
2345 Words
Katya POV I woke up feeling more refreshed than I had in a long time. However, as I realized Falcon wasn't beside me, I couldn't help but miss his presence. I absentmindedly moved my fingers to my lips, reminiscing about the amazing sensation of his kiss. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. In contrast, Trevor's kisses had always left me feeling slightly disgusted. I used to think there was something wrong with me, that I was broken in some way. But with Falcon, it was different. He left me craving more. I had to remind myself that Falcon came here for someone else. Although he told me he liked me, I questioned whether it was truly okay for me to form an attachment with him. What if he ended up leaving? Allowing my feelings to grow for him could potentially destroy me for good. These conflicting emotions left me feeling incredibly confused. Yet, deep down, I had this strange feeling that Falcon wouldn't hurt me. I closed my eyes, replaying the image of him locking eyes with me in my mind. His unrealistically beautiful topaz eyes, which may have been enhanced by contacts. But the more I thought about them, the more the image of the wolf resurfaced in my mind. I had asked the wolf to wait for me. I wondered if it missed me while I was away. The first thing I planned to do was take a walk to the cave and see if it was still there. Reaching for my phone, I noticed a message and voicemail from my job. They had kindly given me the week off, even offering to pay me. I should be grateful, but it also meant a week without tips. A nurse entered my room with discharge paperwork and financial assistance documents. I let out a sigh, knowing that even with assistance and a payment plan, paying off the medical bills would be a living nightmare. Standing up, I made my way to the small bathroom in my room to get dressed. There was a full body mirror, and I couldn't help but look at myself. I felt ugly right now. No wonder Falcon had turned his head. While my whole body wasn't revealed, he had seen some of the bruises on my sides. Thankfully, he hadn't seen my scars. Despite feeling comfortable talking to him, I didn't want him to pity me. I grabbed my purse, finally dressing and feeling ready to leave. As I approached the door, I was startled to find Emily standing there, her presence catching me off guard. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I came by to give you a ride home," she said, her voice breaking the silence. "You didn't have to do that," I replied, my heart still racing from the surprise. "I wanted to," she admitted, a warm smile playing on her lips. "Thanks," I responded, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me. "You do know I see you as a friend, Kat. Don't shy away from asking me if you need help or simply want to hang out sometime," she said, her words reassuring and comforting. "I know, now that I have my own place, I promise I will," I reassured her. "It was smart of you to make me your emergency contact. Your apartment management dropped off a new key to the cafe upon the police officer assigned to your case's request. Your locks have been changed," she explained. "My case... I didn't push charges," I confessed, feeling a mix of emotions. "No, but they can still take these cases on even if you didn't. Fact is, Kat, you were drugged, sweety, and there is a good deal of evidence pointing to Trevor," she explained. "His family is just going to make my life even more difficult," I whispered, my fears weighing heavily on me. "None of your friends will stand by and allow that, Kat. Now let's get you home so you can rest in your own bed. I'm sure the doctors ordered you to do so," she said. "Yup, five days of bed rest," I responded. As we walked out, I could hear the sound of cars passing by and the distant hum of city life. "Are you going to do as told?" she asked. "I want to go for a hike, otherwise, yes," I admitted. "Hike?" she snapped, the sound of her voice cutting through the air. "Walking helps clear my mind," I admitted. "You do know you could have died, Kat. What if Trevor attacks you?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. "I'll be safe. I know it sounds strange, but I have a guardian in the forest, I'm sure of it," I said. "Yeah… I'm not letting you go alone, Kat. I work the night shift, so if you're going for a walk, I'm coming with," Emily insisted. I had a feeling there was no way around it, but that also meant I couldn't go see the wolf. She would most definitely freak out. "Fine. Actually, I had a favor to ask. I know you were helping your brother clean out his old clothing for college. By chance, do you still have any of it? That guy Falcon who visited me, I think he could use it," I admitted, hoping she could help. "You're lucky my trunk is loaded with it. I was going to drop it off today, so have at it," she said. "Thanks," I responded. "I see that smile on your face, Kat. You like this guy, don't you? He is a hottie straight out of a catalog, if I say so myself," she teased, causing me to laugh. "Well, I guess I kinda do like him," I admitted, the words slipping out as we drove towards my building. "So you really want to walk in that forest?" Emily asked. "Yes, but I really am fine alone," I confessed. "Nope," Emily said. "Although I'm not one for the bug-infested forest, I'm coming with." We placed the bag of clothing in my apartment and left again. "I'll make it short then," I said. But before I could take another step, Emily surprised me by grabbing my hand, her touch warm and comforting. "Take as much time as you need," she said, her voice gentle amidst the rustle of leaves. We continued walking, the forest path beneath our feet feeling slightly uneven. "So tell me more about this Falcon guy," Emily prompted. "He put a smile on your face, so I'm interested." "To be honest, I don't know much about him," I confessed. "He is kind, something about him is just calming. He isn't pushy and seems to make an extra effort for me to feel comfortable when he is around. “And he makes your heart race," Emily teased. I opened my mouth to respond but Emily halted me. "Don't deny it, Kat," she said, her voice calm yet insistent. "Even now, your cheeks are flushed as you speak of him. It's clear that