
2209 Words
Katya POV As I tiptoed into my room, I gently closed the door, ensuring not to make a sound. The click of my small bedside lamp echoed in the silence. A sense of relief washed over me knowing that everyone was asleep. Being the oldest resident here had its perks - a private room and a small bathroom. I had packed my bags earlier, ready to leave in the morning. Opening one of them, I pulled out a soft, comfortable t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts to sleep in. Stepping into the bathroom, I braced myself for the sight of my battered appearance. The flickering light in the bathroom created an eerie atmosphere as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My face was smeared with dried blood, and as I touched my head, I could feel the stickiness of blood in my hair. Bruises were forming on my neck, arms, and legs - a clear testament to the ordeal I had endured. I turned on the shower, wincing as the water hit my wounded head. Blood mingled with the water, cascading down the drain. Quickly, I finished my shower, mindful not to waste too much warm water. Wrapping myself in a towel, I examined my reflection once more. I would have to use some cover-up powder on my neck, but it would be challenging to conceal the fact that I had been attacked. Should I tell them it was Trevor or come up with another excuse? The thought lingered in my mind as I dried myself off and changed into fresh clothes. Returning to my room, I gazed out of the window, my eyes fixed on the dense forest. The image of the mysterious man I encountered earlier refused to leave my thoughts. Perhaps he was merely taking a stroll at night, but it seemed unusual. I had spent countless late nights in these woods and had never seen him before. Initially fearful, I now found myself grateful for his presence. I hoped he had made it home safely, considering the menacing wolf lurking in the woods. Would I ever see him again? Lost in my contemplation, a sudden movement caught my attention near the orphanage. I squinted, focusing my eyes on the spot and caught a glimpse of a large black wolf darting into the forest. My breath hitched in my throat. I had never encountered a wolf so close to the orphanage before, let alone twice in one night. Quickly, I closed my curtains, shutting out the haunting sight. Climbing into my bed, I switched off the lamp and settled in. Part of me wished tomorrow would never arrive, but I knew I had to face reality. At almost nineteen years old, I needed to learn to fend for myself. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, allowing sleep to envelop me, taking me away from the unsettling events of the night. ____________ My alarm clock, sitting on the wooden bedside table, jolted me awake with its loud ringing. The sounds of commotion from the hallway filled my ears as the younger children in the orphanage got up and prepared for breakfast. I stretched my body in my small bed, and then stood up. Today, I had to work, but I planned to drop off my belongings at my apartment first. Suddenly, several sharp knocks on my door startled me. "Yes," I said, my voice muffled through the door. "Trevor is outside to give you a ride," Samantha, one of the younger orphans, spoke. "Thanks, I'm coming," I replied. I carefully pulled my hair back and applied some makeup to conceal the bruises on my face and neck. I had made up my mind to hear Trevor out. After all, we had both been drinking, so it was only fair I think. I grabbed my two bags and glanced one last time at my room. I had wanted to say goodbye to everyone, but in my current state, I decided to sneak out quickly. Luckily, everyone was busy eating, allowing me to slip outside unnoticed. Trevor emerged from his car and loaded my bags into his trunk without saying a word. As I turned my head, I heard a few twigs snap in the forest, but there was nothing to be seen. Trevor opened my door, and I got into his car before he shut it and got in himself. He started the engine and drove for a few minutes before breaking the silence. "Katya," he said, using my full name, which he rarely did. "I'm sorry. I was having fun and I was a bit buzzed, so I acted out of character." He apologized, and then the silence settled again. I guessed that was the best I would get from him. "You almost raped me," I whispered, causing him to slam on the brakes, jerking me forward. "We are in a relationship. It's completely normal for us to sleep together. If you wouldn't keep pushing me away, I wouldn't have been so desperate. Don't you see how much I like you?" he argued. "I'm just not ready. I'm sorry if I'm not 'normal,' but as an orphan, I don't have anyone to fall back on. I don't want to make a mistake and end up pregnant when I can barely support myself," I admitted, my voice tinged with vulnerability. "I've told you before, I'll take care of you. I love you, Kat," he said, his words filled with sincerity. I couldn't bring myself to say it back. The most I could muster was, "And I like you. Please, just be patient with me. Let me move in and settle for a few days, and then we can try." "You mean that?" he asked. "Yes, once I'm settled, I'll be ready to take the next step," I promised. We pulled up to my building, and Trevor helped me out, and carried my bags to my unit. "I have a family affair I have to attend to tonight, but I promise I'll be by tomorrow," he said. "Thanks for the ride," I replied as he left. My work was just a short walk away, so I took my time unpacking and getting into my uniform. As I cracked open the small window in my studio apartment, the fresh air filled the room, mingling with the scent of pine from the nearby forest. I glanced outside and, to my surprise, saw the black wolf standing between two towering trees. It had to be the same one, but how did it find me here? It felt as if it was following me. Shaking my head, I dismissed the thought and when I looked out the window again, it had vanished. Grabbing my key, I stepped out of my apartment, the cool breeze brushing against my skin. I had lost my phone, so I needed to get a new one from the convenience store. Luckily, I used prepaid phones, so it wasn't a significant loss, and I was running out of minutes on the old one anyway. Making a quick stop at the store, conveniently located next to my workplace, I grabbed one and then ran to work where I proceeded to clock in. Emily, the girl I worked with, greeted me but quickly noticed my appearance. