Story By Bagja_william


Happiness is what people need, an ecstasy which nobody want to lose it. Follow me on Twitter : @Bagja_william
Arcadian Crusader
Updated at Sep 5, 2021, 01:00
Long time ago, twenty two person has been elected to hold and bring peace to the world. The chosen person held an enormous power which nobody could possess. The power that could bring the peace to the world or the end to the world. Sadly, one among twenty two person of them must have retired very fast. The one has bequeathed his soul more than the other member do since the one is from human race. The race who had the shortest lifespan of them all. But they never pessimistic about that. They are always stand up and show their worth to the world, again and again. The true figure of heroes we all know. Riding the horse as their true partner as long the journey goes on. Now the descendant of heroes born once more. Fighting the red string of fate to save the world like his ancestors. With the cowboy hat on his head and the horse as his best partner, he put on a journey into the wilderness. The other twenty one person wait for his action. They are waiting patiently on their own chamber. Locked and persevered until the string of fate poke them around. Let’s start the adventure !