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Falcon POV She was trusting, yet I knew not with everyone, and that gave me hope. I could sense the bond between us growing stronger. It wasn't just my intuition. I had overheard her conversation in the woods with her co-worker. The fact that she admitted to someone else that she liked me made me happy. I had already assumed her fear of intimacy, especially after what had happened to her. I needed to be more careful with her. Today, I couldn't resist touching her, even though I shouldn't have. My wolf pushed me to do so. It's natural for him, for me, to want to touch and hold her. Being a prince, I have Alpha blood that makes me even more attached to my mate than others. But I would never pressure her, especially since she is human. I needed her to get used to me. But when she did, I would let her know what it meant for me to be close to her. In time, I longed for a very intimate relationship, when her comfort allowed it. Stepping out of her shower, I reached for a pair of pajama pants from the bag she had prepared for me. I kept my clothing with me, as I couldn't shift in these. They would be destroyed. Then, I walked out of her bathroom. She turned for a moment, but as soon as her eyes landed on me, she flushed and turned her head. Maybe I should have put a shirt on. "She's just shy." Ash said. "Yes, but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable," I replied. "You have scars too," she said. "I have my fair share," I admitted. As she turned again and looked at me, I could see the curiosity in her eyes. "They look worse than mine. They must have hurt," she whispered. "They look far worse than they are. I handle pain well," I assured her. She moved to the edge of her bed and reached out, as if she wanted to touch one of my scars. But she retracted her hand quickly. "It's okay if you want to touch them. It's only fair since I touched yours," I said to her. The fact that she wanted to touch me was another sign that she felt a hint of the bond. She needed to know that it was okay. She reached out her hand again, her fingers brushing against a scar on my side. I controlled my breathing, taking slow, deliberate breaths, so she wouldn't notice the effect her touch had on me. Her gaze locked with mine once again. "You said you like me, why?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before answering. "You're the kind of person who genuinely cares for everyone," I explained, my voice gentle. "It's clear that you always try your best to see the good in people. And you're beyond beautiful. I'm certain your smile could light up an entire room. You have a deep love for nature, preferring to spend time outdoors rather than being cooped up inside. You're a hard worker, always striving to help others. But you don't realize that you're never a burden to anyone." "I'm plain." She whispered. I reached out and gently took her hand in mine, reassuring her. "No, Katya, you are far from plain. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on," I said, sincerity coloring my words. "You're sweet, but you don't need to lie," she murmured, her doubt evident. I moved closer to her, my hand gently brushing against her face, coaxing her to meet my gaze. "I promise you, Katya, I won't lie to you," I vowed, my eyes locked with hers. "I want to kiss you. May I?" I asked, seeking her consent. "Yes," she whispered, and I wrapped my arm around her, my lips pressing against her soft, inviting ones. The kiss was filled with passion, but I made sure to be mindful of her comfort. She responded to my kiss, her lips moving in perfect harmony with mine, her hands exploring my body. She was beyond perfect. As I pulled away, I kept my arm wrapped around her, wanting to maintain the closeness. "Falcon, I know you have to leave soon, but promise me that one day, you'll tell me why our time together is limited," she asked, her voice tinged with longing. "I promise," I assured her, knowing that I had to be honest about who I was and what I was. I wanted to give her time to adjust, hoping it wouldn't scare her away. "Spend one week with me, and I will tell you everything." "Stay with me until you have to leave," she said. "I will," I replied, preparing to leave her to her bed. But then she spoke again, her words filled with vulnerability. "Stay here in my bed next to me, unless it's uncomfortable." She lay down, motioning for me to join her. I propped myself up against a pillow, feeling its softness against my back, as she reached out and took my hand. "Thanks for being here for me," she whispered, her voice barely audible. As she held my hand for comfort, she closed her eyes. The gentle touch and the warmth of her hand against mine made it harder for me to leave. I watched as she drifted off, her body moving closer to mine, her soft breath against my chest. I lay perfectly still, not wanting to disturb her peaceful sleep. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about the dangers that awaited in my world. Was it selfish of me to desire to bring her there, to take her away from everything she knows? "She is our future queen, our Luna. We must bring her to our world," Ash spoke in my mind. Both Ash and I accepted her as a human, ready to love her unconditionally. However, I knew not everyone would accept her. My parents, for instance, would initially see her as weak. But I trusted the moon goddess. She wouldn't have destined Katya to me if she wasn't strong enough to stand by my side. I was determined to prove that to everyone. Katya snuggled closer, clinging onto me as if I were her protector. The sun would rise soon, and I had to leave. Carefully, I extracted myself from her embrace, making sure she remained comfortable. I swiftly changed back into my clothes, cracking a window open before leaping out. I didn't want to leave her main door open, even though she lived high up in the building. The distance didn't matter; I could handle it. Once outside, I dashed towards the forest, my body shifting into my wolf form as the first light painted the sky. I ran towards the cave she had shown me, a place that held significance to her. It made me feel more connected to her. I had a hunch that she might visit today, so I decided to wait for her, never straying from this spot. Yet, at the same