(56). A good sister

1606 Words

Candice stays at the hospital for a week. She doesn't talk to anyone when Dad brings her home; not even her mom. She walks past the living room looking like a zombie and heads straight to her bedroom. Staying with Daisy has not been as bad as I imagined. She broke down when she found out what happened to her daughter but she's holding it together. I think she's trying to act strong for my sake. My life is still totally messed up. I spend all my free time with Hazel and I occasionally hang out with the boys at the cafe over lunch. And yeah, Reid is always there for me. He is one of the reasons I'm still sane. I get up from the couch when Candice walks to the staircase. I was watching a soap opera with Daisy but I need to talk to my sister. I can't even imagine what she's feeling rig

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