Death Star And Calamity Omens #1

1938 Words
"Nice to meet you, West August." The Ministry of Defense is greeting me. Though he is a ministry of defense yet I don't see anything scary on him at all. He is just looks like a normal high schooler who's cosplaying a general. Is he really joins the military to achieve the rank ?  Arman Philips is a young man with blonde hair like me. His body posture is smaller compared to mine and he is looks like a very young high schooler boy. The smoothest skin, excellent eyes, and innocent smile he had is not reflecting the military personality. And moreover, his expensive clothes is larger than his body which makes him looks more childish. Still, he wears it very tidy. But after that girl showed up and threaten me in the backstage, I don't dare to look down at people and treat them like a child. Even though I do want to do it so badly. "What's wrong, August ?" ask Mr. Arman. "Ah ! I am so sorry. Just a wild thoughts of mine passing by. Don't mind it." I unconsciously stare Mr. Arman too much. It makes me quite embarrassed since it was not a good behavior to act. Moreover, the two who sitting with me right now is the most important person in this kingdom. I must not letting my pride down in front of them. Mr. Arman then raise his hand and calling the waiter in this restaurant. As expected, he is calling over one of them like a kid. "Excuse me mister, can we order ?!" Mr. Arman shout. The waitress come very soon. Vorcus has decide what she want to order. As the waitress arrive in our seat, Vorcus immediately said her order out loud to the waitress. She order the twist tongue menu without getting her lips twisted. It seems like that is her favorite. The waitress nods then she takes our order. I just ordered a carbonated tea and Arman..... he ordered some milk tea and sweet cake. It's not like I judge him or something but as my expectation, he order something I was order when I am younger. After that, the waitress take her leave and preparing our order. "So that was your order, Lady Vorcus. I don't know you love something expensive." said Mr. Arman. "Don't be ridiculous, The King recommend that menu. I just wondering how it taste like." Vorcus answered. It seems their dialogue flows like a normal people. Nothing particular on their choice of words. I thought their conversation would be more complex and formal like a noble. But seems I was wrong, I could join their conversation freely. But then I realize, Vorcus invite me here not just for a chit chat right ? She said that she had an important message to give. I am curious what's that all about but now she's drooling looking at the menu. This rare opportunity must be keep as precious memory. I clap my hand in front of my face and said, "Thanks for the meal." Mr. Arman in front of me grinning. He close his mouth then tell me, "So you are the same. Then we have similarity I guess." "Ah, I guess you're right." "Sorry I am unconscious for a bit. Then, I remember..." Vorcus back to herself, "I am yet to tell you right, August ?" I am glad she's back to herself. And then, she turn the menu pamphlet since it could took her consciousness away again. "The King just want to tell you two that the meeting is delayed due for some reason. It scheduled at seven past thirty p.m." "Well now you know and let's enjoy our stay here for a while, shall we ?" said Mr. Arman to me. Since I don't have any reason to refuse, I gladly join them for killing some time. It such a pleasure for me to join the conversation with an important person in this kingdom. Fortunately, my order and Mr. Arman's come first. Vorcus face seems moody since her is yet to arrive. "Don't be that gloomy, Vorcus. I am sure it'll come soon." I tried to calm her. "Nah August. Soon is just way too far for me." she answered. Now I know, she is desperately hungry. "Is that magic of yours is really depleting that much stamina for one usage ?" "Not really, I just curious how it taste like." "Don't mind it, August. She's just a female hobos when she was hungry." Mr. Arman tease her. "Silence young brat." Mr. Arman laughing pleased. He seems like to bullying Vorcus this way. Since they are have strong connection between, it's very easy for them getting along tighter. I wonder what kind of relationship they had until the things become like these. "Ah..... you are so funny as always, Vorcus. By the way August." Mr. Arman turn his face at me, "What kind of strategy you had to defeat The King ? I am quite curious about it." I know sooner or later that kind of question will come to me. Unfortunately, the one who ask me first is the ministry of defense himself. "It just come across my mind so I don't really think have one before except for my selfish determination." I overwhelmed by his question. "What kind of determination is that and why ?" "Well since everyone is pissed about me to fight The King, I decide to not touch The King even slight. But I underestimate his power so I am in a pinch back then." "Even though you are getting pinched you still achieve your victory ! As expected from the bearer of the hopes like you." "Bearers what ? I am sorry but I didn't know about it yet." "It means that you are going to