
2085 Words
I was 4 years old and playing next to a river that flowed behind my house. Ella, Nate and I were playing tag. The current was going fast. Ella was chasing me and I tripped and fell into the river. My head was bleeding, and I was knocked out almost instantly. I watched in the distance as Ella ran away to go get help and Nate jumped into the river to save me. I was dragged a way down the river but had gotten stuck at the start of a beaver dam. Nate dragged me out and started pushing on my chest. My lips and fingers were blue. My Dad came running in wolf form and shifted once he saw Nate and I. Nate got me to start breathing, but I was still so cold. My memory fades and I slip into the next dream, although I'm not sure if it really is a dream. There was a woman with long sliver hair and sliver eyes. Her skin was pale like the moon. She was tall and slender. Wearing a long blue Maxi dress with long flowing sleeves, she looked like an angel. "Hello, Olive. I and Kresandra, the Mother of all wolves. As you know, you are special. I apologize for you being alone for so long, but in order for you to become my direct decedent there were things that needed to be put in place for you to become the Claico Wolf you are today. You were never supposed to suffer and because of that, I am making sure the wolf who almost caused your death will suffer for eternity. He is in the fires of the sun god burning for his sins. Olive, as of right now you are the only Calico Wolf, and for that I have bestowed upon you two mates. Even though Calico's are only supposed to receive one. You have been brought back from the fate of almost death twice by two different males. They have shown true dedication to protecting you and getting you well. They will make you stronger and more connected to the surrounding wolves. You will be looked upon to lead, and you will be given choices to make wolf kind better than it ever has been before. You must wait until the next full moon to mate and mark with your fated mates you will receive a gift that will make the three of you stronger together as an unit. Your pack will begin to thrive and the world around you will begin to look and become warm and welcoming. There will be challenges along the way, but you and you alone can repair the damage that is caused. I must go now, be well, Olive, and be blessed." She disappeared with a flash of white light followed by a big bang. I woke with a start, sitting straight up. Alpha David and Nate moved so fast that when I did, I must have woken them. The rain was hitting the window with such force that I thought they were going to break the windows. The flashes of lighting brightened the room like the lights were on, and the thunder banged so loud that the room shook. Nate started to rub my back while Alpha David consoled me. "Baby Girl OK, nothing will hurt you, we're here." Alpha David said as he rubbed my hands. "Love, come on, lay back down, I'll rub your back. You need to get all the rest you can." I laid back down. This time I was facing Nate. He rubbed up and down my arms and Alpha David tucked me into his front, placing his hand over my waist. "Guys, I met Kresandra." They both paused and waited for me to continue. "She said at the next full moon we needed to mate and mark each other. She said we would receive a gift that would make the three of us stronger as a unit." "Is that what you want, love?" We'll only do what you want and are ready for baby girl." "If it'll make us stronger together, then yes, I think we should. When is the next full moon?" "10 Days," Nate said. "So in 10 days we will, Mate and Mark, and become a joined unit." I looked Nate in the eyes and took my hand to his face. " I never thanked you all those years ago. Saving me from the river. I never knew it was you. I always thought it was my dad." "How did you remember that love?" "It was shown to me in my dreams. I was standing on the sidelines and I watched as I tripped into the river and my head was bleeding. I saw how I got stuck on that beaver dam that was a ways down the river, and you pulled me out and pushed on my chest to get the water out of my lungs. Thank you truly. Thank you. "Alpha, I also wanted to thank you for saving me from that dungeon. I know I wouldn't have survived if you hadn't saved me in time. Thank you for killing Alpha Anthony and finding all those who were loyal to him and just making this pack better for the future." "Baby girl You don't need to call me Alpha, I'm just David to you or whatever cute pet name you come up for me. You never need to thank me for saving you. You are my mate and I will always save you." I snuggled into David as he wrapped me tighter. Nate came in closer, so I could lean my head against his chest. The rain outside started to calm but the lightning and thunder still raged on. I breathed in both of them. They smelled like home. They are all mine. The next morning they were both gone out of bed. I stretched and slowly made my way out of bed. I was still sore from yesterday, so it took me a few minutes to make my way into the bathroom. I needed to do my business badly. I managed to do what I needed and make my way into the living room. It took me a few minutes, but once I was moving around, I was able to move a little faster than