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Katya POV **Trigger Warning Assault** ☆8 hours earlier I grabbed a pair of faded denim shorts, and chose one of the few tops I owned that didn't have any holes. As I ran a brush through my tangled hair, its bristles gently tugging and smoothing, a sudden knock reverberated through my wooden bedroom door. The three loud thuds echoed in the quiet room, causing the door to creak in protest as I placed the brush down and went to answer it. Standing outside was Headmistress Ann, her disheveled red hair a tangled mess, and her shirt stained with an unknown substance. "Looks like you've had a day," I remarked sympathetically, taking in her weary appearance. "It's been long, that's for sure," she replied with a tired sigh. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She single-handedly ran an orphanage with eighteen children, forgotten by the outside world. Yet, she always tried her best to care for each one of us. She had dedicated her life to us, and while I didn't particularly enjoy being here, I respected and appreciated her for all she had done for me. "I know you have a date tonight, Katya, but do you have a moment to talk?" she asked. "I always have time for you. Come in," I said, gesturing for her to enter. As she stepped inside, closing the door behind her, she let out another weary sigh and looked at me with a pained expression. "This is in no way an easy conversation for me," she began, her voice tinged with sadness. "But as you know, your birthday is next month, and you will be nineteen." I already knew where this conversation was heading, so I stopped her before she could continue. "I will miss it here, but I will be ready. I know I must leave. I've already started applying for second jobs, and I've saved up enough from the one I have to afford six months of rent in the city," I reassured her, offering a small smile. "I'm very proud of you, Katya," she said, her voice filled with a mix of pride and sorrow. "I don't like moments like these when I must tell you that your time here is up, and there is no return other than visits. You all are like my very own children." As I walked closer to her, a bittersweet feeling washed over me. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling the warmth of her embrace, and held her tightly, silently conveying my gratitude for all she had done for me. "When my parents died, I remember the drive here. I was only six, I was terrified. Yet, the first night, you came into the bed with me, and I felt safe as you sang a lullaby. Your caring and loving nature has always been comforting, especially when no one else was there for me. Thank you," I said, watching as she wiped a small tear away from her face. "What are your plans with Trevor?" she asked, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "He's actually taking me to sign the lease for my new apartment, and then we're going to grab a small bite to eat to celebrate," I replied, a hint of excitement in my voice. "I'm very excited for you. Be safe, and make sure to tell me all about your night tomorrow. It seems like things are going well with Trevor," she said, her smile warm and encouraging. "Yes, they are," I said, a genuine smile forming on my lips. As she moved to leave, I knew she had a busy schedule ahead. Once I was alone again, I finished getting ready. Trevor, a regular customer at the little cafe where I work, had asked me out after a few visits. We've been dating for almost a year now. However, on our recent dates, he has been a little pushy, wanting to take our relationship to the next level. I knew deep down that I wasn't ready. Once I was ready, I ran out to the front of the orphanage to wait. The sun bathed the surroundings in a warm golden glow. It was not long before Trevor pulled up in his sleek, midnight blue Chevy Camaro. The engine purred softly, filling the air with a low rumble. Trevor stepped out of the car, his cologne mingling with the scent of the forrest. He opened the door for me, his hand warm and inviting as he guided me into the car. With a gentle click, I settled into the plush leather seat. As Trevor slid back behind the wheel, the car roared to life. The smooth acceleration pressed me back into the seat, a rush of excitement coursing through me. "You look nice," he said. I couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks, but I know I don't. I plan on getting better clothing once I settle into another job," I replied. The scenery flashed by outside the car window as we drove. The orphanage, nestled deep in the forest, remained hidden from prying eyes and the busy city. "I made a reservation at a new joint close to the apartment you are renting to celebrate," Trevor announced, his voice tinged with excitement. I gazed out at the passing trees, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. "I can't afford much... Maybe we can go to the cafe," I suggested. "I'm not taking no for an answer, Kat. Let me treat you to dinner tonight. It's a celebration," he insisted. I took a deep breath. "Okay, I guess... But I'll save up to pay for the next date," I agreed. "I promise you will like it," he reassured me as we pulled up to the building where my apartment awaited. "Excited?" he asked. "Nervous," I admitted, my heart fluttering in my chest. Trevor reached for my hand "I don't live far, so we will be spending lots of time together. No need to worry," he said. We walked hand in hand, the cool breeze brushing against our skin, as we entered the small leasing office. The manager greeted us with a warm smile, her voice friendly as she handed me the stack of paperwork. I felt a sense of relief and happiness wash over me as I realized that I was finally being given a chance to start anew. Once I finished signing all the paperwork and handed over my checks, I was handed the keys to my new home. As I stepped inside the furnished apartment, the scent of fresh paint filled my nostrils. The view from my unit was breathtaking, overlooking the serene forest just like the view from my room in the orphanage. It provided a sense of comfort, amidst the unfamiliarity of my new surroundings. Accompanied by Trevor, I