Death Star and Calamity Omens #2

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In our way to the palace, we are talking about a lot of things and a half of it is the topic that I don't understand. Mr. Arman looks very different in that form. His personality has completely changed as his posture changed. He looks more mature, capable of holding his responsibility, and looks much stronger and even match with the story Vorcus told me before. The guy who arrest The Calamity is beside me. Advice, dreams, and spirit is the thing we always talking about earlier. Our conversation topic is quite useful to live our life. I do like these kind of conversation since we could giving an advice to each other and it's true that Mr. Arman still need an advice in his old days. "I see.... you are skipping the school because your village is covered by that barrier. So you didn't know anything about magic, am I right ?" "Well, if it's some basic skill then I am well knowledge about it." "Then how about the magic itself ? You know, that such kind of powers seems odd aren't it ? How could a human being like us possess magic." From there, we are stepping our feet at the palace red floor. We still continuing our conversation and will take enough until we arrive at our destination. "It seems interesting, can you tell me ?" We arrive at 10th floor hall. "Then we have no choice. According to the scientist in the past, our magic energy is flowing through our blood like a carbon dioxide or oxygen. But the different is, our magic energy never left our body like those two did or the blood either. It keeps flowing through our body and will come out when we want to use it. Our brain system works very hard to calibrate our body exporting what kind of magic we want to use. I think that is the best way to explain it." We arrive at 38th floor hall. As expected, the topic was interesting. But it's quite unbelievable since I don't feel it that way when I use my magic. Something complex must be happening in my body while doing so. At least, after I achieve my goals to become a Chariot Card Holder. The way Green Days magic recovering my wounds back then is beyond my brains. We arrive at 64th floor hall. "If you don't understand then it's alright." Mr. Arman clap my back, "Your reaction is the same as The King after we discuss about it. Maybe, the chosen one like you all has a different world than ours. And including The Calamity One either, she's never seen overheated by using magic all day." We arrive at 65th floor hall. "So she is the same like us." I making sure about it. We arrive at 66th floor hall. "I don't dare to compared all of you but she is the one who I admired after The King." He replied. We finally arrive at meeting room in 67th floor. "Well it seems our conversation end here. Prepared yourself and please don't hesitate to greet everyone." The door into the meeting room is opened by Mr. Arman. There's five people waiting for the meet sitting in their seat. One of them stare at me while looking down at me. One of them didn't care about anything and continue read her books, yet her face are red. The meeting room is silent as I expected. They are busy with their own business. Goodness, now I wonder where's exactly The King. I can't sense The King aura like earlier. It seems he just want to show off that time with his right hands. For now, let's serve them well to gain their respect. +---+---+---+---+ "Will you turn it down, Andria ? He is our guest tonight." said Arman. "What do you think am I about to do now ? I am just greet him with all my love." reply the guy called Andria. "And please, greet our guest, Lin !" "W-what ? W-why do I care. Mind your business like your t-tweeenn ! Wooooaaaahhh.....!" woman called Lin scream to her books. "Ah ! I am Maria, Andria sister and we are not twin. Nice to meet you." greet Maria. "Here take some tea, I treat everyone tonight. Ah yes ! Call me Shibari." said the man called Shibari while passing a cup of tea to August and Arman. August shocked to the sudden conversation. Everyone here is rather cheerful when August came even their feeling quiet disturbed. The ministers who attend is not like what August expect tonight. There is only five ministry who attend and their personality is rather unique.  The minister who has the most disturbed feeling tonight is Andria. He's not feeling well since he heard about the news which inform The King's defeat. For him, The King is the most admired person in his entire life. But hearing that news might be a shock for him. In the other hand, Maria who beside him, looks very calm while her brother in a bad mood. She pretend to be uncaring for her brother's good. But deep in his heart, she's bothered by August appearance and her brother feeling. She grasp the paper tightly. But while the tension is this tight, August raise his voice and introduce himself, "Everyone, my name is West August, The Chariot Card Holder. Nice to meet you and I hope for your assistance." Andria can't hold any longer. He stand up in rage while putting an angry face. But before the situation getting worse, Maria, his sister, hold his arm and pull him down. The eyes who stare Andria is telling him to stop. Because The King is nearby. The banging noises could be heard as The King open the door. The door he using is the different one than the other guest usually use. Unexpectedly, The King bring The Queen beside him to attend the meeting. Everyone stands up to show their honor. "It seems you are the only five who will attend this meeting. Well I am not blaming at you since they are have more important task to do from me." Everyone is bowing to The King including August. He doesn't even want to raise a thumb when he was about to fight The King. But now, everything is different. August has realize what was The King's true intention back then. Now he put a respect to The King and his plans. Looking August bowing at him making The King feels uneasy. "West August, don't ever bow to me like that again. You and I are now the same. You may treat me as your best friend." Andria raise his head then object The Kings decree. He feels that kind of decision could turn The Kings down in front of his people. "I can't let you do that, my King. You are the ruler of this land, how could you carefree to a beings like him !" "Who said you could raise your voice in front of me. Who said you could object my decision. And who do you think you are tonight." The King stare Andria with a paralyzing gaze. Andria's body shivering as he stared by The King. His mouth began trembling and he bowing before him again. "Good boy....." "My deepest apologize, my king." said Arman feel aggrieved. The King continue his walk with The Queen to the throne. The throne is already served for both of them in the first place. They are sit in front of the invited guest and started the meeting by letting all the guest to raise their head and sit as their desire. But then August refuse. He refuse to take a seat then walking to face The King. There's a solemnity in his eyes regarding to his determination. A puzzled thing is wrapping around August brain that could never be untied by himself. One way to solve it is just to ask The King directly. "One thing that I must ask you by myself. Who are you, behind that mask ?" Everyone shocked by August's question. Andria getting pissed after hearing that question but his sister still stop him. Even his sister are clouded by anger right now. Mr. Arman just smiling hearing his question, Lin stopped his reading to see his real face, and Shibari couldn't even react to his sudden question. The King's grinning. Slowly he is laughing until it's getting out of control. He covered his face by his left hand while leaning to the throne. Then he stop after his Queen tap his shoulder with a gentle smile she gave. "Well I am sorry about that. Your question remind me that I am yet to introduce my self properly in our first meeting. Aren't I ?" "Yes you are yet." "Then let's begin." The King stand up and start his introduction, "The name is Rei Thermamu, the current Emperor Card Holder, and ruler of this kingdom. The Queen beside me is my first love at the first sight. I always confirm everyone in their best condition before I asleep. Exterminate the cloud of darkness is my main mission as The Emperor Card Holder. The nightmare who surround me every night is my main enemy. The determination I had must be fulfilled in any way without anyone interfere. For my love, for my people, and for my admired girl out there. Then I awake every morning with the same vision. The vision of Calamity Omens..." To be continued...
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