
1767 Words
It's been almost six months since I first found Olive in the dungeon. Between Ella, Nate, and myself one of us sits with her every day we talk to her read her books, even helping move her legs and arms to help her muscles when she does wake up. Her hair started growing back and is now around her ears. Ella will brush her hair every day she is there and wash it once a week to keep it healthy. Thanks to the feeding tube she’s slowing up to a healthy weight. She’s still underweight and the hospital would like her to be around 130 to 140 pounds but 110 is a good start. her lips have pinkened and I can no longer see the shapes of the bones in her arms and legs. They x-rayed her body and found no further surgery was needed for her body and that her shoulder was almost completely healed. They decided to take her out of the coma now that her internal organs are doing as they are supposed to and are completely healed. So now it’s up to her to wake up. Because of this we decided to sit with her around the clock until she woke up. It’s only a matter of time until she does. Olive POV: From when I was laid on this soft bed until know I feel different. There's always a light on in this room, sometimes it’s dark sometimes its bright. I saw my Mama she looked beautiful her Long brown hair was flowing behind her, and she had a glow about her. she slowly walked over to me. Taking her hand, she gently rubbed my face like she used to when I was a pup. Her touch was so kind and loving. "Sweetheart?" "Mama?" "I want you to meet someone." A Small boy with shaggy black hair came in dragging our dad by the hand behind him. Our dad had the biggest smile on his face. "Olive we've been watching over you for a long time we saw you bury the bodies of not only us but the others of our pack. We stood by you and tried to guide you toward the right path. We watched you name your brother so we thought you should finally meet him." My father picked up the small boy with the black hair and green eyes and placed him on the edge of the bed. "Olive this is Oliver" I opened my arms as wide as I could, but I still felt restricted because I felt like there were tubes in my arms that were there a minute ago and I felt something jammed down my throat, but it wasn’t there. I had a panicked look on my face. because even though nothing was there, there was something there. "Sweetheart don't be frightened you are very close to death. The new alpha found you and took you to the hospital. They are trying to save your life. We have come to tell you that you will be faced with a choice in 6 months right now you are in a medically induced coma, and they have performed surgery on your internal organs to get the bleeding to stop. In 6 months, they will turn the medication off and try to wake you up. At that point it will be up to you if you want to live with them or live with us here. we cannot make the decision for you." Oliver snuggled into my arms he was so tiny, but he fit perfectly there. He smells like sunshine and a flowery meadow. I watched the room get dark around us and then lighten back up we talked for a long time. discussed the books I had read when I was alone how good of a job, I did fixing the house, pretty much anything and everything while Oliver slept in my arms. Talking with my mama and father I didn't feel alone anymore, Occasionally I would hear other voices float into where we are sometimes, they were reading or talking sometimes there was music or laughing. my arms and legs would randomly move on their own in random patterns. Sometimes it would rain, and I would get a cold feeling over my whole body, and I would smell roses or lavender or whatever flower and then I'd warm back up still smelling the flowers. "Sweetheart we have to go the day has come for you to decide we cannot be here. We love you so much and we're always with you." both my parents kiss my forehead, and my dad picks up Oliver and places his hand on mama’s lower back as they slowly walk away from me. I can start to hear things clearly around my body. A voice I don’t know is reading Lord of the rings out loud. I can hear the squeaking of a chair moving in rhythm must be a rocking chair. There’s still tubes and tape in my arms and I feel something in my throat. The room is so bright I don't want to open my eyes. but i want to know who is reading to me. I slightly opened my eyes and groaned when the light entered the slits. the reading pauses and I feel a hand on mine. It’s warm and I feel tingles in my hand. I try to move my fingers, maybe even squeeze the hand. "Someone gets the doc she's waking up" the unknow voice says. his voice is deep and handsome I wonder who this mystery man is. A minute later I hear and feel multiple people running into the room. A light is shown into my eyes as my lids are being pulled open. "ug" "Sorry Olive just checking your pupils." That must have been the doc. I've heard his voice a few times in the area I was in with my family. "Olive is waking up let’s get this tube out of her throat." I feel tape start coming off my face and the weird feeling of a tube being pulled out of my throat I start choking while its being pulled out. they pull it out faster. I started coughing uncontrollably. "Water someone grab her some water." I feel a straw come to my lips and I start to suck on the straw water starts to flow into my mouth. The cooling water feels good on my throat. the coughing slows down to a stop. The lights get turned down and I slowly open my eyes. I blink a few times and I can see a guy in a white lab coat, 3 females in scrubs, a guy I don't recognize but he looks to be someone of authority who looks exhausted, and Nate and another female who looks familiar both who also look tired. With all these people around me I started to feel jittery, and the walls started closing in. My breathing started picking up, my heart started hurting and I was feeling a pain radiating down my left arm. The beeping of the machine behind me started going haywire. one of the ladies in a pink scrub started ushering people out of the room. They injected me with something to slow my heart rate down. but I was still feeling panicked the doctor told females to also leave the room having to many people in the room is what’s setting me off and for now only one person at a time. The females left and it was just me and the doc. "Olive, can you speak." I opened my mouth but only a soft squeak came out. After a few tries I wasn't getting any better. "That's ok I'll talk, and you blink once for yes and twice for no, ok?" I blinked once. "Do you know where you are" two blinks. "You are in the hospital in the Purple Mountain pack. you've been here for the last six months." Six months wow time really flies when you’re unconscious or in a dungeon. "Do you know who I am?" I wink because I know he’s a doctor, but I don't know his name. "Ok I'm going to assume that mean you know my profession but don’t know me." one blink. "I'm doctor Johnson I've been looking after you since Alpha David brought you in." Alpha David? the wolf who killed my family that jerk has a name? My heart starts spiking behind me faster at hearing his name. "Olive calm down Alpha David is our new alpha, he killed alpha Anthony 6 months and one week ago. David was Interviewing the guards when one finally mentioned you being in the dungeon. you were on the verge of death. I had to perform surgery to stop the internal bleeding and I had to insert a feeding tube to try and get your weight up. You’ve gained 40 pounds in the last 6 months; we want you to gain another 20 to 30 to help your organs more and start getting you some muscle. Olive, I know you can’t speak but can you write?" I blink. He hands me a notebook and a pen. 'When can I go home?' "You should be able to leave the hospital in the next two weeks. Now that you're awake we can start the physical therapy, speech therapy and get you up walking and doing some things on your own. you'll have to stay with someone when you do leave though because you won't be able to live alone for a while." 'Who was the man who was in here reading?' "That's Alpha David he's been here every day for the last week taking turns with Nate and Ella. once we took you out of the medically induced coma, they didn’t want to leave you alone until you woke up." 'Ella?' "Apparently Ella has known you since you were small girls you were best friends she said." 'Can I see her?' "of course. let me draw some blood so i can run some tests before I call her in." I blink once. The doc finished drawing my blood before going out into the hallway. I can her him saying that I asked to see Ella and to try and keep the questions to yes or no one blink means yes two means no. and to only come in one at a time for now to many people will overwhelm me and I could have another panic attack which could lead to a heart attack. a minute Later Ella walks in "Olive?"
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