time, I hoped she would stay inside. I feared that man would continue to harm her. Soon enough, sleep claimed me, and I dozed off, dreaming of our future together. ________ I woke to the gentle scent of Katya, a soothing aroma that filled the air. Slowly rising from the ground, my eyes caught sight of her sitting at the edge of the cave. A towel lay before her, accompanied by a basket. Confusion briefly clouded my mind as she removed her shirt, but then I realized she was wearing swim attire, although it revealed more than I was comfortable with. Concern filled me, as I worried about others casting their gaze upon her. She was undeniably beautiful, and I longed for her to be seen only by my eyes in certain ways. Suddenly, she stood and removed her pants, her back turned towards me. My heart ached as I noticed the multitude of scars adorning her delicate skin. I couldn't bear to think of the pain that must have caused them. As she turned around, I saw even more scars, but they did not diminish her beauty. With a smile on her face, her eyes met mine. She then walked towards the basket and retrieved a container with an ice pack, placing it on the ground before me. "I got actual meat this time," she said, indicating that she had bought me more food. Her gaze softened as she observed me. "You look healed already, or maybe your fur just conceals it. But I'm happy. I was worried about you," she expressed, her words washing over me like a gentle breeze. She returned to the ledge of the cave and climbed out, swiftly jumping into the water. Startled, I rushed to the edge, my heart pounding. As her head emerged from the surface, I could sense her happiness and relaxation. Ash, yearned to join her in the water, but I reasoned with him. It was dangerous for others to see us together, as we were perceived as threats in this world. "You know, many of our kind are dangerous. The witch warned us about others like us living in this world. What if our mate encounters them? Will she approach them?" Ash questioned, his thoughts echoing in my mind. I was uncertain, but a hunch told me she wouldn't. As she emerged from the water, she sprinted back and settled on her towel, basking in the sun beside me. Ash happily polished off the meat she had brought, then approached her cautiously, before lying down and gently nudging her side with his nose, resembling a domesticated dog. A giggle escaped her lips as she exclaimed, "That tickles!" Ash responded by licking her side, causing her laughter to escalate. Sensing her ease, he repeated the action, focusing on her bruises. She moved her hand through our fur, asking in a whisper, "What should I call you?" She closed her eyes briefly and then declared, "Ash." I was taken aback, wondering how she had come up with the the right name. "Your fur," she explained, "resembles ash from a fireplace - a beautiful blend of black and hints of gray.” "I have a whole week off, and I'm supposed to rest, but being here feels like rest. I plan on coming here every day if I can, unless Emily, a girl I work with, stops me. She's worried about my safety walking out here alone," she admitted. I admired Emily's concern for Katya; she was truly a good friend, even if Katya didn't fully realize it. Katya spent a significant part of the day with me before eventually leaving. I followed behind her, staying hidden and vigilant, keeping an eye out for any hunters. Relief washed over me as she entered her building, and I stayed hidden, maintaining a watchful gaze over the area. __________ Five days seemed to fly by, and each midnight, I would spend a few hours with Katya. She always insisted that I stay in bed with her, and as the days passed, I could sense her growing more comfortable. My love for her deepened, and I could feel her heart slowly awakening to reciprocate those emotions. During the day, she would visit me while I was in wolf form. She opened up about so much, and it allowed me to truly get to know her. Although I worried that once she learned the truth, she might feel awkward knowing she shared all her thoughts with me, I desired a bond where my mate would always confide in me. On the sixth night, close to midnight, I concealed myself in the darkness of the forest, eagerly awaiting the moment to see her. But then, I spotted a familiar vehicle—the one belonging to Trevor. I stood hidden, my eyes fixed on him as he emerged from the car, accompanied by another man. He approached her door while the other man disappeared, concealing himself beside the building. I silently begged in my mind, "Please, Katya, don't answer. Stay inside." I watched Trevor as he made his way back to his car, slipping something into his pocket before raising a phone to his ear. A few more minutes passed, and finally, Katya came out. My heart pounded fiercely in my chest, and Ash struggled to remain still. She resisted, a desperate fight against him, as he brandished something before her. "No, please, Trevor," I heard her cry, pushing herself away from him, ready to leave. But as she did, the other man emerged from his hiding spot, trapping her against the corner of the building. "Get her in the car!" Trevor's voice boomed, urging his accomplice. I couldn't bear it any longer. I had to reveal myself. Growling, I bolted out of the woods, catching them off guard. The other man fled, but Trevor seized hold of Katya. "Get in my car now, or else, Kat," he demanded. My heart raced as I watched her comply, following his instructions. I lunged at Trevor, determined to protect her. I sank my teeth into his side, only to feel a searing pain in my own back. A sharp object had been thrust into me. I let go, preparing to attack again, but he sprinted to his car. His blood filled the air, a metallic scent I couldn't ignore. I had wounded him severely. Katya jumped out of the car. "Don't, Kat," he seethed. "I don't care what you do. Release the image, Trevor!" she shouted. His car sped away, knowing he was too injured to fight her. Katya rushed to my side, panic in her eyes. "No, no, no. I have to get you out of here. You're not safe. They're going to come for you," she pleaded. “Please, you have to follow me." I fought through the pain, mustering the strength, and I followed her as the dark forest engulfed us.
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