an adventure for defeating the dark lord." Vorcus join the conversation. "Well that's the simple form. But the dark lord seems too exaggerating. We called him The Calamity Ones." Mr. Arman explain. "Is that true ?" "Of course not. The Calamity Ones has been captured by me due to The Kings order. She is imprisoned in the ultimate prison we had today. No way she could escape from that despair cages." Vorcus argue. "And addition, The Calamity Ones has more tittle than it should be due the terror she gave to this world in the past. None could stand her until The Kings and his army came and this guy arrest her. And yes, your journey will ended by slaying the dark lord." Vorcus heighten. I don't understand what was they are saying. In my village, that name is never been spoken even once. Or people maybe speaking about her when I was not listening or I am gone for a training. But my parents are never worry about me about passing by with her. "That day was the horrible day in my entire life before I met The King. Houses are closed, windows are blackened, no one dare to go out in the night." Vorcus close her eyes. "You should thank me then ! I am the one who brought The King to you." "No thanks I am just gonna eat my supper." fortunately, the waitress come at the right time so she could eat her ordered food. Their topic was very scary. The Calamity Ones they recall seems still carved in their heart even after those days were passed. It seems I missed something. Her voice while eating is very noisy. Even though it wasn't a soup like food, she makes a sound like someone who's eating a soup. It's very disturb me and Mr. Arman right now. She does really like that twist tongued menu. After she's done eating, she makes a pleased sound. Even though she didn't drink a carbonated tea like me nor sweet milk tea like Mr. Arman. We turn down our head and pretend didn't see or heard what was she doing earlier. I suddenly doubt her as The King's right hand. "Yes she is..." Mr. Arman mumble at me like he's know what was I thinking. "Yes she is..." I repeat his mumble. "Ahhhhh... foooo... That was goooodddd....." then, Vorcus turn her head toward us. "Just what was happening to you guys ?" I can't tell her what was happening. I trust Mr. Arman for this but it seems he is in a pinch either. Both of us didn't know what to say after seeing her embarrassing moment. As strong as possible I must not smiled at her even a bit cause it will expose my laugh. But then, Mr. Arman stand up for us. "Actually, your---" I snap his hand and makes him fall to the table. Vorcus might be angry if he continue his phrases further. I do stand up then makes a reasonable excuses. "You forgot your chopstick to eat those veggies." "Oh I don't realize it. Since its makes my mood back I don't care about it." Good thing she doesn't mad. But when I turn my face toward Mr. Arman, he is grinning like his plan were executed perfectly. Don't say I've been fooled all this time just for his child play. As expected from the ministry of defense. "You are a good man, August. But don't let it always clinging to you since it was so dangerous. This is an advice from the ministry of defense or so I would say." Mr. Arman does look so confident with his words. "Don't believe that brat. He just want your attention." said Vorcus with flat tones. "Ah come on, Lady Vorcus. Don't be so mean." It seems I have been defeated by The King unconsciously. As a good adventurer, I'll accept my defeat. Without we realize it, the time flies so fast. My first meeting in this capital soon will occur in thirty minutes. Me and Mr. Arman depart to the palace leaving Vorcus behind. She said that she wants to stay a little bit longer. Well we can't force her if that what she wanted to do. I walk together with Mr. Arman without being stared by random people. This district is a busy district that filled with hard worker employee. The street which filled by suited man and woman while hanging their hand in their ear with some magic device. Seeing this kind of view makes me anxious. Moreover, I feel something strange emitting from Mr. Arman body. He feels like releasing some kind of aura inside him. His smile make me convinced by my feeling. "Mr. Arman ?" I called him. "Ah, am I disturb you ? But can you resist a little bit longer ?" If someone seeing Mr. Arman right now, I am pretty sure that guy won't have a good night tonight. Mr. Arman transforming his body and become a very different person. His oversized clothes fits to his body right now. Maybe this is his reason wearing an oversized expensive clothes. Mr. Arman looks more older and mature than before. His beard grow even a little all over his chin, his muscle grow, and his height suddenly getting taller than me. Now I know why he is appointed as the ministry of defense. His transforming body telling me everything including why his clothes are oversized back then. "Did I scare you ? My bad then." then, Mr. Arman tying his hair. He bite the rubber bracelet while his hand adjusting his hair. The wind blows as he tying his hair and makes it difficult to tie. "The wind is tight right now, aren't they ?" To be continued
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