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After three weeks, a lot of physical therapy, speaking with a counselor, getting vocal therapy, I was finally able to be released from the Hospital. Nate and Alpha David spent almost every waking and sleeping moment with me taking turns getting me well. Twice a week they would both be there and the three of us spent time getting to know how we would work as a threesome. That's what Nate calls it. Alpha David has been so helpful. He makes sure I eat everything off my plate when the nurses bring in my meals. It took a long time for me to graduate from liquids to actual food. I finally got to a good weight at one hundred and twenty pounds so that they felt I could safely be free from the hospital. I still didn't have the muscle definition I had before Alpha Anthony threw me in the dungeon, but I had some. The one thing I kept asking about Nate and Alpha David was where I was going to live. Every time they either ignored my question, changed the subject or said "don't worry about it." I was sitting in a chair facing the window just looking at the leaves changing. Winter will be coming again and soon. I could feel it. Nate and Alpha David were called away for an issue with something. Once again, they told me not to worry about it, and they would be back soon. So I was in my own little world when some snobby nurse who I had never met before came in and practically threw the papers at me. She was tall, close to 6 feet. She had long blonde hair that went down to her round butt. A look on her face that I heard described as a resting b***h's face accentuated by red lipstick that didn't go with her complexation at all. Dark blue eyes that looked almost black with how dark blue they were, and green eye shadow. She reminded me of a clown in a children's book I had read once when I was around 10. She had on so much perfume that my room smelled like the old ladies that I saw in the Physical therapy room 50 times. It was almost gagging how bad her perfume smelled. "You need to sign these and leave. We need the bed." she growled. I quickly signed to stunned to say anything and grabbed a bag that had a change of clothes for me. The bones in my legs were still weak, so I slowly made my way out of the room and walked to the elevator. There was a big sign in yellow that said 'Elevator out of order'. Great... so I walked over to the stairs and opened the door to look and see how far down it was. The door shut behind me. I looked down the gap between the railings that led all the way to the bottom. It was a long way down. I turned to try the door again, and it was locked. OK, it looks like I have no choice. I've done the small stairs in physical therapy, but that was only 5 or 6 at a time, never a full staircase. I'll just have to take this one step at a time. The number on the wall behind me reads 7, so I have at least 7 flights to go down. I made it down to level 5 before I needed to rest. I made it down almost 40 steps. I tried the door but it was also locked. So I sat down on one of the steps to catch my breath and try and regain some strength. After what felt like a half hour, I was feeling OK getting up and continuing. I made it down another floor before exhaustion hit me again. I sat again. I must have been in this stairwell for over an hour and a half and I haven't seen another soul. If the elevator was out of order, you'd think that people would be in and out of the stairs and the doors would be unlocked. After another 2 hours of stopping resting and continuing down the stairs, I finally reached the bottom of the stairs. This time the door was unlocked. As soon as I pushed the door open, I was in an alleyway. There were puddles all over the ground and a few trash bins behind me. It was freezing outside, I had no coat, and nowhere to go. I didn't want to go back to the hospital because of how I was kicked out, and I didn't know where the Castle was nor did I want to go there, and I had no idea where Nate lives or where Ella lives. Maybe I'll find a restaurant or something to rest in before I figure out my next move. Using the wall of the hospital to lean on to walk, I made my way to the end of the alleyway and I saw a road. It was already dark out I had no idea what time it was but, I would assume, with no one being on the street, it was late. I saw a small sandwich shop that was still open, and I made my way across the street. It was very warm in there. The walls were a bright robin's eggshell blue, there were blue cushion seats with white tables in between the facing booths. There was a stone fireplace opposite the counter with 2 large leather chairs with a table between the 2 chairs. I looked at the girl behind the counter. She looked so young. She must be about 14 or 15. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked to be around 5'7". "Is it OK if I just warm up until you close? I don't have any money to order anything. I was just released from the hospital and I have nowhere to go." "Yea, that fine, if you want to sit over by the fireplace there, it will help you warm up more. And those chairs are comfier than the ones at the booths." I nodded my head and made my way over to the girl. "My name is Olive." "I'm Alexis." I made my way over to the chairs and I sat down. I was grateful to finally get warm. There was a clock above the first place. It was 8 o'clock. I've been out of the hospital since 2. Six hours to get from being forced out of my room to finally making it to the sandwich shop. I leaned my head back and listened to Alexis as she was cleaning up the shop. She brought me a small bowl of tomato soup and a hot chocolate, placing it on the table in front of me. "You looked hungry. Don't worry about the cost. Enjoy." "Thank you, Alexis, this looks amazing." I devoured the soup and hot chocolate and took them up to her at the counter. "Thanks Olive, you didn't have to do that." I made my way back to the Chair and I fell asleep listening to the music Alexis was playing. I felt warm hands picking me up from the chair, but I was so tired I didn't open my eyes. The tingles that ran through where we