yesterday, but I had no intention of going anywhere. I wrapped the surrounding bathrobe tighter, and I made my way out into the living area. I wanted to check out those books. Snuggling up next to a roaring fire and reading a book with a cup of hot chocolate sounded heavenly. I'd have to figure out how to get a cup though. I made it into the Living area and the bookshelves were filled with the classics, all first editions. On a shelf that was at my eye level I saw some very familiar books. I pulled out Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and there inside the cover Property of Olive. These are my books. Nate rescued my books. I started to cry because I had forgotten Nate had rescued some of the items from my home before Alpha Anthony burned them to the ground. Next to Gone with the Wind, Treasure Island, The Scarlet Letter, Pride and Prejudice, all my books that I had at my house are the ones I read over and over and over again. Nate walked through the door in between the bookshelves and I couldn't hold my tears back. I looped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!" I was so happy that he saved stuff from my home. "Love, come with me, I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and I slowly shuffled behind him. He moved at my pace, and we walked back into the bedroom. There was a table in the corner that had a bunch of pictures and stuff on it. They were pictures from my house of my family and his family. There were a few boxes on the side of the table that had more pictures, but they were pictures that I had taken from the homes of other families. It made me feel like I wouldn't be alone. They brought me comfort in times of sadness. The table also had small trinkets and decorations that I had saved from his house and the trinkets from mine. We walked into the closet and there were more boxes there filled with stuff from my home. "I thought you said you only saved a few items from my house. This looks like you saved almost everything." "I took a few guys with me the night before Alpha Anthony burned the houses to the ground. In all honesty, I didn't know how much we had saved until this week when I took the boxes out of storage. I had about 10 boxes that I pulled out and each of the guys I brought got around the same. The rest of your stuff is in storage, and we can go through it when you're feeling up to it and go through everything." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. I felt like there were fireworks and butterflies and all those good things going off around us. This was the best gift I have ever gotten. He deserved so much more than a broken female with a missing wolf. I wanted him to know how grateful I am for everything he's done. He didn't even know if I was going to come out of the dungeon, if I was going to live, if this pack was going to survive the starvation and injures from being down there. I could feel my feelings growing for him. 9 more days and I could show him. I would show both of them. "How about we get you dressed in some comfy clothes? I'll carry you to that nice comfy couch with a fluffy pink blanket. I'll get that fire roaring just for you and you can read a book. There are a few in there I'm sure you haven't read yet." "Can I get some hot cocoa too?" "Absolutely, Love." I kissed him again. I like kissing him. His lips look firm and rough, but when they touch mine they become soft and needy. He pulled out a set of purple flannel Pajamas that had a button top. He took my bathrobe off and helped get me dressed. He slipped on some comfy fur-lined moccasins and put the bathrobe back on me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bookcase. I pulled out The Count of Monte Cristo. He carried me over to the couch and took the pink fluffy blanket and wrapped it over my legs. He added more wood to the fire and disappeared into the door in the bookshelves. A few minutes later he reappeared with a huge mug that was blue and had a picture of some girl with black hair and glasses, and it said uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all over it. The hot cocoa had fluff in it and a chocolate covered cherry and whipped cream on top. He sat at my feet and began to rub while I read allowed. This was the perfect way to spend the day. David came in while I was reading chapter 3. He picked me up enough, so I could sit on his lap. He gently kissed me on my temple and just held me while I read. Nate had fallen asleep around the end of chapter four. I paused when I heard him snoring. David's eyes were drooping while I was reading. They are both so handsome. I want to do something special for them, but I'm not sure what I can do for them. I looked at David. His lips looked so full and plump. I didn't hesitate. I leaned in and kissed him. It was better than I could imagine. He responded slowly at first. He then wrapped one arm around my waist and the other behind my head, running his fingers in my hair. And like with Nate, I felt the butterflies, and the fireworks and all the good things that come from kissing those men. This was the best gift Kresandra could have given me. Even though I want to know, I need to wait 9 more days. Just 9 more and we will all belong to each other.
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