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Alpha David POV I have just taken over the Purple Mountain pack. I challenged their Alpha after receiving reports of several incidents of abuse, murder, and arson. I challenged him and he tried to fight dirty. Tried to get his beta to throw him a knife, so he could stab me. I snapped his neck in under two minutes. His beta was also put to death similarly. My Beta Justin and a few warriors took their bodies and dumped them in the woods past the pack line. He didn't deserve to have his body burned and returned to the earth. Dumping his body in a ditch was about all that he deserved. I have been interviewing everyone in the pack. A lot of people were taken from other packs after all the adults over the age of seventeen were slaughtered. After speaking to one of the warriors named Nate, I discovered there was a prisoner who was brought to the basement almost four months ago and never brought back up. Walking down the stairs, I was hit with the smell of urine, vomit, and blood. As soon as I get to the last cell there's a small female. She's curled up into a ball and I can see almost all her bones. Her hair is falling out, and she doesn’t have much left. From the large clumps on the floor her hair was a long dark brown. I lifted my hand to check her pulse. It's there but it's faint. Her left arm is just dangling and looks like her shoulder was dislocated some time ago. I wonder why it was never fixed. As I leaned down to pick her up she whispered. "Please just let me die. I don't want to live like this anymore." She was like lifting a doll. Weighing practically nothing. I ran up the stairs and through the door as fast as I could go till I got to the hospital. They had a gurney waiting for me and rolled her back. Pacing back and forth I waited for some news, any news. Running my fingers through my hair, I just kept walking back and forth. Two hours turned into five. One of the nurses brought me a coffee. I thanked her kindly for it. I sat down and just started to stare out into space. I can't believe that a*s. God, how long had she been slowly starving to death? I linked my Beta Justin and told him to bring me the guards who were watching over her cell. I need to find out what’s going on and how deep this abuse goes. She looks like a child. How could he do that to a child? If Anthony was still alive, I'd snap his neck all over again. After fifteen minutes, I saw Justin walking in with three guards. I haven’t had the chance to interview them to find out their loyalty to Anthony yet, but if they help do that to her, then they'll be the next on my list to kill. "Who did this to her? Who?" "Our Alpha Anthony, Alpha. She talked back to him and was thrown into the dungeon. He said to leave her there and give her three meals a day until he decided to deal with her again. She has refused to eat, and last week stopped drinking the water. I have told Alpha Anthony several times that she was slowing starving to death and to just let her go. He refused and mentioned he would kill the next wolf who brought it up. He burned her home and the other houses around so she would be out in the elements with no shelter." "What do you mean he burned the other houses down? All the houses are still standing. I've been here a week, and I haven’t seen any signs there was a fire anywhere around her." "Sir, she was a rogue. Alpha Anthony killed her family and all the adults from her pack ten years ago. She wasn’t found when he rounded up all the other pups under seventeen. She lived on her own out in the wilderness. I listened when he was interviewing her, She had just turned seventeen the day we found her and that was only because she was in wolf form and had crossed over on to our land." "How long ago was that?" "Um, almost four months ago, Alpha." "Two of her guards we killed trying to help her. We were told to bring her the food and water. We were told if you talk to her, confront her, or do anything else besides give her the food and water, would also be killed. After that, he used his alpha order to stop us from trying to help her further." "Alpha David?" The doctor came walking in. It was close to seven hours since I brought her in. "Yes doc?" "Alpha, she's in rough shape. Her eyes are glassed over, she’s completely bald now, she weighs around seventy pounds. I had to re-pop her shoulder back in, but she's going to need surgery in the future. I had to do an extensive repair to her internal organs. She was slowly bleeding out. I believe I repaired everything. Her wolf is undetectable, even though I heard she had one, because when they found her, she was in wolf form. I heard she was gorgeous. Anyway, she is hooked up to an IV and a feeding tube to try and get some vitamins into her. Her heart and lungs are in bad condition from the malnourishment, and her liver and kidneys are almost completely shut down. We have her in a medically induced coma for now until we can get her to a point where I would feel that she would thrive if we kept her awake, knowing she wouldn't last long. She was whispering something that sounded like names. Maybe they were from her family, like Lavender, Oliver, and Daniel. I don't know of anyone with those names here in the pack." "Thanks doc. I'll see if I can find out who they are. I'm going to head back and get some rest. Call me if anything and I mean anything changes. Come with me" I said, pointing to Justin and the guards. Walking into