
1371 Words
Being with my mates was absolutely amazing. I was getting stronger every day. I am now able to walk from one room to another at my normal pace. My legs only hurt when I've been on them for long periods of time or used them too much for the day. Today I decided to start by walking down the hallway and to the stairs, maybe even down to the next floor, and try to go back up. The boys were busy today, so Ella decided to come over and for us to have a girl's day. We walked arm and arm down the hall and when we got to the stairs we took them one step at a time. I made it to the entrance of the third floor. "OK Ella, let's go back up." Ella and I paused before starting our ascent. Counting the stairs as we walked. I needed to remind myself that it's not an ever ending staircase and that it was 19 steps down. I could walk 19 steps back up. As much as the boys love carrying me around, I need to get my full strength back. I need to feel like me again. I kept pausing after every two to three steps. After about 15 minutes, we made it back to the top of the stairs and in our hallway. I was out of breath and the hallway looked like one of those long, never-ending tunnels. We made it back to my room in about 5 minutes. I was starting to shuffle, and my calves were throbbing. I sat down in my favorite spot on the couch and pulled my pink fluffy blanket around me. Ella went into the kitchen, which I found was that door in the bookshelves, to get us both some hot chocolate and crème filled cookies. There were many fluffy blankets in this room. After my first couple of days being home, Nate realized that I'm always freezing, and he brought in many fluffy blankets, even a blanket that plugs into the wall and heats up. Every night we start by cuddling in the living room area with a nice roaring fire, and I read to them a few chapters of The count of Monte Cristo. We're somewhere around chapter 30. Everything seems to be falling into place for my little family. Our need to mark and mate has been growing stronger every day. But in the back of my mind I feel like something bad is going to happen and soon. Ella sat next to me, and we wrapped ourselves up in a few of the blankets and just chatted about everything and anything we could think of. She told me all about the daycare she works at. And how hard it was for her to even find work being 18 and fresh out of school. Being an orphan didn't help any matters either. The daycare had a lot of pups that were like us. Taken from their families and brought here to be orphans. David had made it his mission to find the family of the pups who were brought here or find good homes for them. A lot of the orphaned adults were struggling, just like Ella. They had no family, no support and were barely making it in the pack. Nate had been told to try and find a way to help them. I suggested a community center where they could go and take a class or be in support groups. Alpha Anthony royally screwed up this pack. I took my socks off to rub my feet better and let some circulation flow through my feet once again. Ella saw my toes were bare and decided it was time for Mani Pedis. She went into her purse and pulled out a small make-up bag that had different colors of nail polish. Deciding on purple, she preceded to paint my nails. Once I was dry, I returned the favor. "Your favorite color is still free, right?" "How'd you remember that?" "When I taught myself how to read and write, I wrote everything down that I could remember about everyone. I remember Nate loved dark gray, and the baker always wore a blue chef's hat, Mr. Mcalister always whistled, 'She'd be coming around the mountain' while he gardened. There was a lot that I wrote down, but I don't know where those notebooks are now. If they were rescued, they'd be in storage. If not, it probably burned when Anthony burned my house down." I painted her nails while a movie played in the background. It was a movie about a giant elf trying to find his birth dad. It was very funny. We watched 3 more movies that all seemed to be set in the winter time. I fell asleep during the last movie. All I remember was it was getting dark outside and the little boy wanted a bb gun. David scooped me up and carried me into our bedroom. Kissing my forehead, I stirred awake. "Hi baby what time is it?" "Baby girl its 9. Go back to sleep. I'm going to make sure Ella gets home safely with my beta Justin. I'll be right back." I nodded my head and drifted back to sleep. I have only one more day to go. The next morning, the sun was streaming through the curtains and Nate was on my right and David on my left. They both cuddled with me. Tonite is the night of the full moon. I noticed my legs didn't feel as weak today as they normally did after I strained them when exercising. My arms had some muscle definition and I could feel something in my head. Maybe my wolf has finally come back? I kissed both my guys on their forehead and tried to slip out from their grasping death grips. They both whined when I moved and gripped tighter. "Guys, I really need to get up. I need to use the bathroom. If I promise to come right back will you let me up?" They both grumbled, but in the end they let me go. I made my way into the bathroom and did my business as fast as I could. They both promised me they were going to have a short work day today. Start late and leave early, so they could be with me during the full moon. Tonight was the night I would be theirs officially, and they would be mine. I looked at my legs and arms in the mirror, and they were well-defined. I had muscles once again and I looked healthy. For the first time in a long time, I looked healthy. There were no bags under my eyes, I wasn't cold, my body didn't hurt. I was healed, and I looked good. Really good. "Hey Nate, David, could you come here for a minute?" I called out to them in my seductive voice. I heard both men scramble to their feet and come running into the bathroom. "Baby girl, what's....... wrong?" David stared at me like I had grown a second head. Nates' jaw was somewhere on the floor. "Love, did your wolf come back?" "I think so. Do I look OK?" "Baby girl, you look good enough to eat." My cheeks turned pink as I blushed, looking down at the ground and twisted the ball of my right foot back and forth. Nate walked up to me, picking me up off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist for the first time. "Love, You look amazing. If we didn't have to wait until tonight, I'd ravish you right here right now. Nate walked us into the bedroom and laid me down, climbing in with me as David climbed in on my other side. "We have decided we are taking the whole day off. We want to spend every second with you today. Tonight, after supper, we will go out onto the field and shift for the first time. Our wolves need to bond as much as we have." David said. "But first let us cuddle and get somemore sleep. We're going to need all the rest we can get before tonight."
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