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back room. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked, concern etched on her face. "I was attacked," I admitted. "That's obvious, but by who? Please don't tell me it was Trevor. I knew he was no good, Katya," she pleaded. "I-it was a stranger," I lied, my voice betraying my nervousness. "You stammer when you're nervous, Kat. I've worked with you long enough. Why are you lying for him? You don't need him, sweetheart. Don't you ever defend a man who lays his hands on you like that," she implored. "We had both been drinking," I tried to play it off, my words feeble. "That's no excuse. Want me to go to the police with you?" she offered, genuine concern filling her eyes. "No, I'm really okay," I said, attempting to reassure her. But she shook her head, worry evident in her expression. "I'm worried about you, Kat. Look, you're not alone. If you leave him, you have me. Please remember that," she said softly, her voice filled with compassion. I nodded my head, thanking her for her help. As I started my work shift, I calmed. Thankfully, the shift flew by and by 7pm, I found myself walking back into my apartment. Changing into my jogging clothing, I decided to go for a run. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. I wanted to venture into the forest, but I reminded myself not to go too deep, wary of encountering the wolf. Stepping outside, I felt a gentle breeze brush against my skin, carrying with it the refreshing scent of nature. As I ran through the trees, the leaves rustled beneath my feet, creating a soothing rhythm. However, throughout my run, I couldn't shake off the sensation of being watched. Eventually, I cut my run short and headed back to my unit. My stomach grumbled, reminding me of my hunger. I grabbed the bag containing my new phone and a cup of noodles from the convenience store. After preparing the noodles, I settled on my new bed and savored each bite, the flavors warming my senses. Feeling content, I reached into my bag and pulled out a book, immersing myself in its pages, losing track of time. Glancing at my new phone, I noticed a message from Trevor asking me to meet him outside at 12:20am. It was already late, 12:15 am. I quickly slipped on my shoes and walked outside, finding a spot near my building to wait. Not long after, Trevor pulled up in his car, a small bag in his hand. "I'm sorry it's so late, but I wanted to get you something to say sorry," he apologized as he handed me the bag. Opening it, I discovered a box containing a smartwatch. "This is too much," I protested, offering the bag back to him. "Please take it, Kat," he insisted, placing the bag beside me and then getting back into his car. Frustration welled up within me as he drove away. Seeking solace, I made my way to a nearby bench on the property, sitting down and burying my face in my hands. I was overwhelmed with confusion and anger towards him, yet I was paralyzed by fear of leaving him. What was wrong with me? Suddenly, a rustling sound startled me, and I turned my head to gaze into the depths of the forest. There, I saw a man walking towards the forrest. Almost instantly, I recognized him as the man from the previous night. The presence of both the wolf and him was unnerving, as I had never laid eyes on either before. However, an inexplicable force compelled me to rise and chase after him. "Hey, wait," I called out, causing him to turn. Our eyes locked, and I noticed the same eerie glow in his gaze. Strangely enough, I still felt safe talking to him. "Do you live around here?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly. "No, just passing through. I don't live far," he confessed. "I'm glad to see you again. I'm sorry for not trusting you last night and for being rude. Thank you again for walking me home and looking out for me, a stranger. My name is Katya. It's nice to meet you," I introduced myself, extending my hand. He observed me for a moment before reaching out and firmly grasping my hand. His touch was warm, his grip strong and slightly rough. "I'm Falcon. Nice to know your name. But is it safe for you to be out so late like this?" he inquired, genuine concern lacing his words. "No, but I am familiar with these woods," I admitted. "I'm also not tired," I added, hoping to convey my eagerness to spend more time with him. "I didn't mean to pry, but as I walked by, I noticed you with that same man in the woods. Are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with hidden anger. "Yes, we just had a misunderstanding. I'm sorry if it seemed like more. He's my boyfriend," I explained, hoping to alleviate any worries he may have had. "I see," he responded, his voice strained. "Well, Katya, you should head back now," he suggested, resuming his walk. However, I couldn't bear the thought of him leaving so soon. I feared that I might never see him again, and a part of me wanted to know him better, to have him stick around. But I couldn't shake the nervousness that always plagued me when it came to making friends. "L-let me buy you coffee tomorrow as a way to repay your kindness," I stuttered, desperately hoping he would accept. He halted, turning to face me once more. My heart raced as his eyes locked with mine. I couldn't understand why this stranger had such a strong effect on me. What was happening to me?
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