the dining room, I pointed at a table and the guard sat. I grabbed a leftover turkey sandwich with potatoes and cranberry sauce. I love Thanksgiving leftovers. "Alright, tell me more about her. I need to know everything. Also, what are your names?" "Jameson, Sir." The guard with the Blonde Hair said to me. "And I don't know that much about her. I wasn’t there when she was found. You'll have to talk to Nate." My beta mind links Nate to come into the dining room so I can talk to him. "I'm Micha" Says the Black Hair Guard "And I'm Nick" Said the Brown Hair Guard. Five minutes later, Nate walked in. "How can I help you, Alpha?" "Nate, I need to know everything about that girl that was locked up downstairs. Start with how you knew her till now." "Well Alpha, Olive was the daughter of our Alpha Daniel and Luna Lavender at the Blue Water Pack. She was best friends with Beta’s daughter Ella and the three of us were in school together. She loved playing with dolls and helping her mom decorate for parties. The day that our families were slaughtered, we were playing hide and seek with Olive's Babysitter Danny. Danny was told to keep us occupied while the woman of the Pack set up the party for Danny's seventeenth and Olive's seventh birthday party. So, we played hide and seek, and Olive was always the best. We could never find her when we played. Then the wolves came. Alpha Daniel and Beta Michael took what we had for warriors. It wasn’t much, but they were well-trained, but against over a thousand warriors, well you can imagine. Anyway, they attacked our alpha when his back was turned to tell his beta to go get something from his office. They killed every adult over the age of seventeen. The rest of us were rounded up and tossed into the vans and brought here. I had assumed that Olive was killed with the adults for resisting or just a wolf gone crazy with blood-lust. I don't know. We all decided not to ask because we didn’t want to know. I never knew she was alone all that time out in the woods of our old home. If I had, I would have run away to be with her to rescue her." "OK, so that explains who Lavender and Daniel are. Do you know who Oliver is?" "I don't know. I knew Luna Lavender was pregnant at the time with a boy. Olive was so excited maybe she named him that when she buried everyone." "She buried everyone?" "Yea, she marked all their graves and buried all the adults. I don't know how she did that though. Is she ok?" "Olive has been placed in a medically induced coma. For now, she has lost a lot of weight, had internal bleeding as well as a dislocated shoulder that will need surgery and her internal organs are shutting down. The doctor has a feeding tube giving her vitamins and nutrients she needs, as well as an IV to help keep her hydrated. You can go see her as often as you like. I'll let the doc know. Just be prepared, she doesn’t look like how you last saw her." "Thank you, Alpha David. I would like that very much. I have reason to believe she's my fated mate." "Really. I had the same feeling about her when I picked her up to bring her here. "I had to protect her by staying away from her. My wolf Maddox had been going crazy knowing his mate was locked up. I was only allowed to be near her at night. I added clear supplements to her water to get her to have something go into her stomach. I can't believe I let her deteriorate like that." "I'm sure she'll forgive you when she awakens. Now, Ella, who is she? Is she still here?" "Ella works over at the daycare and lives next to it in one of the project apartments for wolves without families." "And Danny, is she still in this pack or has she found her mate and moved on?" "Sadly, Danny was killed after she was caught escaping the day after she turned seventeen. She wanted to go home and see if she could find out what happened to Olive. She refused to tell Anthony where she was going, so, he viewed her as a traitor and snapped her neck. You know when we found Olive in her wolf, she was beautiful. She has Calico fur and a black heart over her right eye, and white-tipped ears. I've never seen another wolf with a calico pattern." "Thank you, Nate. I'm going to turn in for the evening. Why don't you go get some rest before going to see Olive tomorrow? She's going to need all the help she can get." "Good night, Alpha, Beta, guys" "Gentlemen, you are dismissed for the evening. If I have any further need for you, I'll link you." I walked out of the dining room and up to the library. I think it’s time I did some research about calico wolves. I've never heard of one, let alone seen one, and if what Nate said is true, then she is a rarity. Walking into the library and there’s not much in there. A few books here and there, that’s it. I found a small book hidden in the back of a bookcase called Wolves of the goddess. 'There are many different types of wolves that the goddess created. The rarest of them all is the Calico. The calico is a wolf who is connected to all wolves but only appears if they have been alone most of their childhood. The calico is said to be a direct descendant of the moon goddess. A calico will have no counter wolves but will be both human and wolf. The one who first saves the Calico from the fate of almost death will be their fated mate, but it will not be recognized until the marking.' I have been looking for my fated mate. I have to wait until she awakens to find out. Could I be hers?
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