
2007 Words
Katya POV He was hurt, hurt bad and all because of me. The searing pain on his face was evident, his eyes filled with anguish. Yet again, the wolf had saved me. It was always either Falcon or the wolf. I couldn't let them find him. Trevor, injured and vengeful, would surely report him. The wolf was in danger; they would kill him without hesitation. "I don't know what to do. We have to hide, get to the cave," I cried desperately. Panic coursed through my veins. "You have to go deep into it, you can't let them find you." The wolf stumbled, his steps unsteady. He wasn't doing well. I used every ounce of strength to support him, struggling to reach the safety of the cave. But finally, he collapsed by a tree, his body giving in to exhaustion. "No, we can't stop. Please, I can't lose you," I pleaded, my voice trembling. The voices of others now echoed through the woods, growing closer with each passing moment. Fear consumed me as I brushed my hand through his fur, feeling the warmth beneath my fingertips. As I tried to help him, I noticed the glint of metal protruding from his back. Trevor's knife. Hope surged within me as I pulled it out, praying it would somehow alleviate his pain. But in that moment, the impossible happened. The wolf's form began to shift, transforming before my eyes. It happened so fast, and suddenly, I was staring at Falcon. My breath caught in my throat as disbelief washed over me. It had to be a hallucination, a figment of my desperate imagination. Falcon's eyes opened and met mine, a flicker of recognition passing between us. But before I could process what was happening, the world around me plunged into darkness. ___________ I woke up on my soft bed, feeling disoriented. Opening my eyes, I saw Falcon sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. His eyes were closed, and he appeared injured. Confusion washed over me. Was it all just a dream? Whispering to myself, I questioned the reality of the situation. Was it always Falcon and not the wolf I believed him to be? No, the wolf was there, but it transformed into Falcon. How was this possible? I watched as Falcon opened his eyes and met mine. His gaze held a brightness that I couldn't comprehend. "Katya," he said weakly. Doubt lingered within me, causing me to cautiously leave the bed and approach him. Trembling, I demanded him to show me his back. Falcon struggled but managed to remove his shirt and kneel before me. The sight of the stab wound, similar to the one on the wolf, startled me. It was severe. I should have helped him, but instead, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, overwhelmed with fear. I heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching, followed by his voice permeating through the bathroom door. "I know you're afraid. You have every right to be," he said, his voice filled with sorrow. As his words hung in the air, I could sense his desperation to convey the truth. "You're really a wolf, the wolf that has been following me, aren't you?" I managed to utter, my voice trembling with disbelief. "Yes, I am," he confessed, his voice cracking with vulnerability. "But I'm also the man you've been getting to know. I'm both, and I haven't lied about my feelings towards you, Katya." Silence enveloped the dark bathroom, leaving me at a loss for words. A mixture of fear and confusion coursed through my veins, as I contemplated the implications of his revelation. "Please, Katya," he pleaded, his voice muffled by the door. "I need to hear your voice. Please, don't fear me." His words tugged at my heart, making me yearn for the familiarity we once shared. I longed to feel his touch, to feel safe in his presence. But amidst the chaos, a part of me remained unafraid, no matter how absurd the situation seemed. "Katya, I'll tell you everything. I'll answer every question you have. Just speak to me," he implored, his voice filled with sincerity. The darkness seemed to amplify the weight of his confession, causing the room to feel suffocating. I mustered the strength to ask the burning question that lingered in my mind. "Is this why you can only spend a few hours with me?" I inquired, my voice barely above a whisper. "Yes," he responded, and I could sense his frustration as he cursed under his breath. The struggle to find the right words was evident in his voice. "I can only stay like a human from midnight to sunrise right now. Although I fear when I try to explain more, the words won't form," he admitted, and I could feel the honesty in his voice. "What are you?" I asked, my voice trembling. "A werewolf," he responded. "Are you going to hurt me?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. The air felt heavy. "No, Katya," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I would never hurt you. I love you." His words hung in the air, causing my breath to catch, disbelief and hope warring within me. "Love," I whispered. "You're my mate, Katya," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. "I'm gifted with the ability to sense my mate. Our souls are tied together, and you're the only one I will ever want, the only one I will love. I never want harm to come to you." "Soul mate," I repeated, my voice barely a whisper. The weight of his words settled upon me, a profound sense of connection washing over me. "I know you feel it, Katya," he said. "You feel calm when I'm with you, a connection that you don't have with others, even when we first met. You feel drawn to me, and when we kiss, it feels perfect, so much so that it's addicting. Your