walked through the apartment once. However, the moment we were alone, he became insistent on kissing me. Pressed against the wall next to the door, I tried to push him away, but his strength overwhelmed me. Reluctantly, I gave in, feeling guilty for turning him down. It seemed that if I stopped him, he would leave me, and the thought of being alone terrified me. So, I endured it. Finally, he released me, and we spent a little more time together before heading out for a walk before dinner. As we strolled, Trevor talked animatedly about his day and the things he wanted to buy. Eventually, we arrived at a fancy restaurant, and I immediately felt out of place. The finely dressed patrons glanced at me, making me self-conscious. The server led us to a table, and Trevor boldly ordered wine for the both of us. Despite me being underaged, the server didn't seem to care about checking our IDs. Returning with our drinks, Trevor took charge once again and ordered for me. Though I had protested a few times in the past, I had grown accustomed to his controlling nature. When I confided in a coworker about it, she warned me about his behavior. But the fear of losing him kept me from taking any action. So, once again, I went along with it. I tried to act happy and engaged in conversation with Trevor, but the overwhelming feeling of being out of place made it difficult. "You seem down tonight, how about we take a walk through the forest when we're done?" Trevor asked, knowing that I enjoyed that. "Sure," I replied with a forced smile, then excused myself to use the restroom. In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face, seeking a momentary escape. As I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice how effortlessly beautiful the other women in the restaurant appeared, while I felt completely ordinary. What did Trevor see in me? With a sigh, I left the bathroom and returned to the table, where a fresh glass of wine awaited me. "I got you a new drink," Trevor said as I sat down. "Thanks," I replied, taking a large gulp to ease my nerves. Trevor jokingly warned me to take it easy as I placed my glass down. As time passed, the alcohol began to relax me. Trevor ordered another drink for me, and a live band started playing soothing music. A few couples got up and danced, and when Trevor held his hand out to me, I took it without hesitation so we could leave. He guided me outside and drove us to the forest. The night air felt cool against my skin. The sound of owls hooting and crickets chirping filled the air as we got out, creating a serene atmosphere. Night walks like these were always my favorite. After a few minutes, Trevor pushed me against a tree, startling me. His lips met mine with an intensity that I wasn't accustomed to. "Trevor, stop," I muttered, feeling a sense of discomfort. "Come on, Kat, I've been patient with you," he insisted, his hand sliding under my shirt. "STOP," I snapped, pulling away and pushing him off me. In response, he grabbed hold of my arm tightly. "Is this really how you're going to treat me?" he demanded, his grip growing stronger. Panicking, I kicked him and started running, but he quickly caught up to me, causing me to fall. With his weight pinning me to the ground, I felt trapped and helpless. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me, my head spinning from the effects of the alcohol. It was becoming increasingly difficult to defend myself as he forcefully tugged at my shirt, causing it to tear. Desperation consumed me as I cried out for help, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Just as I feared he would have his way with me, a sudden rustle in the bushes followed by a growl startled both him and me. My heart raced as a massive wolf emerged, its presence commanding attention. In that moment, I almost wished I allowed the creature to attack Trevor, to make him pay for what he had done. But my compassion overruled my desire for revenge, and I couldn't bear to see anyone harmed, even him. The events unfolded in a blur, with my memory jumping from tripping and falling to waking up in the arms of a stranger. Panic gripped me tighter than it ever had with Trevor. The location, deep within the woods, heightened my suspicions about this man's intentions. However, as he gently set me down, he made no advances. I had never seen him before, and in the darkness, his features stood out. He towered over me. His well-built physique indicated a dedicated workout routine. But what caught my attention the most were his eyes. They seemed to emit a strange amber glow, resembling the hue of a topaz. As he spoke, his voice flowed smoothly, attempting to convince me that he only wanted to help. But if that were true, wouldn't he have called the police? I reached for my back pocket, only to realize that my phone was missing. Taking a step back from him, I turned to run, but he pleaded, "Don't go. Let me at least walk you to safety." Trembling, I hesitated. If I tried to escape in my current state, he would undoubtedly catch me if he wanted to harm me. I felt trapped, so I reluctantly whispered, "Okay." I admitted that I didn't trust him, but he assured me, "I won't hurt you. I saw that man chasing you, and I just want to make sure he can't harm you any further." In a shaky voice, I mentioned the wolf, expressing my concern. "Yes," he acknowledged. "But a wolf like that won't attack without a reason." Surprisingly, talking to him began to calm me. The journey felt long, but I knew the way. He followed behind me until we reached the clearing by the orphanage. "Thank you for walking with me," I expressed my gratitude. Stepping back from the forest, he advised, "Get inside and stay safe for the night." I hesitated, briefly considering asking for his name. But instead, I ran towards the entrance, entering the pin, and with a click of the door behind me, I leaned against the wall. Tears finally streamed down my face as I realized the weight of my situation. What was I going to do now? How could I face the headmistress? Should I forgive Trevor so I wouldn't be alone? Confusion and a sense of being lost engulfed me.
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