were touching told me that it was one of my mates. Based on the muscles, I assumed Alpha David. Since my imprisonment I lost most of my wolf qualities. I don't have smell, hearing or sight anymore. I don't know if I will get those back either. I could feel the cold again as we stepped outside, but it instantly disappeared as I was lowered into a car. I could feel my other mate in there. They both held a part of me in the back of the car as it drove off down the road. It wasn't a long journey, but when we got to where we were going, I started to let them know I was awake. "Go back to sleep love, we're home." Nate picked me up this time and I snuggled into his chest breathing him in. My eyes were open, and I watched as we walked through the garage and into a room that had jackets and shoes. I watched as Nate carried me through hallways and past grand rooms till we got to an elaborate staircase with a red rug going up. Following Alpha David up four flights of stairs and down another long hallway that had blank spaces from where photographs used to hang. There was a dusty looking red carpet up here. Looks like it hadn't been cleaned in a long time. Alpha David stopped in front of a large double dark wooden door. Opening the doors, Nate carried me in. There was no bed in that room. It looked like the living room I had at home. There were a couple of black leather couches and reclining chairs around the fireplace on the left side. A red oriental rug under a worn-out-looking coffee table. On the right wall was a line of book cases and a door that was in the middle of them with bookshelves going over the top. The sight made me suck in a gasp. It was filled with books. Nate and Alpha David looked at me like something was wrong, but the smile I was grinning made them realize I was so excited about something in that room. "Love what is it?" Nate asked. " There's a bookcase in here and its filled." Alpha David started to chuckle. "You never cease to amaze me Baby Girl." A huge picturesque window took up the entire wall opposite the door we had just walked in through. I could see the Crescent moon rising and the tops of the trees in the distance. Walking to the left, I saw a door next to the fireplace, and we walked through. "This is our bedroom. The bed is big enough for the three of us." Alpha David gestured to the left and there were 2 more doors. "The first door is the bathroom and the second is our walk-in closet that is filled with clothes for the three of us. Would you like to take a bath before bed?" "Really a bath? Like an actual true bath?" "Yes, Love, let's get you cleaned up and relaxed." We walked into the bathroom and there sat a huge tube with jets, and it smelled like roses and juniper. The water was filling the tub and steam was floating through the air. Nate sat me down on the counter and helped get my clothes off while Alpha David got to setting up the bubbles and turning on the jets. I was still nervous being naked around these men even though they've helped me with so much over the last few weeks. Alpha David, already stripped naked, walked over and picked me up. He kissed me on my temple and walked over to the tub and lowered us both into the water. The jet stream felt amazing on my aching body. Setting me in between his legs, he grabbed shampoo and washed my hair well, which had grown back. It was now around my ears and was coming a red-brown color. Nate joined us as Alpha David was scrubbing my hair. And he grabbed my feet and began to massage them. A girl could get used to this. "Baby girl, what happened today? Why didn't you wait for us? We've been looking for you everywhere." "Some clown-looking nurse who smelled bad threw my release papers at me and told me I had to leave right away because they needed the bed. The elevator was out of order, so I took the stairs. It took me a long time to make it down the stairs and out the door, but the door didn't lead to the lobby, it leads to some alleyway on the side. It was cold, and it took me a long time to make it to that sandwich shop. I felt like I had been walking for a long time to get there. The girl who works there, Alexis. She was so nice she gave me some tomato soup and hot chocolate and let me rest by the fire. That snobby nurse kicked me out at 2. I didn't make it to the sandwich shop till about 8. I didn't know where I was or where to go. I just wanted to get warm and out of the elements." The look on Nate's face was one of pure anger. I knew it wasn't directed at me, but I could feel the anger rolling off of him. "Baby girl, Look at me." I turned my head to look at Alpha David in the eyes. I could get lost in his eyes. They were so beautiful. They were glowing amber, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Baby, don't worry about that nurse, we will take care of her. Those elevators were not out of order because we had gotten back to the hospital around 6, but by then you were gone. You were supposed to have physical therapy today before you were discharged. We wanted to make sure that this suite was ready for you and us, so we can live together here and start our life together. We love you." Hearing those words made my mind start racing. They love me. I don't know how I feel about them But Im enjoying spending time with them, and I really like being with them. after getting cleaned up Nate pulled the plug on the drain and Alpha David stood up picking me up with him he set me on the floor long enough to dry me off with a giant fluffy purple towel and wrapping me up in a fluffy long bathrobe. Nate was dried off first and picked me up carrying me into the bedroom where he placed me gently on to the middle of the bed before climbing in next to me. David walked in and got on my otherside. "Want to watch a movie love?" "OK." the tv floated down from the ceiling and Nate put on some funny movie that looked like it was based in the mid west and the sheep farmer kept losing his sheep. I fell asleep about ten minutes into watching. Nate was snuggled behind me and my head was laid across alpha David. I was warm and comfortable.
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