heart beats faster for me, and the mere thought of anyone else makes you sick. We have a strong bond, Katya. Please tell me you're not going to fear me, that you aren't going to leave me." His voice faltered, and I heard a thump against the wall. "Falcon," I choked out, my worry escalating. Summoning my courage, I unlocked and opened the bathroom door. Falcon was slumped on the floor, his form bathed in moonlight. I knelt down beside him, my hand instinctively reaching out to touch him. His skin was burning hot, radiating an intense heat. "I don't know what to do," I whispered, my voice trembling. "You need help. I'm not a doctor." "I'll heal," he whispered, his voice strained with pain. Slowly, he got up, groaning in discomfort. "This happened because of me. You keep saving me." I spoke. "I'll be fine. I promise. I won't break my word, especially to you." He promised. "Tell me what I can do to help you."I pleaded. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching mine. "You aren't afraid?" he asked, his voice filled with vulnerability. "I am," I admitted. "But I don't want anything to happen to you." He took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "Tell me, Falcon. I'll do whatever it takes. Let me help you, please." I pleaded. A flicker of gratitude flashed in his eyes. "Let me hold you. Being close to our mate helps us heal," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and pain. "Okay," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. "I promise, I'll tell you everything.” he whispered. "I believe you," I admitted, my voice trembling, as I gently guided him to my bed. Slowly, I helped him in my bed and then joined him, feeling his warmth envelop me as he pulled me closer. Despite everything, he felt right. But was he telling me the truth? Did we have some strange connection? Worries filled my mind as I watched over him. "I can't lose you," he mumbled. "Does this really help you?" I whispered. "Yes," he confessed, his voice weak. "The knife was silver, poison to me. Being close to you, touching you, it helps me heal. Our souls are tethered together, granting us this power." Curiosity filled me as I pondered, "So, if I kissed you, it would help you?" He paused, then replied, "Yes." His voice was filled with vulnerability. I turned in his arms. "I don't know what to think," I confessed, my voice trembling. "Part of me still believes I'll wake up from this wild dream." "I'm afraid of you, but I'm not," I continued, my voice shaking. "It's confusing. You've saved me when I needed you, been here for me when I had no one. I can't deny that I like you. But I don't know if I can stay with you." I saw the hurt in his eyes, and it tore at my heart. "I understand," he said softly. "I won't force you to be with me. I'll honor your wishes." "For now, I want you to stay here," I pleaded. "It's not safe for you to leave, and that's because of me. Even if you turn into a wolf at sunrise, stay in my apartment. Tonight, do whatever you need to get better. The thought of you suffering destroys me. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but when I get off, I want you to be here. Show me that it's safe for us to be together, prove it to me, Falcon. I'm not ready to give up on my feelings for you yet. I owe you a chance. Just please, be honest with me. This is all really hard for me." I admitted, my voice filled with uncertainty. "I'll do whatever it takes for you to accept me," he responded. I could hear the sincerity in his tone. "Then show me, show me how being with me heals you," I demanded. "Just make me one promise," he said, his voice strained, as if battling his own inner demons. I could sense the weight of his words hanging in the air. "You will tell me to stop, Katya, if I'm taking something too far. I won't sleep with you, Katya, as you're not ready for that. But if I do something right now that you're not ready for, not comfortable with, you have to tell me," he continued. "I promise I will." I whispered. Falcon's hand grazed my face, his breaths heavy and strained. Fear gripped me, but I desperately hoped that being with me would somehow heal him. His lips softly met mine, the kiss more intimate than ever before. His hand slid to the hem of my shirt, a sensation different from Trevor's past actions. Falcon hesitated, waiting for my objection, before slowly lifting my shirt, exposing my bare skin. His lips trailed along my collarbone, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake and then he held me against him for a good time. "Katya, are you comfortable touching the spot where I was stabbed?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. "Okay," I responded, my hand tentatively moving to his back. I explored, but felt nothing out of the ordinary. "Wait," I whispered, pulling myself up to get a better look. Falcon shifted, allowing me to see that his back was almost completely healed. "Thank you," he whispered, relief evident in his voice. "It really worked," I exclaimed, shocked by the miraculous healing. His arms encircled me once more. "Can I hold you a little longer? I'll do whatever you ask, even if you want me here in wolf form. I won't hide who I am from you," he promised. "And tomorrow, at the stroke of midnight, I'll tell you everything. My time right now is running out." "Yes," I replied, despite the overwhelming craziness of it all. I wanted him, and I was willing to give this a chance. I needed him to talk to me, to show me that we could be together.
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