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Olive POV "WHY WON'T YOU SHIFT!!!!!!" "Sir, can I try? She looks like she's scared. Maybe she doesn't understand what’s happening. She looks like she's been starving. I can see her ribs through her fur." "Go ahead Nate. Just hurry up." Nate? Did he just say Nate? I investigated his face. He has short black hair and piercing blue eyes. The same eyes, he has more muscles than last time and looks like he could pick me up with one arm. I last saw him before he was taken. Can this really be him? "Hey pretty lady, do you know how to shift back?" From my crouching position I slowly shook my head no. "OK, that’s easy. Can you tell your wolf to pull you forward?" I tilted my head. Wolf, what does he mean wolf? He looked at me confused for a minute. "Do you know what I mean when I say that?" Again I shook my head no. "Are you all alone?" I nodded my head yes. He started rubbing my ears and I started to purr. Sparks were flowing through my ears and where he was touching me. "OK, sweetheart, we're going to do this slowly. I want you to imagine your human body coming forward and your wolf sinking back into you. OK? It’s like opening one box and closing another." OK, I can do that. No problem. I take a deep breath, and I picture my human-self coming forward. The pain is excruciating, and I feel everything pop back into its original place. When I'm back to being a human, Nate looks into my eyes. "Olive? Is that... you?" I just nodded my head. He wraps me up in the tightest hug I've ever felt. The sparks are flowing over my body where he's touching. He smells amazing. I think he's my mate. But then again, I haven’t had a connection with anyone in a long time. "Olive, I thought you died years ago. Where have you been living?" "At my home." "At your home? What do you mean? No one lives there. It’s been abandoned for a long time. The roofs are all crumbling and the only sign someone was ever there was the cemetery at the edge of the ..... That, was you? Wasn't it? You buried everyone and planted those flowers?" I just nodded my head. "Alright, the reunion is over. She's a rogue. You know what we have to do now." "Alpha, please she hasn't done anything wrong. Give her a chance." "Fine, we can throw her into the dungeon until she can answer my questions." I’m still sitting on the ground naked, still shaking, "Alpha, I'll answer whatever you want. Just please let me go. I'll do as you ask and what you wish. Just please let me go. I won’t cause any harm or hurt anyone. I just want to continue my life of peace." The Alpha huffs out a ticked off noise. "You are a rogue and will be treated as we treat other rogues, you are to be thrown into the dungeon and will be questioned till you either die or I deem you safe to be in my pack." deem me safe. I've lived in this area my entire life. I've never caused any problems for him or his pack. I don't even know who this man is. He looks familiar to the man who killed my father though. I wonder if it is him. A few of his soldiers pick me up under my arms and force me to walk naked, until Nate stops them. He handed me a long tee shirt and a pair of boxers. The clothes hang off my body like I'm a small child dressing up in dad’s clothing. The men decide that I’m not a threat while I’m trying to hold up the boxers and allow me to walk on my own. Twenty minutes later, we're at a giant-looking building. Looks almost like what Cinderella or sleeping beauty lived in. There are hundreds of wolves walking around and in and out of the castle. I can't believe I've never seen this building before. But then again, I've never been this far from home before. The Alpha roughly grabs me under my arm pit and pulls me through the castle house and into a basement, pretty much throwing me down the stairs. I landed with a thud at the bottom. He stomps down the stairs as I try to cower in myself. I should have stayed in my village. It was not worth looking to see what I looked like as a wolf. I should have found a mirror to look at myself instead. "Alright "Olive", if that's your real name, let’s get some background information on you. First off, how old are you?" "I just turned seventeen today." "Really? That's why we couldn’t smell you before, huh? How long have you been alone?" "Ten years yesterday, since the wolves came and murdered everyone I knew and loved. I saw them take the pups under seventeen and kill all the adults." "That was me. Why were you not rounded up with the other children?" "Your wolves couldn’t find me. I was hiding. I could see you, but you couldn’t see me. You murdered my mother who was pregnant. You murdered my father for