Arcadian Crusader : Hail To The King

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I stopped for a second in front of the arena door. I feel something odd has been occur while I was gone. It's a time for a break but why there's must be something happen back there. But it seems impossible if someone rampaging the audience in this sky high arena. There's mustn't be a berserker in this arena. Or did the audiences itself make this bad feeling of mine. Then there's no way except to look at it by myself. I open the door, the loud sound of panic audiences suddenly ringing in my ear. They looks very despair according to their whisper. They are asking the same question repeatedly as it like the main topic right now. "The King will be gone..." that's the phrase I could summarize from their whisper. It'll be a big case if that were true. And I don't see The King wherever I search. He must be hiding somewhere around the arena. But for now, it seems the opponents I will fought is increasing. And the crow has been revived and join the battle. Will The King abandon his vow ? He said that this battle will be one on one fight. I doubt this King is the most respectable King all over the world. Will he play dirty to me just for ending my life right here and now ? Curse you if it were true, my King. Not long after, someone threw a bottle drink to my hat. My upper clothing soaked as the bottle crashing my head. I heard their scream. I heard his scream. The feared scream which making my mental goes down. "You bastard ! Don't you dare touching our KING !!" said the man who threw the bottle to me. "Yeah get lost !" "Just admit your lose !" "No one will cheer on you anymore !" "Stupid citizen !" "Don't put despair on us !" "The King is our only hope !" "Don't you dare touch him !" "Give up to The King !" Everyone cheer on him and bullying me instead. Is this the battle that my uncle fight before ? Now I know why he's upset back then. This feeling is the most painful one I've ever feel. Everyone distrust me but I don't know what was happened. Am I really will fight The King ? The audience now keep throwing junk at me. I could only just standing here and turn my head down. Nothing I could do but accepting the truth that I am being distrusted by everyone. Even the king's right hands in front of me couldn't do anything to stop them and they are just looking at me pitiful. Still, I do love this capital even the capital hates me. Their true loyalty to The King is the most beautiful loyalty I've ever seen. But then, they are suddenly stop. The area clouded in silence as they heard four man steps closing to the judge throne. I could raise my head as this bullying has been stopped for awhile. I search for Mr. Benito but I couldn't even find him anywhere. He must be doesn't want to see the same tragedy over and over again. The four guards finally show them self, carrying the royal palanquin. The palanquin quite big for a single human inside. Everyone has a sparkling eyes when the palanquin show off and they are seems enthusiast about it. The kings right hands also seems happy about it. Someone inside the palanquin makes me wonder, who is he or she. But not long after she reveal herself, it is The Queen who's inside the palanquin all along and will replace the responsibility of judge role from The King. And then, everyone cheers as The Queen show herself. She is so beautiful..... I was bewitched by her beauty for a second. "My beloved people ! Please don't make a ruckus in this place. Don't ever you besmirch this royal battle handled by our King. And please, stop looking down at him...." "YES, MY QUEEN !!!" The audience become very loud. I know what makes them like that but it seems they are too enthusiast for her. For once, I feel saved by the royal family. Not just stopping this bullying but retrieve my pride once more. I raise my hat then place it to my chest to slightly bow to The Queen. Yes, I am appreciating her deed. Corvus and Felicia turn their face to me. They are smiling to me as something big gonna be happen. "Well well, August. The time has come." Felicia said. "It's time to meet our true ruler." Vorcus continue. I hold my stance as the fight will start soon. The Queen look at me while put a faith on me. I don't know what are they plotting but it seems their plan soon will occur. I do really hope that I don't get killed and survived in this round. I never felt this tension before. The most painful tension I've ever feel is when the first round of championship which I need to survive in the battleground. Thousand of people aggressively fighting for their glory. But luckily, I have that man in my party. The tense I feel suddenly gone because of his help. "At the time like this, you must be the tricky one to survive..... so let's be a coward shall we ?" I don't understand why's he said that stupid thing in the time like that. But the thing that I sure is that he must be telling me to stay low and win the race. Thanks to him I was able to overcome the first round easily. But why did I forgot about him too ? Suddenly, the crowds become silent. They hear the menacing footsteps from The King and so do I. The Queen remain silent and smiling as her dear coming closer. And The King's right hand is smiling, waiting for their master arrival. An old man come out from the shadow behind the door to the rest area. He is The King, white haired king who's looks like an old man carrying the greatsword on his back. The wrinkles could be seen from his body since he's doesn't wear any upper clothes and armor. Just a crown in his head, The King's cloak, greatsword in his back, and three rings in his fingers. He does look like want to beat me up in this arena. "Let us introduce you to your next opponent." Vorcus announce. "The King who held The Emperor Card, Rei Thermamu." Felicia continue. "All hail to The King !" said both of them together while raising their weapon to the sky. To respect their loyalty, I raise my sword and shout, "Hail to The King !" The audiences roaring, repeating my phrase over and over again. It seems I've been steal someone job to recite it. They are greet The King very enthusiast too until they are forgot about me. Where are does bully when The King is here ? The King stand between his right hands. The Kings right hand bowed and show their respect and loyalty to him. But it seems The King isn't happy about it. He command them to stand and show their face to him. And as The Kings right hand, they are obey his command then stand up. But then suddenly The King grab their neck and lift them very high. It occur very fast and no one ever think about it. The scream could be heard from The King's right hands and makes the audience clouded in fear. The King's right hand scream in pain while holding The Kings hand. Slowly, they are lose their consciousness. The King suddenly gain his youth back and turn his hair black. His wrinkles skin has gone and he looks very young and elegant as The Queen. Then after he gain his youth back, he drop his right hand like they are was nothing. The King's right hand weakened. They don't have any stamina left to stand up or speak. I saw Vorcus hand skins wrinkled, it seems that she has lost her youth. And then they are covered by the white light which will teleport them to the nursery in this arena. I was very angry while looking at what he have done to them. It seems I would go berserk when I fight him in this arena very soon. While the audience remain silent by fear, I do remain silent by anger. Vorcus had a faith to The King yet he do this to her. It seems it was unforgiveable for me. The King look up into the sky. He tried to grab the sunlight by his palm. "This fight will be my last fight against my nightmare. I will put an end to this never ending nightmare." The King then clench his fist to the sun. The black fire surround his body. Burn his skin and make it look like a c***k in his right side chest and face. I couldn't estimate his mighty strength as the girl back then said. His power increasing uncontrollably. It feels the same when I was fighting Vorcus back then but much more stronger. What was happened to this ruler ? He contain the mighty power that I've never imagine before and darker than I was thought. Why does the people put a faith and respect to this man either ? He's looks like very odd. "The time has come for you, Chariot. Surrender or accept your terrible fate in this arena. A black fire of mine will t*****e your pitiful soul." The King pointing his greatsword to me. For now, I won't trembling anymore. I must defeat this monster as soon as possible. "Then I'll gladly accept my fate. To travel the world and vanishing the darkness from this world. Then the green wide world I've been dreaming will take a form." I look down at him even I was shorter than him. "I look up into your dream. But if you don't get pass on me, then abandon your dream. This world is too dark for one who couldn't trespass the darkness." To be continued.....
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