he feels something for you too. I saw it in his worried expression at the hospital." I sighed, feeling a mix of confusion and self-doubt. "Yeah, he said he liked me, but I don't understand why. I'm nothing special, and he's way out of my league," I confessed. Emily shook her head, her eyes filled with sincerity. "You don't seem to grasp how hot you are, Kat. And it's not just your appearance; you're a genuinely good person, a rarity these days. Of course, he likes you." Pausing for a moment, I leaned against a nearby tree, contemplating my own insecurities. "Even if he does like me, once he realizes just how broken I am, he'll leave. I asked him to kiss me, and he did. I'm sure he thought I was crazy, but it felt good, really good. But... well..." I trailed off, struggling to voice my fears. "Trevor tried pressuring you into having s*x, Kat. I know there are other guys out there who only think with their d***s and see us as mere objects of pleasure. But not every guy is like that. I understand your fear that Falcon might do the same thing. But trust me, not all guys are like Trevor," Emily reassured me. I sighed, my mind filled with doubts. "Is it wrong for me to want to take things slow? I'm afraid that if I enter into a relationship and get close to someone, I'll be leading them on because I'm not ready. And, well, Trevor and I just broke up. Should I even be thinking about another guy?" "First of all, if a guy truly likes you, he'll wait for you. If he pressures you before you're ready, he's not the right one for you. I have a feeling you're questioning this because Falcon's kiss made you feel things Trevor never did. But again, if he genuinely likes you, he'll wait. And if you like him, Kat, go for it. Don't let the fact that you and Trevor split stop you from finding someone who will treat you right." Emily responded. "Thanks, Emily," I said gratefully. It felt good to have someone to confide in. After some time, we arrived at my place, and she left me alone. I made sure to deadbolt my door and took a nap to stay awake later. As the late night approached, I ordered a pizza for a midnight delivery. I had a coupon, so I was willing to spend the money on delivery. I wanted there to be food here for Falcon. The pizza arrived just on time, its delicious aroma filling the air. I started getting nervous waiting for Falcon, my anticipation growing. Then, as promised, he showed up ringing my bell. I buzzed him in and greeted him at my door. "You really do keep your word," I said, letting him in. "I got pizza and also my co-worker's brother did a huge closet cleanout. There are second-hand clothes in these bags, but I thought maybe you could use them," I said, pointing to the bags of clothing. My words always came out in a rush when I was nervous. "Oh, and um, you can use my shower. There are clean towels in the bathroom," I offered. He stood by my door, looking at me. "I hope you got rest," he said. "I did," I admitted. "I can only stay a few hours, but I also don't want you to lose sleep when you need it," he said. "You can stay longer if you want. I don't mind you taking my couch," I said. He gave me a friendly smile. "I wish I could, but I have to leave before sunset. But I'll always return to you at midnight, as promised," he said, remaining by my door. "Here, I'll get you a plate for food," I said as I walked to my small kitchen. I felt his hand on my shoulder for a moment, his touch quick and surprising. I turned to face him, and I swear his eyes were glowing, causing my breath to catch. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have," he said. "It's just, you have a scar," he explained. "It's okay. It looks bad, I know. Almost everyone points it out when I'm in a tank top, so I'm used to it. I was in a car crash when I was a kid and got injured. That's where I got the scar," I explained. "I'm still sorry. I should not have touched you without asking," he apologized. As I handed him a plate, he thanked me. "I really don't mind, but thanks for the apology. I hope pepperoni is okay," I said as I opened the pizza box, the scent of melted cheese and savory toppings wafting through the room. He looked at the pizza like he had never seen one before. "Don't tell me you've never had pizza," I said in disbelief. "I have not," he admitted. I couldn't help but smile. "You're strange, Falcon, but in a good way. Dig in, it will blow your mind," I said, taking a slice for myself. He followed suit, taking a bite. His lips curved into a small smile. "You're right, this is amazing," he said. "I can't believe you've never had it," I responded. Falcon chuckled, his laughter resonating with a sweet melody that echoed in the room. I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him, captivated by his presence. I desperately needed to regain control of myself before he noticed my infatuation, as I didn't want to appear like a drooling fool. "I grew up in a completely different area than here," he confessed. "So, there are many things I haven't tried." "Small town?" I inquired, trying to keep the conversation flowing. "Exactly," he replied, confirming my suspicion. As a yawn involuntarily escaped my lips, I quickly attempted to stifle it. "You need sleep," he remarked. "Does that mean you'll leave?" I asked, not wanting him to go. Having him here made me feel safe, and the thought of him sleeping outside was unsettling. "I can stay for a few hours, only if that's what you want," he offered, his words bringing a sense of relief. "Stay," I said. "Use my shower and make yourself at home," I insisted, hoping to make him feel comfortable. "You've mentioned the shower twice; maybe I should take the hint. Fine, I'll use the shower. But promise me you'll go to bed. You're still recovering," he requested. "Deal," I agreed, appreciating his caring nature. He made his way towards the bathroom, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness that he was here. Despite having a private room during my time in the orphanage, the idea of being alone in this apartment was daunting for me. Even if he only came at midnight for a few hours, it was the perfect time for me. It was when I felt the most alone, and his presence provided peace.
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