no reason. Why? What did we do to you that required murdering my family? I've had no one because you killed or took everyone. Why?" "I'm the one asking the questions and I don't need to tell you why I did what needed to be done. You will only answer the questions I asked of you. Now where were you hiding?" "I was in the attic. I could see you, but you couldn’t see me." "Why didn't you come out when we were gathering the pups?" "I was afraid you would kill me like you did my family." "Well, that’s just an unnecessary waste of life." "Yea and so was killing my pregnant mother." I crossed my arms and legs, rocking the top leg up and down in anger. This Alpha was making me angry more and more by the minute. "So, you said you've been alone for the last ten years, but tell me how a seven-year-old survives alone for ten years? Because I’m calling bullsh*t that you were alone and didn’t go crazy." "Well, if you choose not to believe me, that’s your choice, but I was alone. I had learned the basics of reading before you came and destroyed my world, so I taught myself how to read, write, do basic math. I learned how to fix my roof, cook, clean, garden, I learned how to dry meats, build a fire that was very apparently unnoticed by you, and I learned how to bury the dead. Thanks for that, by the way." "Well, your skills will be very useful in my kitchen if you really know how to dry meat like you said. But why didn’t you try to find help sooner? Any pack in the area would not have turned a child away." "And risk this wonderful treatment I'm getting from you? Yea no pass. Can I go home now? I'd rather be a rogue than continue spending time in this room with the man who killed my family." The slap that hit my face sent me to the ground with a hard thud. I'd be lucky if I ever got to go back to my house now. I never should have left. With the violent tugging motion and the pop of my shoulder out of its socket, I was picked up and thrown into an even smaller room. There was a small metal-framed bed in one corner and a bucket in the other. I landed in the middle of the floor with the door slamming shut behind me. Great, this is where I've come to die. I just had to go and tick that guy off. I tried to get my shoulder back into place like I had read in a medical book, but I couldn’t do it because the pain was too much. Pulling myself up onto the bed and keeping my weight off that shoulder, I curled up into a ball. I wanted my mom. I wanted her to hold me and tell me everything would be OK. I wanted to go home. The door swung open a few hours later, and it was a wolf I'd never seen before. He slid in a tray with bread and some types of slop on it and a glass of water. He slammed the door behind him. I didn’t bother moving. I had gone weeks before without food. I could do it again without even noticing. They probably drugged it, anyway. Three times a day for the last few days, this happened. The wolf would come in, take the old tray, shake his head. Only the water was gone, and leave a new tray. After two weeks, I was starting to notice how hungry I was, but I still refused to eat. I mostly stayed curled up on the bed, not like there was anything to do in this place. I know I lost even more weight than when I first arrived. My hair was falling out, and my ribs were really protruding now. My shoulder was still at an odd angle. I no longer acknowledge it because everything hurts all the time. By the end of the second month, my hair was so thin that I could feel my scalp. I don't know what my face looks like, but if it's anything like the rest of me, I'm just skin stretched over bones. Why haven’t I died yet? My hands look like a little kid drawing with just sticks covered in skin. I could see the bones in my arms and legs. I could almost count all my bones. I even tried seeing if I could remember their actual names, but I only got as far as phalanges and tarsals before giving up. By month number four I had no strength to even get water anymore. I just laid in that tiny bed praying for death. When the guard noticed I hadn't moved for two days, and I stopped reacting to the door opening, he finally came to check on me. He checked my pulse, and it was light. I knew it was light. I knew I was about to die. "Please just let me die. I don't want to live like this anymore." I whispered. My voice had no strength in it. The guard picked me up and carried me out and gently laid me down on a soft bed. It was bright in here. I don't know why. Maybe I was finally dying. Maybe I'm finally in the kingdom of the moon goddess. Maybe I'll see my parents and my little brother again.
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