(57). Happy birthday

3264 Words

I hold my hand over my mouth when bile rises in my throat. I can't be sick. Not right now. I walk blindly down the hall and I bang on dad's bedroom door with all my strength. "Candice?" "Just open the door!" I yell back. A moment later, the door flies open. Dad is pulling a shirt on, and he frowns when he sees my expression. "Are you okay?" "It's Candice." He doesn't wait for an explanation. He sprints towards her room and throws the door open. Daisy appears, looking all confused, and I wrap my arms around her without thinking. I cling to her when she hugs me back. I can't believe this woman. Despite knowing that something is wrong with her daughter, she still finds it in her to comfort me first. "Let's go check on your sister." She whispers before she pulls back. She takes

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