
1728 Words
Falcon POV **Trigger Warning- Talk of suicide** Her boyfriend was a sorry excuse for a man. How could she call him that after what he did to her? I heard her cries for help. Each cry resonated within me, igniting a fire of empathy. I felt her fear, a palpable sensation that wrapped around me like a suffocating shroud. It was as if her terror became my own, consuming me from within. The overwhelming urge to kill him surged through my veins, a raging storm of anger. He dared to touch her, to lay claim to what rightfully belonged to me. The intensity of my fury threatened to shatter my self-control, testing the limits of my restraint. I had to constantly remind myself, and my wolf, that she was unaware of our bond. She knew nothing of our kind, of the connection that tethered us together. She couldn't comprehend how her relationship with him inflicted such pain upon me. The mere thought that she may have already given herself to him before that night only fueled the flames of my anger, intensifying its ferocity. I made a quick decision to leave, hoping she would seek safety indoors for the night. I needed to devise a way to win her over, to make her acknowledge the bond between us. But such a task seemed insurmountable if I allowed my anger to consume me or if I approached her too hastily. It was in my nature to be protective, ingrained within me as a wolf prince. However, this internal struggle presented an immense challenge. I could only maintain this form from midnight until sunrise, though her late-night habits seemed to alleviate my initial concerns. Unexpectedly, she offered to grab coffee with me in the morning, catching me off guard. My wolf stirred with excitement at the prospect. "I can't, but thanks," I replied, attempting to suppress my own disappointment. Yet, her voice carried a faint hint of longing. "Do something, anything. We can't lose her," my wolf insisted urgently. "I work odd hours, usually not free until midnight," I explained, desperately searching for a solution. "Do you like desserts? I work at a cafe. I have the late shift tomorrow, so I'll be off at 11. We could meet here, and I'll bring midnight desserts as a thank you," she suggested, her words laced with hope. "Deal," I agreed. "I'll let you go now," she said, a small smile gracing her face. But my focus remained fixated on the bruises that marred her skin, the marks that refused to heal like mine. I couldn't help but wonder if I possessed the power to mend her wounds with the bond. I longed to be close to her, to ease her pain and erase the scars on her body left by that man. I observed as she hurried back to her building, clutching the small bag her boyfriend had given her. She vanished inside, and I retreated to the forest, transforming into my wolf form. From a distance, I watched her building, waiting patiently. Finally, I caught a glimpse of her at her window, peering out into the night. If only I could tell her what she meant to me without scaring her. Humans were unfamiliar to me, as there were few in my world, and those who were lived as slaves to the vampires. "Our world may be dangerous for our mate, but we are strong. We must show her that we will protect her. The goddess is wise, and if she chose her for us, she is capable of ruling alongside us," my wolf spoke in my mind. Some might reject a bond like this, but I refused to turn my back on my fated one. "We must find ways to see her after midnight, even if only for a moment. I believe she senses us, she just doesn't understand what she's feeling," my wolf explained as her light turned off. "We will, and I will win her heart, as she has already won mine," I reassured him as I sprinted through the forest, keeping a safe distance from her. Suddenly, I heard her soft sobs in my mind. She was crying, and it pained me to know that my mate was suffering, and yet I could only watch for now. Who or what was causing her this anguish? Was it that man, I wondered, as she ran. "It's because she fears being alone. I could sense it when she spoke to us, I could hear it in her voice," my wolf responded. I wondered why she felt this way. Was she abandoned or had her family passed away? In my territory, we had an orphanage where the pack lovingly cared for and raised the pups whose parents had bravely defended our home. But the orphans here seemed to be isolated from the world, left to fend for themselves. The night passed fast, and as the sun rose, I observed the same car from the previous night pulling up once again. My growl rumbled from where I hid, not wanting him anywhere near her. I watched as Katya emerged from her building. I strained to listen, but their words were lost to me. However, her body language spoke volumes - she seemed uneasy in his presence. Soon after, I observed him get into his car and speed away. Meanwhile, Katya began walking towards the forest. Concerned, I kept a watchful eye on her as she ventured deeper. I felt uneasy about her going alone. Maintaining a safe distance, I followed her silently. She walked for quite some time, displaying a familiarity with the forest. Eventually, she reached a towering tree, its age evident in its grandeur. Leaning against it, she began speaking softly, her hand resting upon its bark. "Mom, dad, I don't know what to do," she uttered, her voice filled with sorrow. My wolf, Ash, whimpered within me. "She's speaking to the souls of her parents," he conveyed. I remained hidden, holding back the urge to rush to her side. Emotions surged through Katya's words, her tears flowing freely. "I feel lost, so alone. Since your passing, I've been just existing, going through the motions," she wept. I was struggling not to run to her as we stayed still and hidden, the scent of damp earth and fallen leaves filling the air. The distant sound of chirping birds and rustling trees surrounded us, creating a backdrop of nature's symphony. "Trevor, the guy I told you about," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "he likes me, although I question why sometimes." She continued, her words carrying a mix of fear and vulnerability, "He keeps pushing me to sleep with him when I'm not ready. I feel like I'm broken in some way. Most guys would not stay with a girl that won't 'put out' after this long, but I want to feel in love first. But I don't think I know what that feeling is." Her voice quivered as she shared her pain, "I told him I would take the next step with him soon, since I am scared, Mom and Dad. I'm scared he will leave me, yet he scares me as well. He hurt me and tried to force himself on me. He's been forceful more than once. A huge part of me tells me to break away from him. I know what he is doing is not right, but if I do, I'll have no one." She continued, her voice filled with desperation, "I may have people I work with, and they may claim to be friends, but never once have they spent time with me after work." Tears streamed down her face, and I could feel the weight of her emotions. "I want to be with you again," she confessed, her voice heavy with sorrow. "It's not fair. If it was your time to die, it should have been mine as well. Part of me wants to join you right now. No one would even notice I was gone. No one would be mad at me, Mom and Dad. Would you be upset with me for giving up? Because I have." Her words pierced my heart, and I could no longer hold back. I needed to show her that happiness was still within reach. Stepping out from hiding, the crack of a twig under my foot caused her to turn. Time seemed to stand still as she froze, her eyes filled with anguish. "You again," she whispered, her voice filled with surprise not fear. "You're following me. Are you an angel in disguise or possibly a demon, one who feeds off despair?" The weight of her hopelessness hung heavy in the air. But instead of retreating, she took a step forward and extended her hand, defiance mixed with longing in her gaze. "I don't fear you," she declared. "If you're here to kill me, I won't fight you away. I don't want to be here anymore." Her voice cracked, and she fell to her knees. "Please, I'm begging you. I want to see my mom. I want to see my dad. I don't want to feel alone anymore." As I moved closer I vowed to myself that I would show her that she was not alone, that there was still love and hope to be found. Ash was in full control, his head bowed low as he gently nudged her. A small whimper escaped his lips, and her pain resonated within him. Her desire to escape her life was tearing him apart. With tear-filled eyes, she locked gazes with us, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Why won't you hurt me?" she cried, her trembling hand reaching out to touch my fur. Ash lay down, doing everything he could to reassure her that we meant no harm. To my surprise, she drew closer, wrapping her arms around us, burying her head in my fur as she wept. "Falcon was right, you won't hurt me. Thank you for being here for me when I needed someone. You, wolf, you're my friend now, my only friend since you've followed me," she sobbed. Eventually, exhaustion overcame her, and she fell asleep against me. I remained still, determined to protect her and help her heal from the pain she bore. She was my mate, my destiny, my love.
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