you are. You have the most beautiful green eyes, they are like a meadow fresh in the morning when the sun starts to rise. I could get lost in your eyes." My cheeks started to turn pink and hot. I've never heard any man ever say anything like that before. Of course, it's probably because I've been alone for the last 10 years, but it was still very sweet. Ella had left the room while my eyes were closed. I still have a lot left to ask her and I want to know everything. It'll be better when I can actually talk again. A nurse walks in while I'm staring at David. "'excuse me Alpha, Olive, it's time to start speech therapy. I'll have to ask you to wait out in the hall while we get started. David reluctantly rolled his eyes. Kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. The speech therapy took about an hour and I got some of my voice but not enough to hold long conversations. I can say a few words, but then I get exhausted. The nurse said I've got a long road ahead of me. She installed a chart on my table with the list of what I have each day and when. Guess I'm going to have to learn how to read the clock. Ugg. Looks like I've got Physical therapy next at 4. The clock on the wall reads 1, so I've got some time, I guess. Nate walked in after the nurse left. "Hey Liv," he says as he walks in and sits down next to me. His hand grabs mine and there are tingles the same as Alpha David. Why do I have Tingles with him too? Maybe it's an adult thing. Maybe there are tingles between all males and females. But I didn't have any with Ella or the nurse. He must feel it too, because he's giving me the same boyish grin he'd give me when we were children. "Liv, I've missed you. Are you OK?" Two blinks. I point at my notebook and pen on my rolling table. He reaches over and hands me them. 'Why do I feel tingles with you and with Alpha David but no one else?' "I don't know, maybe you're a lucky girl and have two mates" he jokes. 'How? I don't understand.' "Well I'm not sure how you can have more than one mate, but I've heard a rumor from another pack that a guy had 2 fated mates. Why not a girl having 2 fated mates? Would it be so bad having 2 guys taking care of you, Protecting you, Loving you? You deserve the world and more, let us give that to you." 'I don't know what I want. Most of my life I've been alone. In my childhood home I was happy because I knew no one was coming for me, no one was after me. I was able to live my life my way. And then I was found by that awful man, all because I had to go and see what my wolf looked like in Starksmens pond, and I was thrown into a dungeon in his stupid castle and I almost died. I wanted to die. In the end, I practically begged for death. Now here I am in this stupid room, with two mates I know nothing about. I don't know if I want this. I want to go home, I want to see the pictures of my family, I want to lay in my bed and watch as the world turns around me. I wish I had never been found. Please help me go home, Nate. I don't think I want this life.' "Olive, don't you ever say you want to die. I have loved you since we were small pups and Alpha David has been here every chance he's gotten. He sleeps in that chair 4 days a week. Did all of his alpha work on this small table right here. And out of four of those days, I would come in and sit right here and hold your hand. If he wasn't reading to you, I would. Ella would come in around once to twice a week to give one of us a break and would wash your hair and help bathe you. David and I know that we both love you and want to be with you, and we are willing to do whatever it is that you want. But we can't let you go home. Alpha Anthony got drunk one night after we found you and burned every house down. I was able to rescue some items from your home before he did anything, but I couldn't stop him from burning your home down. There was nothing left." My home was gone. Where will I live now? I could feel the tears start to pull into my eyes. And Nate's loved me since we were pups. I always had a crush on him, so it's nice to know that my feelings for him have been reciprocated. "Olive, you weren't found at Starksmen's Pond, you were found inside the Purple Mountain Pack territory at the Blue Moon Lake." Just as I'm about to ask how Alpha David Strolled in, and he sits on my left side holding my left hand while Nate is holding my right. The tingles from both are very strong and are making me very hot. I look from Nate to David, and David to Nate. My face starts turning pink, and my heart starts beating wildly in my chest. My heart monitor starts to spike. "Sweetheart, you need to calm down. Breathe with me." As David sucks in and blows out, I start to copy my heart beat going back to normal. "Listen, Nate and I discussed it while you were sleeping and if you're OK with it, we would both like to be your mates. We want to care for you, protect you, love you, and give you whatever you want and need. We want to be a family together." I look back at Nate, who nods his head up and down with a smile on his face. I look at David who is just staring at me lovingly, they are waiting for my answer. They are both holding each of my hands still. So I just blinked once for Yes. I want to be protected, loved, and cared for.
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